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"There are only 300 Samsara points left, so I have to use them sparingly. Alas, it felt like a lot when I earned them, but who knew I couldn't stop spending them."Shen Qiu joked. High effort brings high returns, so he didn't lose anything.

He also began to think about how to use the remaining 3,000 points. Close combat is a weak point for him now. It's a pity that he used Bajiquan when fighting Kotomine Kirei that day.

Otherwise, he could copy Bajiquan through the power of the Sharingan, but it's no use regretting it now.

"Lord, open the exchange panel for the Mangekyō Sharingan."After thinking for a while, Shen Qiu decided to exchange for the Mangekyō Sharingan first.

"So expensive?"

After seeing the exchange price of the Mangekyo Sharingan, Shen Qiu was slightly stunned, but later he thought it was quite normal. Although there is no obvious difference between strong and weak in the Mangekyo Sharingan, there is still a big difference in priority.

"The exchange price of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi is 1500 points per piece, while the price of Kotoamatsukami and Rinnegan is 2000 points? The most expensive ones are Kamui Eye and Fugaku's Pre-Future Eye, which are as high as 500 points per piece. It's really a headache......."

"Wait, huh?"Just as Shen Qiu was turning the page, his eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that there were such eyes. It was probably opened by an unknown person from the Uchiha family during the Warring States Period. There was no record of this part in the original book.

"【The effect of the Mangekyō Sharingan: Sands of Time is that it can manipulate the time within a radius of 50 meters with me, with a maximum limit of five seconds. In some ways, it is very similar to the inherent time control."

"The price is 1800 points/, the left eye accelerates time, and the right eye reverses time. The reason why the price is low is that it will cause a heavy burden to the user. After repeated use, not only will it cause blindness, but it may even cause sudden death."

However, for Shen Qiu, there is no such burden. As long as his magic power is sufficient, Avalon will continue to heal his body.

Although Avalon cannot replenish pupil power, it doesn't matter to Shen Qiu. Whether it is the Eternal Mangekyo or the later Samsara Eye, the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye, they are all things that must be obtained for him.

Some things cannot be rushed, and must be taken slowly. Although he is quite envious of the humanoid Gundam Susanoo, if he exchanges for a double Mangekyo, he will be in a very embarrassing situation.

"Exchange for the right eye of the Mangekyō Sharingan: Sands of Time!"

"The exchange was successful, 1800 reincarnation points were deducted, and the remaining amount was 1200." With a sharp pain in my right eye, when I opened my right eye again, I saw that the three magatama had merged into a triangular windmill and slowly turned.

"Huh, is this the Mangekyō Sharingan? It feels really different."

The power of the Mangekyō Sharingan is not only reflected in the powerful eye technique it possesses, but also in the insight and powerful aura that surpasses the ordinary Magatama Sharingan. In addition, for the tailed beasts, the Mangekyō is a natural nemesis.

Obito used a Kamui Mangekyō to control the Nine-Tails to destroy Konoha, which shows how strong the restraint of the Mangekyō is for the tailed beasts.

Now I still lack a handy weapon. After all, the black wakizashi I exchanged from the Lord God was only worth 100 points. The power was really limited, the strength was also quite good, and it was really not very convenient.

However, when Shen Qiu opened the equipment exchange interface, he frowned. It turned out that many of the weapons in it were in a gray state, indicating that they could not be exchanged.

Combined with his own financial situation, there are even fewer weapons suitable for him.

"The data loss of the equipment part is particularly serious, but you can use the synthesis method to forge the weapon you want."

Just when Shen Qiu was still worried, the soft voice of the big egg sounded in his ears, yes, if there is no weapon that is convenient for you, why not forge one? Although this big egg is not as omnipotent as before, it should be quite powerful.

At this time, Shen Qiu fell into a calm thinking

"As for weapons, a katana of the right size should be the most suitable. On the other hand, the material must be strong, but it can't be just an ordinary weapon. After all, I have to face people or monsters with special abilities."

After thinking for a long time with this idea, Shen Qiu finally made up his mind.

"Lord God, I want to exchange four kilograms of adamantium and three kilograms of chakra conducting metal to forge me a 1.5-meter-long sword. Can you also integrate my magic costume into it?"

Adamantium is the hardest metal on earth in the Marvel world, which is a combination of extraterrestrial metal and vibranium. Even under the condition of 500,000, there will be no signs of melting. Such solidity makes him not worry about breaking. At the same time, the price is also extremely expensive. The price of one kilogram is 150 bonus points, and four kilograms is 600 bonus points.

The existence of chakra-conducting metal makes it more than just a weapon for mortals. When his magic power is infused into it, this weapon will have powerful power.

In terms of price, it is slightly cheaper than adamantium, 100 points per kilogram.

Finally, there is the magic gift. To be honest, the quality of this magic gift is average, only C+ level. On the other hand, it is a bit tasteless for me now. It is actually okay to use it as a newcomer's enlightenment.

Wearing it on myself all the time is not very meaningful. If it can be built into a weapon, it may produce unexpected effects.

"Successful integration...Start building...Completed......"While Shen Qiu was still thinking, a white light flashed in the air, and a silver-blue sword took shape and slowly fell into his hand.

The main body of the sword was the bright silver color of adamantium alloy, one-third of the blade had a turquoise wave pattern, and the handle was the black color of chakra metal.


After Shen Qiu grasped the blade and infused his magic power into it, the sword spirit of the sword was instantly covered by a strange purple light, and the magic enchantment was completed very easily.

"Not bad. When I hold the hilt of the sword, I can feel the magic power in my body slowly recovering. This should be the effect of the magic suit.

Shen Qiu raised the sword and gathered his magic power and slashed it twice in the distance. Two crescent-shaped water blades about 0.5 meters long poured out from the blade of the sword.

"This power is probably already B-, it's better than nothing."After throwing the sword into the reincarnation space, Shen Qiu took a deep breath.

"Finally, we have reached the last and most important part."

Shen Qiu looked at the data on the exchange panel with a burning gaze.

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