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"Everyone, retreat, quickly evacuate the canyon, and do not encounter a water tornado, otherwise you will surely die!"

"Retreat! The army will immediately retreat one thousand meters! Quick! Hurry up!"

After the hard vortex water blade devoured hundreds of Mist Ninjas, they finally realized that no defensive skills could withstand this move, and everyone retreated like a stray dog! The

Konoha Ninjas, who were already on the verge of collapse, were actually a little dazed after seeing this scene.


No, it cannot be said to be victory, it can only be said that they succeeded temporarily, but just succeeded in holding on, which made all the Konoha Ninjas couldn't help but shout loudly!

At this time, all of them looked at Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu's face was extremely handsome, coupled with his unique temperament and his expression of"winning in his hands", almost everyone was shocked at this moment.

Such a powerful ninjutsu was actually performed by such a young man?

"It's really amazing. After only a few months, his strength has become so strong?"

Shiranui Xuanfeng looked at Shen Qiu who was indifferent in front of him and couldn't help but admire him. Even Kato Dan had to admit that this young boy had grown to the point they looked up to.

"I know him, his name is Uchiha Qiu!"

At the same time, no one knew who spoke first, causing all the Konoha ninjas present to remember this name, and Shen Qiu's journey to fame in the ninja world also truly began at this time!

"Uchiha Qiu! Uchiha Qiu! Uchiha Qiu!"

At first only two or three people started shouting, then dozens of people, and then hundreds of people, all of them shouted together, and Shen Qiu's name resounded throughout the Asami Gorge!

"Uchiha......Qiu, it's him? What a joke!"

One kilometer away in the Kirigakure camp, Yagura Gojibana in the meeting tent was shocked and angry when he heard the name of Uchiha Qiu. At the same time, his heart was bleeding.

The sound coming from the Asami Canyon was very loud. Even a kilometer away, Yagura Gojibana could hear this huge sound, as if it was a huge mockery of them.

Obviously, victory was already in front of them, but......Just one step away, just one step away, he can break through the Asami Gorge and make a great contribution! When he thought of this, Yagura couldn't help but feel furious. He had smashed several cups in the tent.

After venting his anger crazily, Yagura wanted to calm his mind a little. He had naturally heard of the name of Uchiha Aki. After all, the connection between Kirigakure and Konoha can be said to be caused by him. He killed Chiba Chiba, who was also his shadow guard, and refused to return Fang's ninja sword. If it was him, then it would not be surprising that he could use such a powerful water escape ninjutsu.

Yagura himself knew how strong Chiba Chiba was. Not only did he have the double swords, but he also mastered the water transformation secrets of the Chiba clan and many profound ninjutsu.

Although later reports showed that Chiba had not only used forbidden techniques several times, and consumed a large amount of chakra to use extremely realistic water clones to distract Hatake Sakumo's attention, but also that Chiba himself was at the end of his strength.

But even so, Chiba, who had already stepped into the Kage level like himself, could not lose to a Genin. At the same time, evidence from many parties showed that the opponent's true strength was very likely an elite Jonin, or even Kage.

The so-called Genin was just a disguise given to him by Konoha to protect him as a"genius".

Shen Qiu was very innocent. It was estimated that none of the fancy analyses of Kirigakure were correct, and his true strength was..........

Who knows?

Just as Kuju Yakura was thinking about it, the obese Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost came in with a thick stack of documents. These documents had to be signed by Kuju Yakura before they could be valid.

"This is?"

"Please sign the list of soldiers who died tonight. Only after your confirmation will the pension be issued."

After hearing what Xiguashan Puffer Ghost said, Goji Yagura sighed, and then took the thick stack of white documents. The more he read, the more frightened he became, and the more he signed, the more irritated he became.

""Damn Uchiha Aki!"

A rough estimate shows that Kirigakure lost about 1,800 soldiers today, 1,000 of whom died in the clash with the Konoha garrison. Konoha's casualties were not much better.

But the death of these 800 people was such a loss! Thinking of this, Goji Yagura felt his heart bleeding. One ninjutsu, one ninjutsu took away the lives of 800 Kirigakure soldiers!

Among them, the Ice Release Class of the Mizunotsuki clan was completely wiped out, which made him grit his teeth. You know, the surname of the Third Mizukage is Mizunotsuki. How can he explain this to the Mizukage?

""Uchiha Qiu!!!"

Unlike the dead silence of the Kirigakure camp, the firelight flickered in the Asami Canyon, and all the Konoha ninjas were talking and laughing, as if the brutal battle they experienced during the day did not exist at all.

Not only did Shen Qiu defeat Kirigakure with a single ninjutsu, but two thousand people led by Shen Qiu also arrived an hour later. However, this wave of reinforcements actually only made up for the casualties during the day.

The casualties of Konoha were more than 1,500 people, which means that in this tragic battle during the day, less than a quarter of the 2,000 Konoha garrison survived.

From the perspective of casualties, Konoha was actually not much better than Kirigakure.

"Send out all the ninjas who can use fire escape and earth escape to burn or bury the bodies in the Asami Gorge. It is already spring, and if the bodies are left there, there may be a plague."

Shen Qiu opened his Sharingan and looked at the Kirigakure camp not far away. To be honest, he really wanted to attack the Kirigakure camp while their morale was low, but the most important thing for the army after a long journey was to rest.

Therefore, he could only temporarily suppress this idea.


The speaker was a Konoha jonin, but he was very respectful when facing Shen Qiu. In the ninja world, strength is the absolute basis for measuring everything.

After receiving the order, the jonin quickly mobilized the ninjas who still had energy, while Shen Qiu was thinking about other things.

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen....Are you all here?"

PS:Flowers, please order, please subscribe automatically QAQ_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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