"It's all your fault. Now someone has seen us!" Lou Xiao'e kept beating Wang Aiguo and said.

Lou Xiao'e turned over angrily when she saw Wang Aiguo had no more words to say.

Wang Aiguo was now in a state of uncertainty.

"Xu Damao, I'll fuck your grandma!"

Wang Aiguo heard Sha Zhu's furious shouting in the house. Wang Aiguo was thinking about how to get out of it, so he pulled Lou Xiao'e to stand at the door and watch the fun.

Wang Aiguo pulled Yu Li next to him and asked, "Yu Li, do you know why Sha Zhu and Xu Damao had a fight?"

Yu Li saw that everyone in the yard was paying attention to Sha Zhu, and quietly squeezed to Wang Aiguo's side.

"Didn't Sha Zhu go to buy a bicycle with his sister? When he came back, he happened to meet Xu Damao who came back from the countryside."

"You know Xu Damao's nagging. He insisted that Sha Zhu's ticket was stolen. Let him produce proof to prove his innocence or call the police."

Wang Aiguo saw Xu Damao being beaten by Sha Zhu, and he wondered how Xu Damao could not learn his lesson.

Until the three uncles felt that the excitement was enough, they asked people to pull Sha Zhu away.

"Sha Zhu, look at what you have done to Xu Damao. You must apologize to Xu Damao, otherwise no one in the courtyard will forgive you!"

Sha Zhu had long been accustomed to the uncles' rhetoric. He would only pay some medical expenses for beating Xu Damao, which was why Sha Zhu often beat Xu Damao to vent his anger.

When everyone dispersed, Wang Aiguo shook his head at Xu Damao lying on the ground with no one to take care of him, and he took Lou Xiao'e back home.

Early morning

Yi Zhonghai didn't know if he got tired from playing games with an old lady yesterday and got up late.

"Aiguo, let's go quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

On the way, Wang Aiguo bought ten big buns and ran in without even saying hello to the guard.

Others who were about to be late followed suit, but the guard didn't give them face.

"All of you who are late should sign your names here before entering!"

Wang Aiguo and Yi Zhonghai were eating buns in the workshop. Liu Lan came to the workshop and found Wang Aiguo and said that Li Huaide wanted to find him.

Wang Aiguo frowned, thinking why Li Huaide was so troublesome!

After arriving at the director's office, Wang Aiguo sat at Li Huaide's desk.

"Aiguo, you are here. I want to find you to thank you for your help yesterday. At noon, I will ask the kitchen to cook a small stove and we can have a drink."

Wang Aiguo didn't refuse when he heard that it was a meal instead of going out to work again. After all, who would want to eat bran when there is something delicious!

At noon

Wang Aiguo came to the reception room and saw Xu Damao flattering Li Huaide.

"Aiguo, you came at the right time. I won't introduce you in detail about Xu Damao's hospital. After dinner, let Xu Damao show us a movie. This is a very rare movie!"

After that, Li Huaide winked at Wang Aiguo, showing an expression that you know what he is doing.

Xu Damao saw that Li Huaide and Wang Aiguo were talking back and forth, and he became a tool. If he wanted to make progress, he had to find an opportunity to perform well and let others see his uniqueness.

"Director Li is not happy drinking like this. Let's change the way of drinking. Seeing that Director Li is so happy, from now on, as long as you drink one cup, I will drink three cups, and if you drink two cups, I will drink five cups!"

It was the first time that Li Huaide heard this way of drinking.

"Okay, Xu Damao, then I'll see how much you can drink. If you can make me drunk, I'll take you with me to a drinking party in the future. Whether you can improve by then depends on how you perform!"

Wang Aiguo watched the two people drink one cup after another like drinking cold water. Although Xu Damao is thin, he does have a certain capacity. Xu Damao's tongue was numb after drinking three bottles of white wine.

Looking at the two drunk people, Wang Aiguo didn't care about them. He took out the lunch box and put all the untouched meat on the table together. Seeing that there were still a lot of scattered dishes left, Wang Aiguo was too lazy to do it.

"There are still some leftovers in Liu Lan's room. If you don't mind, just put them away. The two of them will definitely not want them. It will be a waste if you don't take them."

Yi Zhonghai looked at Wang Aiguo coming back with two large lunch boxes and moved closer.

"Aiguo, Director Li didn't ask you to do anything difficult, right? If he embarrasses you, just tell me and I'll help you!"

Wang Aiguo took out a lunch box and stuffed it into Yi Zhonghai's hand.

"Uncle, you think too much. We just had a meal together. I packed up the dishes without touching them. You and Auntie can add some dishes tonight!"

Yi Zhonghai poured a glass of water for Wang Aiguo and returned to the operating table to continue working.

As for Wang Aiguo, no one cared about him. Except for very special occasions, Wang Aiguo rarely took action now.

Wang Aiguo waited until the water was cold and drank it all. He ran away as soon as he got off work.

When he returned to the courtyard, he saw blood all over the ground at the door.Wang Aiguo hurried home and found Lou Xiao'e sleeping in the house, and he was relieved.

Lou Xiao'e heard the sound of the door opening and saw that it was Wang Aiguo. She yawned and said, "Aiguo, you are back. When you were not in the courtyard, something happened in the courtyard. Jia Zhangshi took Jia Dongxu out to bask in the sun. When they just pushed to the door, a wild dog ran into the courtyard and bit Jia Dongxu!"

"Jia Zhangshi came back in the afternoon. I heard from people in the courtyard that Jia Dongxu had been bitten to death. The body is still in the hospital!"

Wang Aiguo was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Jia Dongxu would die like this.

"This Jia Dongxu is too unlucky. He died after just one trip today. Maybe this is his fate!"

After everyone got off work, Jia Zhangshi found Yi Zhonghai and asked a few people to bring Jia Dongxu back from the hospital.

When Jia Dongxu was carried back, everyone was shocked by Jia Dongxu's appearance.

At this time, there was no good flesh on Jia Dongxu's face. Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu lay on Jia Dongxu's body and cried loudly.

Everyone saw that this was not going to work, so they asked Yi Zhonghai to quickly persuade Jia Zhangshi to cremate Jia Dongxu.

"Jia Zhangshi, the dead cannot be resurrected. Go and cremate Jia Dongxu before it gets dark, otherwise it will be bad for everyone to keep him in the yard!"

Jia Zhangshi pinched Qin Huairu quietly without saying a word, and Qin Huairu's scream scared everyone.

Qin Huairu looked at everyone and said, "Dear neighbors, it's not that we don't want to cremate the body, but we really don't have money at home. The compensation from the factory was used to buy medicine for Dongxu. Can you help our Jia family? I will pay it back slowly when I get my salary in the future!"

When everyone heard that this was forcing them to pay, Jia Zhangshi saw that someone heard that they were asking for money and wanted to leave, so she hurriedly stood up and ran to the three uncles.

"If you have money, please help our family. We will repay you in the future. We will hold a funeral banquet tomorrow. Everyone come!"

Wang Aiguo turned around and left when he heard Jia Zhangshi talking about the funeral.

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