"It will be ready soon. I will serve it right away!"

After a while, the three of them sat at the dining table. Wang Aiguo was peeling eggs for Lou Xiaoling. He did not expect that Lou Xiaoling would not be honest while eating and would actually do something under the table.

Wang Aiguo was surprised to see Lou Xiaoling calm and composed. This Lou Xiaoling must have practiced yoga. Her flexibility was too good. She did not seem to be tired even when one leg was stretched to her own leg.

Looking at Lou Xiaoling who was getting more and more excessive, Wang Aiguo reached under the table while drinking porridge and grabbed her restless feet. He clamped them with his legs and found the Yongquan acupoint and pressed hard with his hands.

Lou Xiaoling did not expect Wang Aiguo to dare to do this. She was shocked and finally pulled her feet out with force for fear that Lou Xiaoe would notice something unusual. Before leaving, she tapped Wang Aiguo a few times.

The meal was finished in an unusual situation. After the two left, Wang Aiguo became more and more angry. When the fire was lit, he found that there was no firewood. This was really life-threatening.

Wang Aiguo went out and washed his face with cold water. The heat in his heart immediately calmed down after the cold water. He shook the water off his hands twice and looked back habitually.

Sure enough, Yu Li heard the noise and slipped out again. Now most people went to work. Except for Wang Aiguo, who had taken a wedding holiday, there were only a few aunts and a deaf old lady in the courtyard.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Yu Li said, "Wang Aiguo, your wife has gone back. Do you have nothing to do now? Please help me take me home. I will be back soon!"

Just when Wang Aiguo was about to refuse, the three aunts ran out.

"Wang Aiguo, please help. Yu Li has something important to do this time!"

Now Wang Aiguo couldn't refuse anymore. After returning home, Wang Aiguo was pushing his bicycle to go out. When he turned around, he didn't find Yu Li following him. Just when he was curious about where she was going, he felt a hand moving on his waist. He turned back and saw that she was already sitting on the back seat.

After leaving the courtyard, Yu Li hurriedly reached into Wang Aiguo's clothes along the bumpy road.

Wang Aiguo thought Yu Li would take it out consciously, but he didn't expect that this guy was addicted to touching it. Wang Aiguo suddenly stopped the car, and Yu Li's hand froze.

"You should show me the way. If you don't tell me where your home is, how can I take you there!"

After a long journey, Yu Li was finally sent home. After waiting for less than a cigarette, Wang Aiguo heard curses from Yu Li's house.

"I didn't expect this damn Yan family to be so shameless. I regretted marrying you to the Yan family. When you just got married, you borrowed from our family several times and didn't pay it back. Now you are even asking for food from our family!"

Hearing the curses in the house, Wang Aiguo also understood that Yu Li was brought back by the Yan family to ask for food. No wonder they were angry. No one's life is easy these days. No one can stand your continuous borrowing from anyone. The main thing is that you are a freeloader!

Yu Li ran out of the house crying, sat on Wang Aiguo's car and urged Wang Aiguo to leave quickly. She didn't want to stay at all.

After the two left, Yu Li said, "Aiguo, can you take me to the river to relax? I don't want to go back to the courtyard now. I suddenly feel tired of living!"

Wang Aiguo thought that he had nothing to do, so he accompanied Yu Li to the river to have a look. It happened that he hadn't fished for a long time.

Wang Aiguo bought a set of fishing gear and took Yu Li to a hidden water bubble under Yu Li's guidance.

"Yu Li, how did you know there was a small river here? There is no one here. It can't be a secret base for you and Yan Jiecheng to date. I didn't expect you two to be so wild!"

Yu Li pinched Wang Aiguo several times with red feet. Just when the two were chasing each other, Wang Aiguo's fishing rod responded.

Wang Aiguo watched the fishing rod being dragged into the water, and he jumped into the water to pull it back. He was so happy to feel the pulling force on his hand that he was overjoyed. After a while, a grass carp weighing more than ten pounds was pulled up.

It was the first time that Yu Li saw such a big fish, and she hurried over to touch it.

Wang Aiguo looked at his soaked clothes. It was already October and the weather was cold, so he quickly started a fire, took off his clothes, wrung them out, and put them in the distance to roast.

After Yu Li saw Wang Aiguo take off his clothes, she stared at him straight in the eyes. This was different from the piece of meat that Yan Jiecheng had, which was really attractive with its sharp edges.

Gradually, Wang Aiguo found that something was wrong with Yu Li. Why was her breathing getting heavier, as if she was going to get high? He didn't know if Yu Li would give in if he jumped on her.

By the time his clothes and pants were dried, Wang Aiguo had caught several fish, and they were not small. The smallest one weighed three pounds. If Yan Bugui knew about this harvest, he wondered if he would be able to stop him.Sleep well, it's interesting to think about it.

Wang Aiguo looked at the time and felt that it was about time. After sending Yu Li back, he should also go to pick up Lou Xiao'e.

Yu Li sighed in disappointment when she heard that Wang Aiguo was going to send her back to the courtyard. Wang Aiguo pushed the bicycle over and was thinking about letting Yu Li get on the bike, but unexpectedly Yu Li suddenly hugged her from behind.

When he felt that Yu Li was getting stronger and stronger, Wang Aiguo turned around and said, "Yu Li, what's wrong with you? You don't want to be a couple with me here, do you? You need to calm down!"

Yu Li looked at Wang Aiguo with contempt and thought, you said let me calm down, then what are you doing with your hands, what do you mean by holding me and not letting go.

Just when the two were immersed in their own worlds, Wang Aiguo suddenly pushed Yu Li away.

Then when Yu Li was puzzled, she heard a horn sound not far away.

Then a jeep stopped not far away, and an old man with two followers walked towards Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo didn't want to have any contact with these people. Although this person was not simple at first glance, he would have to deal with this group of not simple people in a few years, so he didn't want to be involved.

He was rich and well-connected now, so he didn't need to flatter some people to change his fate. Even if you worked like a cow or a horse for them, they wouldn't appreciate your kindness. In their eyes, you were not even a cannon fodder.

Why would they help you when you really had trouble? Just because you went fishing with him and had two meals, would they give up their bottom line and help you even at the risk of their lives? Even a fool wouldn't do that!

After Wang Aiguo and Yu Li left, the old man stopped and looked at Wang Aiguo's back with a bunch of fish, feeling itchy.

"Xiao Wang, take out my fishing rod quickly. I feel like I'm going to explode today."

On the way back to the courtyard, perhaps because the two had an inexplicable connection, Yu Li sat in the back of the car and hugged Wang Aiguo naturally, just like Wang Aiguo's wife.

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