However, Yi Zhonghai’s good play did not have any effect on Zhou Wenbing.

Because there is no need to talk about morality with these beasts.

“What does it have to do with me that you can’t eat?”

“Do you want to eat and go fishing by yourself?”

“Why didn’t I see you guys when I was starving to death?”

Zhou Wenbing said disdainfully.

Just these beasts still want to eat their own hard-earned fish?

Eating fart is about the same.

“You’re a dog, can you eat so much fish alone?”

“Eating alone is not afraid of rotten stomachs?”

Jia Zhang cursed viciously.

Looking at the large bucket of fish in Zhou Wenbing’s hand, Jia Zhang’s eyes lit up.

I was very curious, how could this beast catch so many fish?

“If I can’t finish eating, I will feed the dog, and I won’t feed you!”

“Want to eat the fish I caught, old godly mother, do you deserve it?”

Zhou Wenbing scolded.

This can make Jia Zhang’s anger not light.

They don’t deserve it, just Wu Lame deserves?

“Zhou Wenbing, how did you talk to Lady Zhang?”

“How can you say that Mrs. Zhang is also your elder, you don’t know how to respect the old and love the young?”

“So many people in the compound are living with tightened belts, but you fish and meat every day, regardless of the people you have a conscience?”

The silly pillar aimed at Zhou Wenbingdao.

He can’t see Zhou Wenbing well now.

“Yo, I didn’t see that you are still a great benevolent person!”

“Why didn’t you think about this guy when you stole the public grain?”

“Tell me your conscience now?”

Zhou Wenbing said disdainfully.


Silly Zhu was speechless by Zhou Wenbing.

He was caught stealing public grain and punished for cleaning the hut, which was a great shame.

“Grandma, I want to eat fish!”

The stick terrier looked at the fish in Zhou Wenbing’s hand, and suddenly blinked and said.

With the precedent of failing to steal Zhou Wenbing’s things twice before, the stick terrier has now learned a lot.

Don’t dare to blindly go to Zhou Wenbing’s house to steal something.

I could only look at the fish in Zhou Wenbing’s barrel.

“Look at you as a beast, what have you eaten my grandson into?”

“If you don’t give me a fish today, you won’t want to eat it!”

Jia Zhang said viciously.

It seems that he wants to break the net with Zhou Wenbing.

“Zhou Wenbing, you are a beast, you compensate for my fish-”

Just when Zhou Wenbing was about to anger Jia Zhang.

I saw Yan Bugui walking back in the distance covered in mud and full of smell.

The only three small fish in the bucket were also missing.

“Old Yan, how did you do this?”

Yi Zhonghai widened his eyes and asked curiously.

I saw Yan Bugui muddy, dirty water all over, smelly.

Even the spectacle lenses were shattered.

Those who didn’t know thought he had been robbed.

“It’s all Zhou Wenbing, this dog thing, he has to fish in front of me when I fish!”

“As a result, I didn’t catch a few fish, and he fell into the river angrily! Broken lenses! ”

“When I came back, I couldn’t see the road clearly and fell into the pumping ditch! The fish also fell”

“This dog thing, it’s not a human, you compensate me for the fish!”

Yan Bugui said angrily.

This made Zhou Wenbing laugh.

This Yan Bugui seems to be really unlucky.

When I came back, I actually fell into the smelly gutter?

“Third Master, you can’t catch a fish and care about me?”

“Qingping River is your family’s? Only you are allowed to fish? ”

Zhou Wenbing scolded.

Still want to compensate for his fish yourself?

You can’t dream of doing such a good thing!

“If you hadn’t made trouble, how could I not have caught it?”

“You are a dog thing, if you don’t pay for it, I won’t finish with you!”

Yan Bugui scolded.

While talking and tickling, the body is uncomfortable.

Not far away, Uncle Wu saw so many neighbors targeting Zhou Wenbing, and immediately slowly walked over with a fish basin.

Although he was treated by Zhou Wenbing’s needles, Uncle Wu’s leg still did not heal.

Although I can walk a little, it is still a little difficult.

“Third Master, I will compensate you for the fish that Wen Bing gave me!”

“Everyone is in the same compound, so don’t embarrass the soldiers!”

Uncle Wu said good things for Zhou Wenbing.

I plan to give Zhou Wenbing his two big fish to Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui saw that the fish in Uncle Wu’s hand was so big.

It is estimated that one has five or six pounds, and suddenly the corners of his mouth smiled.

“That’s pretty much it!”

Saying that, Yan Bugui planned to take the fish in Uncle Wu’s basin.

However, it was blocked by Zhou Wenbing.

“Uncle Wu, these beasts are not qualified to eat the fish I caught, you go back first!”

Zhou Wenbing knew that Uncle Wu was for his own good.

I want to help him out.

But once they give in to these beasts, they will have to make an inch in the future.

Let these beasts hit the wall a few more times, and next time they will naturally learn to behave.

There will be nothing to trouble him.

Sometimes taking a step back doesn’t have to be the sea and sky.

It’s about getting worse.

“Third Master, if you really want to eat fish, wait at my door, and when I have eaten, I will reward you!”

Zhou Wenbing mocked.

“You’re a dog thing, what do you say? Are you sure you can’t be a dog? ”

“If you don’t compensate me for the fish, I’m not done with you!”

Yan Bugui scolded angrily.

“That’s it, Zhou Wenbing, don’t be too selfish, if you don’t give everyone fish, we can take it ourselves!”

The silly pillar was indignant.

Today, it seems that Zhou Wenbing doesn’t want to give birth if he doesn’t leave the fish.

“You try?”

Zhou Wenbing said coldly.

This made the stupid pillar dare not act rashly.

He knew that he was not Zhou Wenbing’s opponent, if he made a move.

It is estimated that it will be him who suffers the loss.

“I’m saying it again, if you want to eat fish, you can go fishing by yourself!”

“Don’t dream if you want to get something for nothing, I don’t do charity!”

Zhou Wenbing confronted all the beasts.

There is a great momentum of a husband who is incomprehensible.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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