Chapter 134 Qin Huairu forced Silly Zhu to ask about his life, and the stick terrier eavesdropped!.

“Anonymous letters again? Bring it to me! ”

Director Zhang’s brows furrowed enough to kill flies,

“Did the person who delivered the letter see who it was?”

The anonymous letter last time caused a lot of turmoil in the street office. Everyone is very curious who wrote this letter!

The identities of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were so tightly hidden that even the pillow people did not know. How did this mysterious person know so much and know so much detail? Who is he?

Therefore, Director Zhang specially arranged for someone to squat on the mailbox, wanting to see if such a mysterious person would send the letter again! I want to take the opportunity to find out his identity!

Unfortunately, he met Lin Fan who was systematic.

Lin Fan didn’t have to come personally to deliver the letter at all, and with a transfer card, he transferred the letter from home to the mailbox out of thin air. Even if you squat, it is impossible to find out!

“I didn’t see it…”

After getting Xiao Qianshi’s negative answer, Director Zhang was a little disappointed, and when he opened the envelope and read the content of the letter, Director Zhang’s brows wrinkled even tighter! He Yuzhu is actually not a third-generation poor peasant? His father He Daqing’s identity may also have problems? He Yuzhu has a good cooking skill handed down from the family, and Director Zhang knows it.

But he is the Tan family cuisine, and what kind of dish the Tan family cuisine is, Director Zhang is not very clear about this. If what is said in the letter is true, then He Yuzhu and He Daqing, maybe there is really a problem!

But the nature of this matter is different from Yi Zhonghai’s thing.

When the two devils are involved, the matter is very important, and they can directly detain Yi Zhonghai for investigation.

But in the matter of He Yuzhu, the nature is not so serious, He Daqing is far away in Baocheng, they are just street offices, and it is still difficult to check the people in Baocheng.

After thinking about it, Director Zhang called his subordinates and held a small meeting on the contents of the letter.

After determining that He Yuzhu’s family cuisine was Tan family cuisine, and Tan family cuisine was a rich official cuisine, Director Zhang decided to take advantage of the aftermath of the deaf old lady’s incident to find a reason to first go to the courtyard to do a family population and household registration survey to see if he could find clues and determine He Yuzhu’s suspicions, and then bring people back for questioning.

Director Zhang’s reason is very cleverly found, everyone has no doubt about it, after all, a good deed, a second devil who has been hidden for more than ten or twenty years suddenly appeared under his nose,

The street office screened the details of the big guy again, in case there was another fish that slipped through the net, that would be normal! Anyway, everyone is innocent, then check it!

And if they find out, they are also relieved that they are not!

The other residents were going well here, and they didn’t suspect anything was wrong. Only Qin Huairu realized that something was wrong!

Because Silly Zhu is still in the city bureau, there are only two children at home, Qin Huairu and Xiaodang Huaihua, and the stick terrier doesn’t know where to play.

“Comrade Qin Huairu, don’t be nervous, we just do a simple investigation…”

Director Zhang simply said the purpose, after reading the household registration book, without a trace, asked about the situation of Silly Zhu and He Daqing, Qin Huairu did not realize the problem at first, so he picked up something that could be said.

But as he spoke, Qin Huairu suddenly snorted and realized that something was wrong!

Why did the street office keep revolving around Silly Zhu and He Daqing? Good manners, ask what they do? No, no…

Qin Huairu suddenly thought that when Lin Fan said that there was a problem with the identity of the deaf old lady at the door, he also mentioned a silly pillar. Hint that there is something wrong with his ingredients too!

At that time, Silly Zhu’s reaction was not right, and she became suspicious and asked him. As a result, he was fooled by the stupid column.

Qin Huairu thought about it now, the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt! The composition of the silly pillar will not really be a problem!

The street office came over this time, shouldn’t it also be to check on Silly Zhu and He Daqing?

After finally coping with the street office, the more Qin Huairu thought about it at home, the more worried she became, if there was something wrong with Silly Zhu and He Daqing, and they had committed something, wouldn’t it affect her?

The first aunt on the door, everyone saw her in the past, they were all kind, talking and laughing, but now, since the incident of Yi Zhonghai’s deaf old lady, the eldest aunt went out, and the people in the courtyard were okay, after all, the old neighbor who lived for more than ten years.

People outside are different, it’s good to avoid it, and some even point fingers!

In case the silly pillar is also in this situation, a big mother’s now, maybe it will be her future!

Even if she is said two words, she will not lose a piece of meat, but if it reaches the factory and the factory fires her from her job, it will be bad!

The more Qin Huairu thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and she didn’t sleep all night.

The next day, Silly Zhu completed his three-day detention and finally returned from the city bureau.

I saw Qin Huairu staring at a dark circle, so sleepy that he couldn’t open his eyes, sitting in the room waiting for himself!

Silly Zhu was still very moved for a while, thinking that Qin Huairu was worried about himself and couldn’t sleep, and suddenly felt distressed,

“Sister Qin, what are you doing here, I’m worried, I’m fine, okay~”

“Look at you, your face is white, have you eaten breakfast, have you?” Wait, I’ll go get you next! Put 2 small greens in an egg, and drizzle a few drops of sesame oil to some green onions, how about it, it’s interesting enough! ”

If it were in the past, Qin Huairu would still be hungry, but now, where does she still have the mind to eat noodles, if she doesn’t ask clearly, even if she eats dragon meat, she can’t eat it!

“Wait a minute, silly pillar, don’t be busy first! I have something to tell you! ”

Qin Huairu got up and closed the door, and pulled the stupid pillar into the room,

“What’s going on, God mysterious?”

Silly Zhu was a little curious, seeing Qin Huairu pulling himself into the room, he wanted to be crooked for a while,

“What, missed me…”

“Oops! No! ”

When is it, and the heart thinks this!

Qin Huairu forcibly endured his anger, made a pitiful look, and tugged at the sleeve of the stupid pillar and said,

“Silly pillar, let me ask you, in your heart, what am I? Did you take me as your daughter-in-law? ”

“That’s for sure! I don’t take you as a daughter-in-law, who do I take as a daughter-in-law! ”

“Good! Silly Zhu, since you treat me as a daughter-in-law, then I ask you, is the identity of our family, three generations of poor peasants, true? And what is the great Qing, good and dignified, why did he run to Baocheng back then? ”

The stupid pillar was stunned by Qin Huairu,

“No, Sister Qin, it’s so decent, what are you asking this for?”

He never expected that Qin Huairu would suddenly ask him this question! What does this call what he says!

The silly pillar forced a smile to flicker,

“Of course, our family is a poor peasant for three generations, and this can still be fake!” As for He Daqing, if you hadn’t mentioned it, I would have forgotten that I still have such a father! ”

“For the sake of a widow, I left us and ran, so I didn’t recognize him as a father…”

Seeing that the stupid pillar was still playing sloppy here, Qin Huairu was anxious,

“Silly Zhu, when is it, don’t you still tell me the truth?”

“Do you know that there are people from the street office today! I suspect, suspect that they are checking you and He Daqing! ”

Qin Huairu directly said the matter of the people who came from the street today.

Silly Zhu chuckled in his heart, and his face suddenly changed! Well, how could the street office come to check him?

Qin Huairu didn’t know more about the stupid pillar, and when he saw his face, he knew that his foreboding had come true! The ingredients of the Silly Pillar Family are likely to be really problematic!

Qin Huairu’s eyes turned red, tears seemed to be broken threads, large drops fell down, she looked at the silly pillar with teary eyes, patted his shoulder hard, and asked with a crying voice,

“Silly pillar! You have no conscience! When is it, you are still hiding from me! ”

“Tell me quickly, what’s going on in your house? Is it good or bad, I have a mental preparation! ”

“Or do you mean that in your heart, you don’t regard me as your daughter-in-law and as a family at all?”

“No, I… I…”

Where could the stupid pillar resist Qin Huairu’s tears, and suddenly his heart was soft, plus he was also afraid!

I’m afraid that if the street office is really investigating him, then he will be finished!

Sister Qin is her daughter-in-law and a family, maybe she can still give herself ideas… Thinking so, the silly pillar finally opened his mouth and said vaguely,

“Sister Qin, in fact, I am not particularly clear about my family’s affairs. I remember when I was a child, our family was quite rich. ”

“My family has been cooks for generations, and in my grandfather’s generation, he made a fortune, and when my grandfather was young, he cooked for the official family.”

“He Daqing also inherited my grandfather’s craft, and when I was a child, he also cooked for senior officials for a few years. Who exactly that official is, I don’t know. He didn’t take us there or mention it, so he was rarely at home, and he rarely came back once in ten days and a half a month…”

Silly Pillar slowly talked about his past.

Qin Huairu’s whole person was stupid, looking at the sloppy appearance of the silly pillar, how could he not have imagined that the stupid pillar was really born in a big family!

That is to say, the stupid pillar of his family ingredients is really fake!

“And what about later? And what is the big Qing, why did he run? ”

“Later, our family ran out of money, so He Daqing took us to move to the courtyard, and stopped cooking for people, and began to sell buns for a living…”

Silly Zhu recalled and said slowly,

“In 51, when the street office came to collect the household registration, at that time the investigation was not strict, He Daqing estimated that he spent money, and our information became three generations of poor peasants…”

“As for why he ran 4.4, I honestly, I don’t know. I guess I guess I should be weak-hearted, afraid that the fraud will be known…”

Qin Huairu was anxious,

“So what to do? If the street office finds out, it will be fine! ”

“It won’t!”

The silly pillar calmed down and comforted himself,

“Our family’s affairs have passed so long, no one knows. Moreover, the street office this time, maybe really to do a thorough investigation, not as scary as you think. ”

“Even if they really doubt me, then they have no evidence, it’s been so long, He Daqing ran away again, as long as you don’t say it, I don’t say it, then the street office can’t know these things!”

“Sister Qin, let’s not scare ourselves, there will be no trouble!”

“Hmm! That’s right, too! ”

Qin Huairu’s mood gradually calmed down, maybe it was really she who thought too much, just like silly Zhu, who would think that he was a rich family before?

As long as they don’t say it, no one knows!

Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu both made up their minds to rot this secret in their hearts, and in the future, God knows it, you know me know.

But he didn’t know that when Qin Huairu forced to ask about the life of the stupid pillar, the outer stick terrier didn’t know when he came back, he stood outside, calmly faced, and listened to their conversation from beginning to end!.

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