Chapter 117 Silly Pillar is clever, and wants to take advantage of the big leader.

“Isn’t it?”

Silly Zhu pouted his teeth and said,

“Lin Fan, that kid, there are times when he is unlucky! The big leader said, tomorrow I will be invited to be a host, and tomorrow, I will find an opportunity to talk about this matter with the big leader. ”

“He hates Lin Fan the most for someone who has some power and acts arbitrarily and bullies ordinary people!”

“Even if you don’t look at my face, the big leader will definitely take action to clean up Lin Fan! Without a backer, Lin Fan is a fart! Sooner or later, get cleaned up! ”

“That’s right! That’s it! Good grandson, in the future, the old lady and I, will depend on you! ”

The deaf old lady is enthusiastic about silly pillars! A good grandson in one bite!

It seems that because he was lame and lost his job as a chef before, he couldn’t look at him and it had never happened! The eldest aunt was also grateful to Dade for the silly pillar, and praised the silly pillar bones by two taels.

Meizi went home, and then told Qin Huairu about this matter, and Qin Huairu was also shocked!

I originally thought that Silly Zhu would be like this in this life!

She also regretted marrying Silly Zhu a little, but she didn’t expect that Silly Zhu would actually appear at once, not only could she stand up to things, but also caught up with such a bullish relationship!

“Silly pillar, you can really do it! In the future, our family will depend on you! It’s okay for me to live a hard life, but my three children are still young and have to supplement nutrition. You also have to nourish yourself and eat something good. ”

“When Lin Fan and the eldest master’s matter is resolved, let’s see if you can talk to the big leader, let you become the chef again, and then transfer me back to the workshop, so that the salary is higher, and you and the child can eat meat to replenish your body.”

“I will definitely do this, you can rest assured, our family’s life will be better and better in the future!”

Stupid Pillar’s whole person fluttered!

He hasn’t raised his eyebrows like this since he lost an egg! It’s a great feeling!

Especially at night, after Qin Huairu gave him a lot of sweetness to taste in order to encircle him, the stupid pillar was like beating chicken blood, full of energy!

The next day I packed myself up early and took leave to go to the big leader’s house!

“Hey, Master He is here, last time I ate the mapo tofu you made, Kung Pao chicken and shredded fish-flavored meat, I have been thinking about this bite.”

“The dishes are all ready in the kitchen, just waiting for Master He to show off your skills.”

“I also prepared some good wine, when you are ready, when we eat, we will have another drink!”

Although Silly Zhu has no brains when facing Qin Huairu Yi Zhonghai, he is still a little shrewd to the outside.

In the face of the big leader, the fool knows that the big leader appreciates him, but it is not because he is big and does not offer the big leader as a bodhisattva, but gets along with him as an ordinary person.

Therefore, the fool did not sue the big leader at the first time, but shouted with a loud voice as before,

“Oh hey, there’s good wine! Great leader, you are really interesting! You wait, I’ll cook! ”

After that, he sneaked towards the kitchen.

The fool is very clear that he cannot directly tell the big leader about this matter, otherwise, he seems to be very powerful, and he is running for the position of the big leader to deal with the big leader!

If you say it directly, the big leader may help in terms of friendship during this time, but in the future, if you want to have any more contacts, it will be difficult!

If you want to maintain this friendship, you have to file a lawsuit, and you have to pay attention to skill!

He knew that the big leader would not come to the kitchen, but the wife of the big leader would come over from time to time to see how he was doing here, and there was no problem.

So when the silly pillar went to the back kitchen and began to cook, he sighed a few times from time to time, and soon, the wife of the big leader noticed this.

Thinking of this time, the good dish made by the stupid pillar made the big leader very happy, she didn’t want to be nosy, hesitated, but still spoke,

“Master He, what’s the matter, look at your sad face, have you encountered difficulties?”

Silly Zhu was secretly happy in his heart, and deliberately made a look like I was bothered by something, but I didn’t say it.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, what can I do, you’re mistaken.”

The silly pillar did not want to say, but the wife of the big leader was curious,

“As long as you still want to hide from us, your thoughts are written on your face!” Say, what happened? Maybe I can help you come up with an idea. ”

“This… Okay, then I’ll tell you, you’re well-informed, you’re capable, and you’re going to talk about what we’re going to do. ”

Stupid Zhu looks like we are honest people, we don’t understand anything, we all rely on leading you to decide, distorting the facts, beautifying ourselves, and saying that Lin Fan is a heinous bully,

“In our courtyard, there is a neighbor, and we have a big conflict with him… He is a quack, he cured Sister Qin and his man to death, Sister Qin’s mother-in-law is also a widow, as far as his man has a son, this only seedling is gone, just look for him to theorize, and guess what? ”

“I have something to do with myself, and I directly found a reason to send my mother-in-law to prison!” Sentenced to five or six years! The hands of people and children were also crippled by him! Poor see, the human child is only twelve years old, and his whole life is ruined like this! ”

“We really can’t stand it, the eldest master of our courtyard went to the street to report him!” As a result, guess what? ”

“Hey, people are not afraid at all, and they directly let the street detain the grandfather!”

“] Uncle Xi is old, almost sixty! This is stuck in the street, not allowed to go, saying that I want to receive some ideological education, I am really unhappy in my heart! I’m afraid something will happen to him! ”

“At that time, there will be no place to seek justice, who calls us ordinary people, it doesn’t matter or background, we can’t fight him…”

The big leader’s wife is originally a person with rich emotions and a soft heart, and the words made up by the stupid pillar immediately poked her heart,

The eyes of the big leader’s wife are red,

“Master He, what you said is true? That family is also too miserable, it is simply a family ruin. How can there be such a bad person! This is simply a bully tumor! ”

“Now it’s a new society, and people like this should be pulled to target and shot!”

“Don’t worry, Master He, this matter is wrapped up in me! After dinner, I mentioned to my husband and asked him to send a secretary to come with you and settle the matter! ”

The silly pillar was so happy in his heart that he wanted the wife of the big leader to file a complaint immediately, but he still refused,

“Wouldn’t this be too much trouble for the big leader? I heard that he also knows a lot of leaders, and it would be bad if it involved the big leaders. ”

“What’s the trouble here, when you encounter injustice, you can help!”

The lady of the great leader appeased the silly pillar,

“Don’t worry, although my husband is not a great official, he can also say a few words in these four nine cities. If it is really like you say, we can also be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. ”

“Okay, Master He, you don’t have to worry about it now, hurry up and cook, we are still waiting to taste your good dishes.”

“Gotta go! Don’t worry, Madame! I’ll cook, I’ll cook! ”

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, the stupid pillar no longer pretends to be melancholy! Movement Mari starts cooking!

If it weren’t for the fact that the Great Leader’s wife was still here, he would have laughed out loud! Lin Fan, Lin Fan, you just wait for bad luck!.

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