Chapter 107 The rolling mill people’s hearts float, hypnotizing Li Huaide.

Time waited for no one, and after making the decision to leave, the two began to prepare.

The family’s industry was already a public-private partnership in the early years, and it basically had nothing to do with them except for share dividends. The money, too, was handed over mostly when it was there.

At that time, the rest of the part was all replaced with small yellow fish, and there were only dividends from these years in the passbook.

Just exchange these dividends for small yellow fish, and then sell the antique items passed down from home. But these things can’t be sold at a price today.

In a few decades, it’s all good stuff worth millions of dollars. It’s a pity that it was sold at such a low price.

Lin Fan dug a one-meter-square hole under his cellar, packed these things in a box wrapped in tin oil, and hid them inside.

When the two come back, take it back.

As for the house, if you want to sell it, the movement is too big, not to mention, for a while, you can’t find a buyer.

Therefore, only bring the deed, if you have the opportunity in the future, maybe the house can be returned. After a few days, everything was ready.

The time of parting also came.

The day before leaving, everyone was very sad, Lin Fan and Bai’s father Lou were okay, and they could still control their emotions. Bai Lusi and Bai Mu Lou Xiao’e and their eyes were crying red.

Lin Fan wanted to enliven the atmosphere and suggested that everyone go to the photo studio to take photos together! Take a family portrait.

Even if you are separated, you can still look at the photos and see things and think about people!

Finally, the family went to the photo studio where Lin Fan and Bai Lusi took wedding photos and took a few family photos. Added money, urgently ask the master to wash it out.

Before leaving, in addition to the prescription of health care products, Lin Fan prepared several bottles of life-saving pills signed in by the system. System production, must be a boutique.

As long as people still have a breath, no matter how many injuries they suffer, as long as they eat one pill, they can be saved! Keep them safe.

There is also a peace blessing that agrees to be produced by the system, bless them when they arrive at Xiangjiang and be able to be safe and smooth! Finally, under the urging of the train whistle, Bai Lou and his family put the family portrait close to their chest pockets, and under the reluctance of Lin Fan and Bai Lusi, they took their luggage and belongings, turned back three times in one step, and took the train and left.

They left the house, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was dull for several days.

The home was empty, Lin Fan and Bai Lusi did not feel good in their hearts, and the two children also became depressed, wanting to find their grandfather. Even with the general and the ingot, it was much lower than usual.

But life always goes on.

Time moved forward little by little, diluting the sadness.

The home gradually returned to its original atmosphere, buried my thoughts in my heart, and looked forward to seeing you in the future. Laughter once again filled the warm courtyard.

And the atmosphere outside is indeed becoming more and more chaotic and impetuous. Red Star Hospital is fine.

There is Lin Fan, a dean with a deep background, sitting in the town.

Plus before, Lin Fan had planned ahead and had long been preventing the arrival of this day.

As early as last year, those who jumped out of trouble in the hospital were successively transferred away by Lin Fan. Most of the remaining employees are down-to-earth, have families and mouths, and the ingredients are simple and not moths.

The Security Section, which is also armed with two guards, is also the chief and deputy section chief, and is firmly controlled. Therefore, Red Star Hospital was not affected.

It’s quite stable, except that the atmosphere is a little tense, not much different from the past. But rolling mills are different.

Although in the original plot, in order to compete with Director Yang for power and profit, Li Huaide, who made all kinds of troubles, was already the director of the factory. He didn’t take the lead again.

After all, he is now the director of the plant.

If you make trouble, you can’t get promoted in the position in the factory. Lin Fan also passed gas with him, let him control the rolling mill well, no matter what, he can’t delay production! It is implied that if he does it well, he can rise another liter in the future.

But there are too many people in the rolling mill.

Tens of thousands of employees, and a big factory in heavy industry!

There are more forests, and there are all kinds of birds.

Looking at the surrounding textile factories, food factories, lumber factories, candy factories and other fraternal units, the atmosphere is so hot. There are ambitious people in the factory, who want to be in power, see red eyes, and also want to do things.

As soon as it started, although Li Huaide was still pressing here with all his strength on the surface, in his heart, it was impossible to say that there was no Xiao Jiujiu.

Don’t dare to make a heavy hand, for fear that standing in line is too obvious, if Lin Fan and his backers have been so stable and okay, he can be regarded as betting on the right treasure. But if he loses momentum, then he will also be cleaned up when the time comes.

Therefore, I will still put some water more or less, for fear that if I offend people ruthlessly, I will be remembered and hated. Deal with things, mainly with mud.

But such a way of dealing with things can only be calmed for a while, and cannot be suppressed for a lifetime!

The more chaotic the time, the more the person in charge must be tough!

Otherwise, it is impossible to suppress the heart of others who want to do things, so the current rolling mill, although it is still calm on the surface, production is going smoothly. But inside, it’s already a bit messy.

Hongxing Rolling Mill can be said to be the top steel factory in Sijiu City and even the whole country. In the plot, because of environmental reasons, coupled with the troubles of Li Huaide and others, a good factory of 10,000 people,

In the back, it actually fell to the point that it could not pay wages and went out of business. What a shame!

Lin Fan felt that it was necessary to keep the rolling mill and leave more money for the country. When everything is in ruins in the future, it can add bricks and tiles to the construction!

After all, construction cannot be separated from industry, and industry cannot be separated from steel!

Therefore, when he saw that Li Huaide had Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Lin Fan thought of the hypnotic card obtained by the system signing in. Decided to hypnotize Lee Huaide!

Completely dispel his speculative ideas, let him completely stand on his boat, become his true self,

“In this way, people can not only save the rolling mill through Li Huaide, the director of the factory.”

Through him, the rolling mill can be reformed and industrial upgrading can be carried out in the future.

At the same time, it can also prevent the birds from seeing the turmoil again and trying to make trouble. Thinking like this, Lin Fan found a time and went to the rolling mill to find Li Huaide.

“Lin Fan, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why do you have time to come to me today? If there is anything, just ask the people below to explain it, and you will be able to drive. ”

Don’t care what you think in your heart, Li Huaide has a passion for Lin Fan!

“It’s nothing, just talk to you brother and reminisce about the past.”

Lin Fan was polite, and when the secretary next to Li Huaide closed the door and went out, and there were only two of them left in the office, he silently took out the hypnosis card from the system space and hypnotized Li Huaide!

He gave a hint in his heart, turning him into a “own person” dedicated to the public service, conscientiously contributing to the rolling mill and protecting the rolling mill

“Lin Fan, you are right, it is time to rectify and rectify the factory, no matter what, the order in the factory cannot be chaotic, and production cannot be delayed. I’ll have a meeting with the management of the factory later… slave”

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