"Ding, please pay ten random values ​​to the host, and I will explain to the host how to use it. Will the host pay?"

Lin Shengli originally didn't want to pay the ten random values. This was clearly a trick of a profiteer. He was given something but not an instruction manual, and he didn't tell how to use it. If he wanted to know, he had to pay extra.

What's the difference between this and the profiteers who sell fruit machines without charging heads!

However, his arms couldn't twist his thighs. At this stage, Lin Shengli had no choice but to allow himself to be bullied by this profiteer.


"Ding, the mechanical treasure hunter is a high-tech product from unknown time and space. This mechanical treasure hunter comes with one cubic meter of storage space... Please check the host for specific functions."

As soon as the system finished speaking, an instruction manual that was as thick as ten Oxford dictionaries fell from the sky. With a clang, it landed at the feet where Lin Shengli had been standing just now.

The moment the instruction manual hit the ground, Lin Shengli had already activated his Wudang Zong Ladder, jumped high, and jumped more than ten meters away in an instant.

Looking at the thick bricks falling from the sky from a distance, they couldn't be called bricks anymore. They thought it was a wall falling down. Lin Shengli gritted his teeth angrily.

This system is really getting worse and worse. It deducted my random points and didn’t explain it properly. It even launched a sneak attack. Thanks to me, I had a chance to dodge today!

But now was not the time to settle accounts with the system. Lin Shengli could only grit his teeth, open the one-meter-thick instruction manual, and start studying.

Fortunately, when I opened the manual, all I saw was in Chinese.

I don’t know if this thing was made in China in an unknown time and space, or if the system had translated the instructions. It’s a good thing that the system didn’t charge him another translation fee.

Lin Shengli never sleeps or eats day or night, eh! No, he should eat and sleep. It took him three full days to read this wall-like instruction manual, but only about forty minutes had passed in the outside world.

The moment he read the instructions, Lin Shengli breathed a long sigh of relief.

He shouted loudly into the air: "Xiao Tongzi, three days, three whole days, do you know how I got here these three days?"

"Master, I was drinking wine and eating all kinds of delicacies. I should eat and sleep. I just finished reading this manual so easily!"

"Hmph! Isn't it just a one-meter-thick instruction manual? It's too unchallenging. If you have the ability, you can get a three-meter one next time!"

Lin Shengli feels that although quarreling with the system can be a relief, what's the point of always swearing? It shows how incompetent we are. We are educated people, and we need to communicate with the system in a civilized manner. Only then do we show our quality. Elegance is not.

Just like this, I don’t know how the system feels, I don’t know if the system is happy or not, but after Lin Shengli finished giggling, he felt very happy!

After studying the instructions, Lin Shengli held the mechanical treasure hunter in his hand, pricked his finger with a needle, and dripped blood on the nose of the mechanical treasure hunter.

While Lin Shengli was talking about it, he muttered: "Why don't you call it high-tech if you're so kind, why do you shed blood to recognize your kin? Bah! It's a drama about bleeding to recognize your master."

There was also the start-up slogan for Secondary School in the system manual. He seriously suspected that it was secretly introduced by the dog system.

After absorbing Lin Shengli's blood, a cold mechanical voice sounded: "Please set up a treasure hunt program!"

As the mechanical sound sounded, a translucent light curtain appeared on the body of the mechanical treasure hunter, with various options on it.

Lin Shengli, who read the instructions, certainly knew what these were.

This mechanical treasure hunter mouse is similar to the automatic mining vehicle in the Red Alert game played by Lin Shengli in later generations, but this mechanical treasure hunter mouse has more comprehensive functions.

Through settings, the mechanical treasure-hunting mouse can detect various jewelry, jade, gold, silver, various ancient coins and banknotes from various countries within a five-meter range of itself.

After detecting these items, the mechanical treasure hunter mouse can store the items in its own space by touching them.

After the space is full, it will automatically return to the preset location and wait for Lin Shengli to clear the space of the mechanical treasure hunter.

The maximum activity range of the mechanical treasure-hunting rat is within a radius of ten kilometers centered on Lin Shengli.

But the only bad thing is that the mechanical treasure hunter collects antiques, such as vases, calligraphy and paintings, etc. It cannot distinguish the authenticity from the fake, and can only passively collect them.

What Lin Shengli is most satisfied with is not the function of this mechanical treasure hunter to automatically hunt for treasures and collect them.

It's a function that allows for vision sharing, similar to real-time monitoring.

In other words, this mechanical treasure hunter can be used as a mobile remote monitoring device.

However, this mechanical treasure hunter is also a big player in random value.

Set once, five random values, start a treasure hunt, five random values, trigger real-time sharing of vision, five random values!

It seems that the road to earning random values ​​still has a long way to go!

Lin Shengli stroked this mechanical treasure hunter rat made of metal with his palm, and he liked it as much as he liked it.

Looking at the gray mechanical treasure hunter rat in his hand, Lin Shengli unconsciously muttered: "I'll call you Xiao Hui from now on."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully naming the mechanical treasure hunter mouse. Five points of the host's random value will be deducted."

Damn it, this system is really hard to guard against. This profiteer attribute is always present. I don’t want to think about his random value!

Although the random value of this rebate is not much and it is reasonable, Lin Shengli still wants to break with the system and ask why it does not ask before deducting the random value.

He can't let the system develop this, regardless of the bad habits he brought upon himself. Otherwise, if he makes a mistake in the future, the system will deduct all the random points he has worked so hard to save. Empty.

Lin Shengli and the system chatted for a long time, but the system started to play dead again.

But it is also possible that his communication with the system was invalid.

Lin Shengli thought for a while, stopped talking nonsense, and asked directly: "System, I need an explanation, why did the random value be deducted without asking for self-pickup?"

After Lin Shengli asked this question, the system finally responded: "Please check the manual of the mechanical treasure hunter mouse, the comment column on page 77777!"

What the hell is this?

The system is asking but not answering!

But now that the system had given the answer, Lin Shengli had no choice but to look through the instruction manual for the mechanical treasure hunter rat, which was almost as high as a wall.

When Lin Shengli opened the manual for the mechanical treasure hunter mouse, on page 77777, he actually saw a few lines of words in the notes that you couldn't even tell what they were without a magnifying glass.

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