Chapter 114 Yi Zhonghai: Su Gan, you said my lines.

Su Gan was unwilling to make a move to stop the stupid pillar, and Yan Bugui could only look at the others.

Other people in the courtyard are also watching the play, want them to help persuade the fight, or don’t think about it, they dare to persuade the general fight, but they dare not persuade the stupid pillar.

The combat effectiveness of the stupid pillar is obvious to everyone in the courtyard.

In addition to not being able to beat Su Gan, who to fight is not the same as playing, last time the three brothers of the Yan family went together, the brothers worked together to fight against the God of War Stupid Pillar, and they were still beaten and screamed.

There is no benefit in persuading, do not say, maybe you will be beaten, who will persuade.

“Daddy, what should I do about this?”

The three mothers were also anxious next to her, she stepped forward to stop the silly pillar, but was pushed away by the silly pillar with one hand.

“What about Lao Yi, where is Lao Yi?”

Yan Bugui shouted.

Yi Zhonghai can stop the silly pillar, so Yan Bugui wants to find Yi Zhonghai to help persuade the silly pillar.

But as soon as Yan Jiefang took up the post, he was beaten and could not go to work, then the loss of the old Yan family would be greater.

“Yi Zhonghai is not here.”

“I didn’t see the grandpa.”

“It is estimated that he did not come, or the third master you go to his house to find him.”

The people around looked around, and then shook their heads towards Yan Bugui, Yi Zhonghai was not here at all.

“Old Liu, you came just right, hurry up and stop the stupid pillar.”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t come over, Yan Bugui was in a hurry, suddenly saw Liu Haizhong coming over, and immediately shouted to Liu Haizhong.

“What’s going on?”

Liu Haizhong walked over with his back and asked Yan Bugui.

“Don’t ask, hurry up and stop the stupid pillar, otherwise the second eldest of my family will be beaten by the stupid pillar.”

Yan Bugui said eagerly.

“Silly Zhu, you stop me, who allowed you to commit murder in the courtyard, against the sky, did you put me, the second uncle, in your eyes.”

Bangs scolded at the silly pillar.

Hearing the reprimand in the bangs, the silly pillar also stopped, and just when the bangs were satisfied, the silly pillar spat and spit on the shoes in the bangs.

Silly Zhu looked at the ugly expression in his bangs, and said with disdain: “What are you, I need to put you in my eyes?” ”

“I can’t even manage my own family affairs, and I still have the face to run out and manage me.”

The silly pillar’s unceremonious anger completely lost his face in the bangs, and the black face in the bangs stared at the silly pillar. Good, good, stupid Zhu actually did not give him this second uncle face.

“Second Uncle, the stupid pillar is hitting you in the face, you must clean him up.”

Su Gan stood by and fanned the flames.

“If you have some ability, you think that you have flown into the sky, second master, you take out the momentum to teach your son a lesson, and teach the fool a good lesson.”

Anyway, Su Gan is watching the excitement and is not a big deal.

It seems that he was moved by Su Gan’s words, and his bangs really moved, and the big fat body pushed forward, and then grabbed the stupid pillar with both hands.

“I don’t know if I can beat the stupid pillar in the bangs.”

Su Gan has some expectations, in terms of tonnage, it is obvious that the bangs have the advantage, but the fight is not simply about the tonnage.

Liu Haizhong may have a lot of strength, but the action is obviously not flexible enough, the stupid pillar sideways to avoid the hand grabbed by the bangs, and then kicked on the bangs.

The brute force of the silly pillar is not blown, even if the bangs are fat, and he is a forger, but compared with the silly column, it seems to be worse. The god of war in the courtyard was really not covered, and he put his bangs down on the ground with one kick.

Shame, in the bangs that were kicked to the ground, there was no face.

However, seeing Liu Haizhong lying on the ground, Liu Guangqi was a little gloating, and he was beaten by Liu Haizhong during this time. Now when I see my bangs beaten, my heart is like eating a popsicle on a hot day, which is called a cool ah.

“Silly pillar, you dare to hit my father.”

Liu Guangtian saw Liu Haizhong lying on the ground, and immediately rushed up, rushing quickly and falling fast, and was thrown to the ground by a punch from the stupid pillar.

“I didn’t expect it, Liu Guangtian is quite filial.”

“In the past, the second uncle often beat Liu Guangtian, and Liu Guangtian was still so filial.”

Everyone in the courtyard looked at Liu Guangtian in surprise.

Even Su Gan was a little surprised, but what surprised Su Gan was not that Liu Guangtian was filial, but that this guy was not the stunned blue he thought, and he had a little brain.

If you want to say that Liu Guangtian is filial, Su Qian must not believe it, Liu Guangtian is filial, that is not to make people laugh out of their big teeth.

Those who have read the original book know that among the sons of Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui, there is not a single filial one, all of them are unfilial sons. Of course, the reason for becoming an unfilial son is also partly because Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui, the two fathers, can’t do it.

Although Liu Guangtian rushed out and was beaten, he won the favor of Liu Haizhong, and it is estimated that in the eyes of Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangtian is also a filial son.

This should be Liu Guangtian’s purpose, so Su Qian will be surprised that Liu Guangtian has a brain, not stunned.

“Guangqi, our father has been beaten, do you want to go up and help?”

Liu Yuhua asked Liu Guangqi.

His father-in-law was beaten, so he should go up to help.

“No need to help, you don’t know how powerful the stupid pillar is, we can’t beat it when we go up.”

Liu Guangqi stopped Liu Yuhua, who wanted to go up to help, and he couldn’t wait to see his bangs beaten.

Su Gan glanced at Liu Guangqi, looking smart, but actually stupid, it was better than Liu Guangtian, who he thought was stunned. If you don’t go up to help at this time, when you vent your anger in your bangs later, it will definitely vent on you.

It seems that Liu Guangqi can’t run away today.

“Yan Jiefang, let me ask you, did you fight me with Xu Damao?”

Silly Zhu asked towards Yan Jiefang. He was just guessing before, and he wasn’t sure.

When Yan Bugui heard this, he wanted to remind Yan Jiefang not to admit it.

Although he didn’t ask, Yan Bugui also determined in his heart that Yan Jiefang should have followed Xu Damao to beat the stupid stick.

Unfortunately, Yan Bugui wanted to remind it too late. Yan Jiefang, who was terrified, directly admitted.

“Yes… It was me and Xu Damao who fought, the sack that Xu Damao asked me to cover, and then he moved his hand, I really didn’t hit you. ”

Yan Jiefang pushed everything onto Xu Damao.

“You fart, didn’t hit me, you think I don’t know it’s two people beating.”

The silly pillar kicked over.

Yan Jiefang was kicked and rolled off the ground twice, and then quickly said: “I hit one or two, and it was Xu Damao who hit you hard, he hit your head, and he kicked your crotch.” ”

The people around heard the silly pillar being kicked in the crotch, and all looked at the silly pillar meaningfully. Jia Dongxu’s crotch was broken, and he didn’t know what the stupid pillar was.

“Silly Zhu, your thing won’t be broken, right?”

Su Gan asked with a grin.

“I don’t.”

Silly Pillar scolded angrily, how can this kind of thing related to dignity admit it, although Silly Zhu’s crotch still hurts a little now, but Silly Pillar absolutely does not admit that he was broken.

Subsequently, the furious fool Zhu gave Yan Jiefang a kick again.

“Yan Bugui, what should I do about this?”

Silly Zhu asked towards Yan Bugui.

“What to do?”

Yan Bugui looked at the stupid pillar with a scowl on his face: “You beat my second eldest like this, and you still ask me what to do.” ”

“Tell you stupid pillar, I didn’t bother you to cheapen you.”

“Old Yan, your second son beat the stupid pillar, if this kind of thing is called to the police, it will be your second son who will suffer in the end.”

At this time, Yi Zhonghai didn’t know if he woke up and finally came over.

As soon as he came over, he helped the silly pillar speak.

“Stupid Zhu also started beating people, isn’t he wrong?”

Yan Bugui retorted.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Yan Bugui and said calmly: “It’s not right for the stupid pillar to beat someone, but he was beaten first, and he was beaten in the head, did the murderer want his life?” ”

“If the stupid pillar calls the police, he will be criticized at most, and your second son will definitely be arrested, if you don’t believe it, you can now let the stupid pillar call the police and try.”

“Can’t call the police, the matter in our courtyard should be solved by ourselves, how can we call the police?”

“Our courtyard still has to evaluate the advanced, the police do not affect the image of our compound, in case the advanced courtyard is not evaluated, do you take this responsibility?”

Su Qian rebuked Yi Zhonghai with righteous words.

The people in the courtyard looked very strange when they heard these words, how did this sound so familiar, as if this was the line of the great master Yi Zhonghai.

These words were suddenly taken by Su Gan and used, and the people in the courtyard felt very discordant.

Including Yi Zhonghai, his face at this time is not good-looking, he always feels that he and Su Gan seem to be in tune, how does Su Gan say his lines?

“Rating the advanced compound is the honor of all of us, Yi Zhonghai, do you want the stupid pillar to call the police to destroy the honor of all of us?”

Su Gan continued to rebuke Yi Zhonghai.

“It’s a loss that you are still a grandpa in the courtyard, and you don’t even have this awareness, I see that you still don’t want to do it, you don’t have this ability.”

“Su Gan is right, Yi Zhonghai, you better give way.”

The bangs who got up immediately supported Su Qian and dragged Yi Zhonghai from the position of the eldest master, which was the greatest benefit to the bangs.

Yi Zhonghai’s face turned dark, how could there be Su Qian, a bastard.

“Everyone listen to me, I don’t mean to let the stupid pillar call the police and affect the reputation of our courtyard, and my grandfather in the courtyard will definitely not do it.”

“I’m just saying that if the stupid pillar calls the police, it will definitely be Yan Jiefang who suffers.”

Yi Zhonghai quickly stood up to explain.

There are some things that Su Gan can do, but Yi Zhonghai cannot.

He is the eldest master in the courtyard, and this position is also a constraint, he must maintain the reputation of the courtyard, otherwise the people in the courtyard will definitely be dissatisfied with him.

No one wants the reputation of their compound to stink.

“Yan Jiefang and Xu Damao sneaked up on Stupid Zhu, so let’s compensate for the medical expenses of five yuan, how about it?”

Yi Zhonghai looks at Yan Bugui.


Anyway, the stupid pillars have already beaten people out of anger, and if they can still earn some more money, it will be enough.

“If I don’t pay, my family won’t lose money when I die.”

Hearing that he wanted his family to compensate Silly Zhu, Yan Bugui directly exploded and compensated Stupid Zhu for five yuan, which was absolutely impossible, and Yan Bugui did not agree.

Just like Yan Bugui, a person who can’t wait to break a penny in half and spend it, let him compensate the stupid pillar for five yuan, how could Yan Bugui agree.

“Old Yan, you can think clearly about the consequences.”

Yi Zhonghai winked at the silly pillar. The silly pillar immediately understood.

“I’m going to call the police, even if I fight to be punished, I have to make Yan Jiefang pay.”

With that, the silly pillar walked out.

“Don’t, don’t call the police, I’m willing to compensate, how about I come out with this money, dad, I’ll take out this money, you help me pad it first, and I’ll give it to you later.”

Yan Bugui is not in a hurry, Yan Jiefang is in a hurry first.

I can’t let Yan Jiefang not be in a hurry, he has just taken up the post now, the good days have just arrived, if the stupid pillar really calls the police, he may have to go in.

At that time, maybe the good days will be gone directly, and Yan Jiefang will not be able to accept it at all. So he would rather pay the price of five dollars than stupidly call the police.

“Yan Jiefang’s guts are really small.”

Su Gan, who was kowtowing with melon seeds, shook his head, and the alarm that the stupid pillar said was actually to scare.

If the silly pillar really called the police, Su Gan believed that the silly pillar would never dare to call the police, after all, it was true that the silly pillar beat people.

He also kicked open the door of Yan Bugui’s house and forcibly broke into Yan Jiefang, who was beaten.

If you call the police, even if the stupid pillar has a reason, he will be arrested and locked up for a few days, and even if he is caught and detained for a day, it will leave a stain.

This kind of thing, Stupid Zhu should be impossible to do, but Yan Jiefang was frightened by Stupid Zhu.

“Don’t forget to give me the money back.”

Yan Bugui asked the three mothers to take out five yuan.

He himself is reluctant to get the money, but if the money is borne by Yan Jiefang himself, Yan Bugui will have no opinion.

“I can’t forget.”

Yan Jiefang was a little angry, his father really didn’t care about his future at all, Yan Jiefang had already made up his mind. In the future, he will definitely not give Yan Bugui a pension.

Yan Bugui didn’t know, because of this matter, Yan Jiefang didn’t plan to give him a pension, and if he knew, he didn’t know if Yan Bugui would regret it.

However, with Yan Bugui’s character, even if he regrets it, I am afraid he will do it.

Silly Zhu got five dollars, which was quite satisfactory, and his medical expenses had not cost a total of five dollars.

Don’t look at the beating is not light, but the cost of medicine this year is very cheap, and the few stitches on his head cost more. But it’s just a relatively large number.

As for the heavy blow in the crotch, the stupid pillar was not treated at all, he resisted it hard.

“Okay, everyone dispersed.”

Yi Zhonghai waved his hand and said.

This time, the matter was stupid to take advantage, lest Su Gan make some kind of moth, so Yi Zhonghai wanted to end it quickly.


When he heard this and so on, Yi Zhonghai chuckled in his heart, but fortunately, these two words were not said by Su Gan, but by Liu Haizhong.

“The stupid pillar hit me, is that also to be compensated?”

Liu Haizhong asked with a black face.

I was beaten and lost face, and if I didn’t earn something back, I felt unbalanced in the center of my bangs.

“And me, I was beaten too.”

Liu Guangtian hurriedly shouted.

“The stupid pillar also hit me, so I have to compensate.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you should have done it first, I just did it to protect myself, what is this called legitimate defense.” Silly Zhu still learned from Su Gan. ”

I have suffered more than once from Su Gan, and I can’t learn anything.

“So many people in the courtyard are watching, it’s useless to deny it, whether it’s your hand that moves first, the big guys can see it clearly.”

The words of the silly pillar made the face in the bangs darker.

“It’s all dispersed.”

Yi Zhonghai dispersed again, announcing that Liu Haizhong and Liu Guangtian were beaten in vain. Su Gan didn’t do anything, but let Yi Zhonghai breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, Su Gan won’t do anything, and he doesn’t have to do anything, anyway, this time Yi Zhonghai can be regarded as offending Yan Bugui and Liu Haizhong.

In the future, the two of them will definitely try their best to target Yi Zhonghai.

“Su Gan, Yi Zhonghai is always towards the stupid pillar, it’s not fair at all, let’s let Yi Zhonghai come down from the position of a great master.”

Yan Bugui came to Su Gan’s side.

Yan Bugui knew that if he wanted to bring Yi Zhonghai down, he still needed Su Gan to come out.

“Yes, Lao Yan is right, Yi Zhonghai is not worthy of being a master at all.”

Liu Haizhong also heard Yan Bugui’s words, and he immediately came over, he was the one who wanted to pull Yi Zhonghai off the horse the most.

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