Sun Bing said:"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary treatment. In theory, all these spoils need to be handed over, but we are quite far from the battalion and regiment headquarters. It is time-consuming and laborious to take these things to the battalion and regiment headquarters. In addition, we also have our own designated locations to rush to. We are waiting for instructions from our superiors to participate in the general attack at any time. We cannot delay the opportunity. Whoever grabs these spoils can use them temporarily."

Hearing Sun Bing's words, everyone cheered.

No one would be willing to give up what they have obtained.

The brothers who were supported came over at this moment.

"We are from the 6th Company of the 10th Regiment of the 27th Army. Thank you for your support, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses in this encounter."The company commander thanked Sun Bing and all the soldiers of the 10th Company.

Sun Bing waved his hand:"We are all here to fight against the US and aid Korea. It is natural to help each other. There is nothing to thank."

After a brief greeting, each company still had tasks and their own military affairs, so they parted ways.

Even though everyone had just experienced life and death together.

There was not much celebration and reunion. In the next battle, this will be commonplace.

It is not surprising.

Sun Bing asked the scouts to explore the way ahead and find a very hidden forest. All the people of the 10th Company were stationed inside for a short rest.

Constantly running around.

Another bloody battle.

Everyone needs to rest.

There are a total of 4 platoons in the 10th Company, and each platoon takes turns patrolling and resting.

A day and a night passed.

Nothing happened.

Early in the morning, the 10th Company commander Sun Bing and the instructor Han Wu found He Yuzhu

""Company commander, political instructor."

He Yuzhu said to Sun Bing and Han Wu.

Sun Bing looked at He Yuzhu, his sharp eyes softened a little, and said with admiration:"Comrade He Yuzhu, in the annihilation battle we fought with the 27th Army's brother company, you used grenades to remove the enemy's heavy machine guns on the high ground that posed the greatest threat to us, and also killed six enemy soldiers.

Your contribution is outstanding and you are extremely brave.

I have asked the communicator to send your battle record to the regiment headquarters via telegram, and the quartermaster also recorded it in writing.


Han Wu patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder:"I never thought that a new recruit like you could play such a big role in the battle. We are really lucky to have you in our 10th Company."

He Yuzhu scratched his head and showed a harmless smile

"Company commander, instructor, thank you for your praise"

"This is all luck"

"And I try my best to kill the enemy. This is what I should do. To defend our country, isn't it about sacrificing our lives?"

He Yuzhu said it easily, but everyone knew that his record might be something they could never achieve in their lifetime.

When they met He Yuzhu, these battle-hardened soldiers realized one thing.

There are geniuses in the world.

Sun Bing said,"The instructor and I came here not only to praise you, but also to do one more thing. You will be the deputy monitor of Class 1 in the future."

Zheng Zhanfei, the monitor of Class 1, had been listening the whole time. He immediately said,"I totally agree. In the annihilation battle last night, if He Yuzhu hadn't caught an enemy gun hidden in the corner in time, our whole class would have suffered. It's absolutely no problem for him to be the deputy monitor."

Yang Jin said,"He Yuzhu, I still remember that when you first came to our class, I said I would protect you. I didn't expect that you would have to protect me in the future."

Li Yong:"Don't call me Xiao He anymore, call me the deputy monitor."

"Deputy monitor"

""Deputy monitor."

Qian Dagui, Hu Guangzhi and Wang Defa addressed He Yuzhu with great respect.

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

Class 1 was missing Zhou Rui.

Forever missing.

This was the significance of their participation in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.

To prevent more deaths.

The U.S. coalition forces must not cross the Yalu River.

MacArthur's arrogant remarks had already been published in the newspapers, and everyone knew that he threatened to reach the Yalu River before Christmas.

If this were true, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom would be threatened.

There would be tens of thousands, or even millions of lives being watched covetously.

It would never be allowed!

"Comrade He Yuzhu"

"Keep going."

Sun Bing said.

He Yuzhu nodded seriously:"I will."

At noon.

Under the command and leadership of Sun Bing, the 10th Company set out again, the destination is 5803 Heights.

That is the position arranged by the regiment.



There were bursts of planes flying through the sky.

No doubt, another round of bombing had begun.

Everyone in the 10th Company quickly took shelter.



There was fire all over a mountain not far away, and bombs kept exploding.

"I don't know which unit was bombed."Zheng Zhanfei shook his head, extremely angry.

Every bombing is bound to cause casualties.

Fighting in a foreign country.

Seeing compatriots injured is really infuriating.

"Squad leader, when will our country be able to have a large number of aircraft, and better, faster and more powerful than those abroad?"Li Yong said to Zheng Zhanfei. Zheng Zhanfei graduated from high school and had the highest academic qualifications among the 10. The team members in the class always asked Zheng Zhanfei if they had any questions.

Zheng Zhanfei thought for a while:"It should take many years, twenty years? Thirty years? I don't know, but that day will definitely come. We Long people have the blood of not admitting defeat in our bones."

Li Yong sighed:"I hope I can live to see that day come."

Yang Jin said:"Me too."

He Yuzhu remained silent.

When the war is over, he will naturally find a way to improve the national strength.

The kind of military power that Li Yong imagined.

It will not be far away.

Only with a strong military force can everything be suppressed and no one dares to invade.

"Company Commander"

"Something is wrong"

"The high ground we are going to is already occupied by the US coalition forces."

A scout returned and said to Sun Bing.

Sun Bing's brows twisted into knots.

A big battle was about to befall their 10th Company.

"How many enemy troops are there?"

Sun Bing asked.

"At least two platoons." The scout replied

"Two platoons, that's about sixty enemies."Sun Bing's face was solemn.

The US coalition was well-equipped.

Even if there were only two platoons, it would still be a very difficult stone for a company to chew.

Moreover, the enemy occupied the high ground.

It was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The difficulty increased again.

"How about the M1A1 howitzer?"

"Four shells, enough for them to drink a pot."

Instructor Han Wu suggested to Sun Bing.

Sun Bing did not agree immediately:"If we use howitzers, four shells can indeed kill some enemy troops, but we will also encounter their desperate resistance.

The enemy is too well equipped, and the bullets will be dense like rain.

In this way, our company will definitely suffer a lot of casualties.

Even if we win, it will be a tragic victory, and we may not even win.

Our company has always had casualties.

Every soldier is a brother, with relatives at home, or wives and children waiting.

I have to be responsible for the life of every soldier.


Han Wu:"But we must occupy the high ground at the designated time."

For a while, Han Wu and Sun Bing were in trouble.

He Yuzhu stood up:"Company commander, instructor, our class 1 applies for battle."

Sun Bing:"Oh?"

He Yuzhu said his plan:"The soldiers in our class sneak over and inflict heavy damage on the enemy in an instant, and then the others in the company will go up. Everyone in the company will go up. There are too many people and it is easy to be discovered. The seven people in our class are different. As long as we hide well, we will not be discovered.

Han Wu said to Sun Bing,"I think it's feasible." Sun

Bing thought about it and nodded, thinking it was very feasible:"Okay."

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