"How did you end up here?" He Yuzhu asked Yulis.

Yulis was wearing a grey long coat and trousers, which did not show her beautiful figure at all. She obviously knew that this was a very serious occasion and she knew what to wear and what not to wear.

Yulis flicked her hair and answered He Yuzhu seriously:"Our country was defeated in the war, and some people were dissatisfied with my maintenance of world peace. Then I was ostracized in the industry, and gradually I became unemployed. I love the journalist industry, so I sent a resume to your Longguo with a try-it attitude. I didn't expect it to be accepted. I am now a reporter in your Longguo, and I want to become a Longguo citizen in the future."

Yulis said, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

Obviously she likes Longguo very much

"Then I wish you in advance that one day you can really settle down in our Dragon Country."He Yuzhu said

"Thank you."

Julis smiled.

When she thought about how she had confessed to He Yuzhu when they parted on the battlefield, her cheeks flushed. She observed He Yuzhu, and it seemed that this guy had forgotten that incident. This made it less awkward for her to continue to get along with He Yuzhu, but she was also a little annoyed. He Yuzhu didn't care about her confession from such a beautiful woman, and he could even forget it.

"Hate~~"Yulis looked at He Yuzhu and suddenly said


He Yuzhu didn't understand.

Yulis didn't explain anything.

Seeing that He Yuzhu was about to leave, Yulis grabbed his shoulder and said,"You, we are old friends getting together, but you didn't even ask me to go to your house. I remember you seemed to have said that you have a sister, right? I really want to go and see your sister. I like children very much."


He Yuzhu nodded.

Bai Ling was a little surprised to see He Yuzhu talking and laughing with Yulisi, and even Yulisi got on with He Yuzhu.

This guy actually knew a foreigner.

And this foreigner was really beautiful. When

He Yuzhu left the square, he took off his military uniform with military rank and many medals. He was too eye-catching in this outfit. He Yuzhu was not a vain person.

""Get on the bike."

He Yuzhu pointed at his bike.

Yulis sat on the back seat.

It was dusk.

The two of them rode on the main road facing the sunset.

Because Yulis was sitting, her trouser legs revealed her long white socks, and there was a hint of her white legs. Her white shoes were also so beautiful, and He Yuzhu in front of her was even more handsome.

Yulis opened her hands and breathed the fresh air freely.

"He Yuzhu"

"I feel like we are a painting now." said Julis


He Yuzhu smiled casually.

Life is just a frame-by-frame playback.

After two lives,

He Yuzhu already had a different view of life.


Yulis had a camera hanging around her neck and took a side profile photo of He Yuzhu.

Yulis secretly said, this guy is so handsome.

He can be considered the most handsome in the world.

As a reporter, Yulis has traveled all over the country and visited many countries, but she thinks He Yuzhu is the most handsome man. Not only is his face handsome, his temperament, his experience and personality are also unparalleled.

"This doesn't seem to be the way to Nanluoguxiang."

Yulisi saw He Yuzhu turning to another street, so she said.

He Yuzhu replied:"You should have been in Longguo for a while, so you are quite familiar with the road. This is indeed not the way to Nanluoguxiang. I will take you to Wangfujing to buy two roast ducks. You are a guest, so you have to eat something rich. This is the way we entertain guests in Longguo."

Yulisi was immediately surprised when she heard the roast duck.

"Sijiucheng Roast Duck, world famous"

"I haven't eaten it yet"

"He Yuzhu, you are so kind to me."

Yulis happily started celebrating on the back seat of the bicycle.

The bicycle swayed from side to side because of Yulis's celebration.


Yulis grabbed He Yuzhu's waist with both hands. He Yuzhu almost fell down.


At the same time,

Jia Dongxu came to Qin Huairu's house carrying some fruits and two kilograms of pork.

""I'm here."

Qin Huairu's father greeted Jia Dongxu warmly after seeing him. Jia Dongxu came to their house every few days to bring things. Their family saved at least dozens of dollars every month on food and drink in the past three years, and they can often eat meat. In the countryside of this era, even during festivals, eating white flour buns is good enough. They can often eat meat, all thanks to Jia Dongxu.

Qin Huairu's father Qin Shou thought to himself that his daughter still has routines.

Not getting married is more profitable than getting married.

These three years.

Enjoy the good life.

Qin Huairu came out and greeted Jia Dongxu:"Dongxu."

Jia Dongxu smiled and nodded happily.

After a brief greeting, Jia Dongxu got to the point:"Qin Huairu, we... when can we get married? Three years, I have been waiting for you for three years. In these three years, don't you know me well? You have known me enough."

Qin Huairu was silent.

Jia Dongxu was very good to her.

He was honest and decent.

If she had not heard that He Yuzhu was the battalion commander, she would have married Jia Dongxu long ago.

Until now, there is no news about He Yuzhu.

Then marry Jia Dongxu.

Qin Huairu was about to nod and agree to the marriage, Jia Dongxu said:"Huairu, agree to it. He Yuzhu from our courtyard is back. Do you know how he is now? He is a colonel and the director of the Infantry Combat Research Institute. He is a very high-ranking official. As long as you marry me, I will find a way to get him to get me a car as a wedding car for us at the wedding, so that you can have face."


Qin Huairu was stunned when she heard that He Yuzhu had come back.

She had been waiting for three years.

He Yuzhu was already a colonel!

Qin Huairu:"Dongxu, wait a little longer."


Jia Dongxu nodded.


After buying the roast duck, He Yuzhu drove Yulis back to the courtyard.

Yan Jiefang, 7, and Liu Guangfu, 7, were playing with stones outside the courtyard. When they saw Yulis, they were stunned. They had only seen foreign women with blond hair and blue eyes in newspapers before, but never the real thing.

The two children's eyes were wide open.

They wiped their saliva at the same time.

"Yan Jiefang, Liu Guangfu"

"Go play"

"It's really embarrassing for us people in Sijiucheng. What kind of quality is this?"

He Yuzhu kicked Yan Jiefang and Liu Guangfu and said.

Yan Jiefang and Liu Guangfu didn't dare to provoke He Yuzhu and ran away.

Yulis gently pulled He Yuzhu's arm with her little hand:"Why are you bullying children? They have never seen foreigners before. It's normal for them to look at them a few more times."

He Yuzhu didn't explain much to Yulis.

He knew Yan Jiefang and Liu Guangfu better.

These two.

Damn it.

Damn it.

His mouth was drooling. The way they looked at Yulis was definitely not just curiosity about foreigners. These two had been peeping in public toilets since they were three years old. They were so bad that they were bleeding. He Yuzhu carried the bicycle over the threshold, and then went into the courtyard with Yulis. Yan Bugui was shaving with a razor in the front yard. When he saw Yulis, his eyes widened.


Yan Bugui cried out in pain.

The razor directly cut a bloody mark on his chin.

It was really because he was too absorbed in watching Yulis.

A blond and blue-eyed white beauty came to the courtyard and surrounded him all at once.

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