What is a brother?

Even brothers may not be like Li Yong.

He Yuzhu's eyes were red.

He Yuzhu was indifferent to life at first, but after experiencing so many life and death, he became more sentimental and cherished every minute and every second of his life. When encountering some injustice and unfairness, He Yuzhu would definitely deal with it from a relatively fair perspective and seek justice for the victims.

"Li Yong"

"Li Yong."

There is candlelight in Li Yong's house, which means he hasn't gone to bed yet, and it's only nine o'clock now, which is not considered bedtime, Zheng Zhanfei said loudly standing at the door.

Why is there candlelight in Li Yong's house? No doubt, it's to save electricity.

And at the end of every month, the manager of the courtyard will hold a meeting of the whole courtyard to announce the electricity usage of each household. Whoever spends less electricity is not only not laughed at in this era, but it is a kind of honor. Basically, there are quite a few people who spend less than three cents of electricity every month. There are always a few in every courtyard.


The door of Li Yong's house opened.

The person who opened the door was a 1.6-meter-tall, dark-skinned, thin woman in her twenties, wearing a linen shirt and patched pants.

"Who are you?"

The 25- or 26-year-old woman looked at Zheng Zhanfei and He Yuzhu, full of confusion.

She didn't know them.

In Xicheng District, she had never seen He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei.

He Yuzhu smiled at the 25- or 26-year-old woman and said,"You are Li Yong's wife, right? I am He Yuzhu, and this is Zheng Zhanfei. We used to be comrades-in-arms with Li Yong. Let's go and see him.……"

Before He Yuzhu could continue, Li Yong's wife burst into tears.

Wiping her tears with her hands, Li Yong's wife said,"I know you guys. Li Yong tells me and the kids about your experiences on the battlefield almost every now and then. He will be very happy if you can come to see him. Come to our house quickly. Our Li Yong has difficulty walking, so I didn't let him open the door just now. Don't be offended if he didn't welcome you first."

He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei said quickly,"How can we blame Li Yong?"""We are best brothers with Li Yong."

He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei had just walked into the house when a black shadow pounced directly on them.

"He Yuzhu!"

""Zheng Zhanfei!"

It was naturally Li Yong who pounced on He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei.

Li Yong shouted the names of He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei.

He burst into tears.

Including Wang Defa, Yang Jin and so on.

They were all in the same class.

They crossed mountains and rivers to participate in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. They risked their lives almost every day.

The friendship established at that time was unimaginable for ordinary people.

Li Yong stayed at home these days and missed the past very much. He was afraid that a good brother in the class would die like Zhou Rui, or become disabled like him. Seeing that He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei were fine, he was happy for his comrades and brothers from the bottom of his heart, and cried with joy. There was also some reluctance in these tears. Once upon a time, Li Yong was the bravest soldier in the whole company, but now this ending... He couldn't help but sigh.

"You two came with so many things."

"Bring them all back to me later."

Li Yong said very seriously when he saw the things that He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei put on the ground.

He was not being polite. He was very serious.

He Yuzhu said:"Li Yong, the little things I brought are insignificant compared to the time you visited and cared about my sister in the past two years."

Zheng Zhanfei echoed:"We are all brothers, why be so formal."

Li Yong grabbed He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei's shoulders:"Let's drink together today and don't go home until we are drunk!"



He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei nodded.

Zheng Zhanfei happened to buy some eggs, so Li Yong's wife Zhang Xuemei fried some dishes with eggs as a snack.

While drinking, they talked about the glorious moments when they fought side by side. He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei also told Li Yong some stories about what happened after Li Yong was no longer in the barracks, as well as the situation of other people in their class, and the whereabouts of the company commander Sun Bing and the instructor Han Wu. He

Yuzhu is a research director at the Infantry Research Institute.

Sun Bing is now a deputy regiment commander. Han Wu is the regiment chief of staff. Wang Defa is a company commander. Yang Jin is a deputy battalion commander. Hu Guangzhi is a deputy company commander. Qian Dagui is a company commander. Except for Li Yong and Zheng Zhanfei, and Zhou Rui who died, the rest of the class is still in the army.

"Damn it"

"I also want to be in the army."

Following Li Yong's last words, Li Yong fell drunk on the table. This was the happiest second day since he left the battlefield. The first day was when his son was born.

Li Yong's son was about two weeks old this year. He was a little shy. When He Yuzhu and others drank, he hid in the quilt, not crying or making a fuss, and watched everything silently.

Li Yong's wife was very virtuous.

His son was also very sensible.

It should have been a very happy family of three.

But because of the war, it became what it is today.

He Yuzhu felt that it was right to choose to join the army at that time. Only by joining the army and defending the country can we prevent more and more More and more families like this appear.

If the enemy invades their homes again, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I dare not think about it.

Among He Yuzhu, Zheng Zhanfei and Li Yong, Li Yong is the roughest looking one. However, when it comes to drinking, Li Yong can drink a lot, but he is definitely not a match for He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei. After Li Yong fell, He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei were still sitting there, especially He Yuzhu, who was still very energetic and calm. He has the skill of [Drinking a Thousand Cups Without Getting Drunk], so drinking is no different from drinking water.

It's just a matter of going for a test.

"Yuzhu, let's drink together."

Zheng Zhanfei raised his glass to toast He Yuzhu.

""We two are not drinking anymore."

He Yuzhu said.

Zheng Zhanfei was holding the glass in his hand and was stunned.

Zheng Zhanfei didn't drink anymore.

This meant that Zheng Zhanfei was not drunk.

"sister in law"

"What is Li Yong doing in Sijiucheng now?"

"Shouldn't there be a military fund and pension? How come life becomes like this?" He Yuzhu asked Li Yong's wife. Since Li Yong was drunk, he didn't hide anything and asked directly.

Li Yong's wife Zhang Xuemei replied:"Li Yong was originally assigned to a public institution to guard the gate, but it was a bit far, and Li Yong had difficulty walking, so he quit.

Later, Li Yong's mother became seriously ill, and the family spent a lot of money, but she was not saved in the end.

In addition, raising a child is very expensive.

The child is too young, and it doesn't matter if we eat less, but we can't let the child suffer and affect his development in the future.

Our son will also join the army in the future.

The whole family now depends on me to weave baskets and sell them for money.


He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei were silent.

Hemp ropes are broken only when they are thin.

He Yuzhu took out 3 million from his pocket.

"Sister-in-law, take this money, don't tell Li Yong."

Seeing 3 million, not only Li Yong's wife was stunned, Zheng Zhanfei was also stunned.

He Yuzhu was too generous.

But after thinking about it, Zheng Zhanfei was relieved, He Yuzhu's salary was high.

Li Yong's wife didn't take it at the first time.

He Yuzhu slapped the money on the table.

Zheng Zhanfei also took out 500,000 as a token of his heart.

""Sister-in-law, don't worry. I'll find a way to deal with Li Yong's work."

He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei left without letting Li Yong's wife refuse.

The night breeze blew.

Zheng Zhanfei was much more sober.

Zheng Zhanfei said to He Yuzhu,"Will you attend tomorrow's medal ceremony for the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea?"

He Yuzhu nodded,"Of course."

He was going to the stage to receive a medal personally from a great leader.

It was a supreme honor.

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