Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng kept smiling when He Yuzhu didn't speak.

They looked at He Yuzhu eagerly.

He Yuzhu circled around Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng.

Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng were extremely nervous.

They felt that He Yuzhu could see through their dirty hearts.

Three years ago, they had quarreled with He Yuzhu and even had a fight.

Who could have thought that He Yuzhu would become so successful now? They thought that the high and mighty director of the street office came to He Yuzhu in person to express his friendship.

They acted respectful to He Yuzhu, but in fact, they hated He Yuzhu in their hearts.

They thought that if one day they were above He Yuzhu, or if He Yuzhu fell into poverty, they must humiliate him severely and let him go back to his former glory.

He Yuzhu sat down, crossed his legs, put his hands on the armrests of the high chair, and said,"Liu Guangtian, Yan Jiecheng, you two come to me, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly."

Liu Guangtian scratched his head and smiled in a seemingly loyal way:"Hehe, Brother Zhu, I want to hang out with you, and I also want to be a soldier. In the future, you can give me a battalion commander. I will be your confidant. If there is anything that is inconvenient for you to do, I can do it. Even if there are people who are inconvenient to deal with in the future, as long as I have the ability, I will help you do it."

Yan Jiecheng nodded his head like pounding garlic:"Yes, yes, Guangtian is right. His ideas are also my ideas. We have discussed it. As long as Brother Zhu nods, I will serve you immediately." After

Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, they lowered their heads again.

From time to time, they peeked at He Yuzhu.

They wanted to see clues from He Yuzhu's expression.

However, He Yuzhu's face was normal.

They could not interpret any information.

If these two losers can tell what they are thinking just by looking at their expressions, He Yuzhu would rather commit suicide.

He will not live anymore.

What kind of people are these two? They are not worthy.

They are just two 250.

Regarding the fact that Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian are going to be battalion commanders, He Yuzhu only thinks three words,"joking".

Have they really never looked in the mirror?

He Yuzhu suddenly had an idea.

He Yuzhu frowned slightly, pretending to be embarrassed:"We are all from the same courtyard. It is understandable to help you. We are neighbors. But I have just been transferred to the Sijiu City, and I immediately abused my power to arrange two people to enter the military camp, and they have to be trained intensively. It's difficult. So, let me arrange one of you first, and wait until I have a firm foothold, and then arrange the other one. Do you think it's okay?"


"No problem."

Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian didn't expect He Yuzhu to be so easy to talk to. At this moment, their mouths were all crooked with laughter.

The two looked at each other.

He was still the same silly Zhu as before.

It was right not to give him a gift.

Save it.

He Yuzhu changed the subject:"Then the question is, who of you two should follow me into the military camp first."

Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian said in succession:"I will follow you first""I'll go in first!"

Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian were originally inseparable, their relationship was stronger than gold.

But in an instant, the two of them looked at each other with a smell of gunpowder.

They were all thinking, damn, why do you want to snatch it from me?

They both thought they were better than the other.

"Liu Guangtian, it was my idea to come to Brother Zhu to ask for his help, so I should have entered the military camp first. Besides, didn’t Brother Zhu say that he would let you in after you have gained a foothold? Why are you in such a hurry? Do you understand what it means to come first and go later?"Yan Jiecheng said to Liu Guangtian.

Liu Guangtian rolled his eyes:"Do you dare to come to Brother Zhu without me? People are mutual. Why should I let you in? I should enter the military camp first. What if Brother Zhu fails to gain a foothold in the military camp in the future? I won’t let you in."

He Yushui looked at He Yuzhu.

She was a little anxious.

Her brother went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, fearless and upright.

But he must not do things to open the back door for others.

It will ruin his reputation.

Especially Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng, what kind of people are they? They are not good at anything and they eat everything. If they are allowed to enter the military camp, they will definitely say everywhere that He Yuzhu arranged them to go in, show off everywhere, and make trouble everywhere, making He Yuzhu hate them. These two guys are two pigs, neither of them can be kept.

He Yuzhu gently pinched He Yushui's shoulder.

He knew his limits.

He Yuzhu saw that Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng were still arguing fiercely, neither of them gave in, and made a somewhat embarrassed expression, and then said:"Since the two of you are not willing to give in to each other, then the army pays attention to that when two people encounter disagreements, they will compete to determine the winner. You two should compete with each other, and whoever wins will let you follow me"


As soon as He Yuzhu finished speaking, Liu Guangtian punched Yan Jiecheng on the head.

Yan Jiecheng suddenly felt a big bump on his head.

Yan Jiecheng immediately went berserk:"Fuck! You hit me before Brother Zhu said start. I have seen through it. Liu Guangtian is a bastard. If I play with you again, I will be a dog. I will kill you today!"


Yan Jiefang swung his arm and punched Liu Guangtian on the shoulder.

Liu Guangtian felt great pain in his shoulder.


Yan Jiecheng scratched Liu Guangtian again, and immediately five long claw marks appeared on Liu Guangtian's arm.


Liu Guangtian kicked Yan Jiecheng in the abdomen.

The two wrestled fiercely.

It was not a duel.

It was just a fight.

He Yuzhu drank the special mountain tea made from the [Shanshui Secret Space], and the rich tea aroma permeated his mouth.



He Yuzhu did not look closely at the fight between Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian.

They were just two clowns.

After more than half an hour, Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng were all exhausted and fell to the ground.

"There's no winner."

"Come find me next time after you decide the winner."

He Yuzhu grabbed Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian by the neck from behind and carried them out like chickens.

Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangtian didn't realize that He Yuzhu was just playing with them. The two men stood at the door of He Yuzhu's house, still cursing at each other. Yan Jiecheng pointed at Liu Guangtian's nose and said,"Liu Guangtian, you are good. Just wait. I treat you as my best brother and never give in to me. Okay, okay, from now on, don't let me find a chance. I will beat you next time."

Liu Guangtian waved his hand,"Go to hell, I will beat you too."

The two men parted unhappily, one went back to the front yard and the other went back to the back yard.

The friendship boat capsized at any time.

He Yushui looked at He Yuzhu,"Brother, you were deliberately letting them fight just now. You didn't intend to let them enter the barracks at all?"

He Yuzhu smiled,"You are much smarter than those two idiots."

He Yuzhu touched He Yushui's head and left.

He Yushui was already seven years old, so she could live by herself. He Yuzhu's family had two houses in the middle courtyard, and he would live in the main house.

Jia Zhang was washing clothes for Jia Dongxu at the door of her house.

Jia Dongxu had already worshipped Yi Zhonghai as his teacher, and was currently working as a first-level fitter in a steel rolling mill.

Jia Zhang was a tiger woman. Others did not dare to provoke He Yuzhu, but she did. She was very jealous when she saw He Yuzhu, her eyes were red, and her teeth were sour. Jia Zhang said sarcastically:"He Yuzhu, you are really getting better. You have become a high-ranking official and bought a bicycle. Many people are rushing to curry favor with you. Tsk tsk, some people just have that fate, while some people are unlucky. They are obviously better than others, but they don't have that fate."


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