Chapter 73

“Mr. Han, you know, Deputy Factory Manager Liu Qinsong is the backbone of our factory. He provides a lot of technology, and only he can do a lot of work, so…”

Manager Yang did not say anything.

Liu Qinsong is too important to Red Star Rolling Mill, and Director Wang attaches great importance to him.

So when President Han proposed to poach Liu Qinsong, Director Yang refused from every level.

“Manager Yang, I know what you mean, but if you are willing to cut love, Han Qingren will cover the three-year profit of the Red Star Rolling Mill!”

President Han naturally knew that talents like Liu Qinsong would certainly not be poached so easily, so he was willing to bleed once.

After hearing this, Director Yang was a little moved. If it were someone else, he would definitely agree to it without hesitation.

But Liu Qinsong has to think carefully about it.

Han Qingren naturally saw the mind of Director Yang 26 and spoke again.

“Five years of net profit, as long as Manager Yang agrees, we can sign the contract now.”

Director Yang was stunned again. He was indeed a foreign Chinese enterprise, and he was really rich.

“Mr. Han, I can’t do this alone. Deputy Director Liu Qinsong was promoted by the superiors, and we have to ask his own opinions.”

Director Yang said.

After thinking about it, Han Qingren felt that there was some truth to what Director Yang had said, so he nodded in agreement and prepared to wait to ask Liu Qinsong’s opinion.

Soon Director Yang and President Han came to Liu Qinsong’s office.

In Liu Qinsong’s office, a reporter from the TV station set up the camera and prepared to interview Liu Qinsong.

Seeing Director Yang and President Han coming in, Liu Qinsong motioned to the reporter of the TV station to be interviewing later and walked in front of them.

“Director Yang, President Han, it seems that you have already signed the contract. What can I do if you come to see me now?”

Liu Qinsong said.

“Qinsong, it’s true that something is looking for you. Han always wants you to be the director of his factory. I don’t know what you think.”

Factory Manager Yang said nervously that he actually didn’t want Liu Qinsong to go, but he couldn’t tell Mr. Han directly, so he found an excuse to ask Liu Qinsong for his opinion.

Liu Qinsong was taken aback. He didn’t expect that he suddenly became a sweet potato.

“Mr. Han, I’m sorry, Red Star Rolling Mill has a different meaning to me, and Manager Yang treats me well, so I can’t go to your company.”

Liu Qinsong declined.

After hearing this, President Han was taken aback, then smiled bitterly.

“It’s really a shame. I couldn’t ask for a talent like Deputy Director Liu. This is because Han Qingren is not lucky. If Deputy Director Liu figured it out, I will always welcome you.”

Afterwards, Mr. Han left Liu Qinsong’s office accompanied by Director Yang.

“Deputy Director Liu, can we start the interview now?”

The newspaper reporter asked.

Liu Qinsong nodded.

“Then the first question. Regarding the Red Star Rolling Mill, the technology has suddenly surpassed all the rolling mills in Beijing during this period of time. Director Yang said that this matter is related to you, and I don’t know what you want to say.”

A reporter from China newspaper asked.

Liu Qinsong glanced at the newspaper reporter and said.

“Now the country needs technical talents in this area, and I happened to read books in this area, and then apply what I learned, which helped the factory complete the technological reform and innovation.”

Liu Qinsong replied.

Just after Liu Qinsong’s words were said, the man with the camera began to keep recording what Liu Qinsong said.

“Red Star is already the top steel rolling mill in Beijing. I don’t know what Deputy Director Liu has for the future development of Red Star.”

Liu Qinsong glanced at the female reporter.

Secretly cursed in my heart: “The local turtle reporter from there, can I tell you about this? This is confidential, and shouldn’t you ask Director Yang about this matter? What am I doing?”

“For the future planning of the Red Star Rolling Mill, we have only one principle, that is, in our own industry, we are good at doing our best.”

Liu Qinsong is more than able to deal with it.

“Deputy Director Liu, as a young man in his twenties, what do you think of this era?”

The female reporter asked.

“The times have always progressed. Since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the party, the people’s life will get better and better. As a young man of this era, I will follow the party’s steps closely and help our country rise. It’s incumbent on me to make contributions.”

Liu Qinsong said impassionedly.

This momentum shocked the female reporter of the newspaper and the young man taking pictures.

After a long delay, the female reporter silently recorded in the notebook, and then closed it.

“Thank you very much, Deputy Director Liu, for being willing to accept this interview, especially the last sentence that shocked me very much. If I have the opportunity in the future, I hope to interview Deputy Director Liu once.”

After speaking, the female reporter got up and shook hands with Liu Qinsong to bid farewell.

After sending away the female reporter, Liu Qinsong cleaned up the office and was about to go home from get off work.

After the female reporter from the newspaper returned to the China newspaper, she began to sort out the layout.

She did not expect that Liu Qinsong would say such a shocking word.

It didn’t take long for the Beijing Evening News to be published. The headline on the front page was “Cheering for the rise of China, it is my duty!” with a photo of Liu Qinsong.

With the launch of the Evening News, many people were shocked by the headlines on the front page of the newspaper.

Director Wang stood on the balcony, holding the latest evening paper, and looking into the distance.

“Liu Qinsong, the young man, really has a limitless future.”


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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