Chapter 7

“Oh! So much meat, Qin Huairu, where did you get rich?”

Seeing that Qin Huai didn’t speak, the second aunt spoke first.

With the second aunt taking the lead, everyone is also talking about the source of this meat.

“Qin Huairu, honestly, how did the meat of Bangskin come from? If you didn’t steal the chicken from Xu Damao’s family, would it be possible that you stole something from the factory again?”

Liu Qinsong asked

“I don’t have it. This meat was not stolen by Bang Jie, nor did I get it from the factory.” Qin Huairu said with a pale face.

“It wasn’t stolen, and you didn’t get it from the factory. Could it be that it didn’t grow out of the ground?”

Now everyone in the yard was puzzled. It wasn’t that Bang Jie had stolen it, or that Qin Huairu took it from the factory. How did that come about?

To know that with Qinhuai’s home-like conditions, it would be nice to be able to eat a full meal, and it would be impossible to eat so much meat.

Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, Qin Huairu was a little flustered.

“I didn’t steal this meat, this meat was given to me by the fool.”

After speaking, he cast a look at the silly column.

The Bang Jing on the side also clutched his stomach after hearing Qin Huai’s words like this.

“Yes, this meat was given to me by my stupid uncle. I definitely didn’t steal the chicken from Damao’s house. If you don’t believe me, you can ask my stupid uncle.”

Everyone looked at the foolish pillar on the side.

“Yes! This meat is what I gave to you, what’s wrong, is it illegal?” Shazhu nodded and admitted.

Sha Zhu knew what Qin Huairu meant when Qin Huairu looked at him, Dang Even planned to carry the pot for Bang Geng.

Liu Qinsong was not surprised at the fact that Sha Zhu would help Bang Geng carry the scapegoat. After scolding Sha Zhu again as a fool in his heart, he could only shook his head helplessly.

During the day, Shaozhu kindly helped Qin Huairu, but Qin Huairu still didn’t appreciate it, and kept complaining that it was the fool that had harmed her.

Now he lied and said that the meat was given by the fool, and Bang Jie also shirk the responsibility to the fool. This family really caught one person to death.

I didn’t know that Sha Zhu was used as a gun. He deserved to be bullied all the time.

When everyone in the yard heard what Sha Zhu said, they all looked at Liu Qinsong again.

“Liu Qinsong, since the silly Zhu said that he gave the meat to Bangstalk, it proves that Bangsword didn’t steal Xu Damao’s chicken, but how do you count if you beat the Bangstalk.” The second uncle questioned.

“And my chicken, you must have stolen it” Xu Damao hurriedly said after seeing the finger point at Liu Qinsong again.

Seeing Xu Damao jumped out again, Liu Qinsong felt uncomfortable and stared at Xu Damao.

When Xu Damao saw Liu Qinsong staring at him, he was startled and took a few steps back.

“You… would you dare to stare at me? You thief, is it possible that you still want to beat me?” Xu Damao said.

Liu Qinsong looked at the people in front of him, and didn’t want to waste his saliva, grabbed the stick-stemmed arm, pulled it in front of him, and punched him in the abdomen again.

Although this punch still avoided the vital point, it didn’t have any strength, and it hit Bangshou’s abdomen firmly.

Bang Geng clutched his belly instantly, like a prawn with a bent back, clutching his belly and fell to the ground, crying.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang on the side yelled even more anxiously.

Liu Qinsong, you are not a damn human being. If you take a shot at a child, you are so conscientious that you can’t die.

“Liu Qinsong, are you still a man? Even children fight. Today I fight with you.”

Seeing Liu Qinsong’s bangs hitting his stomach, the silly post on the side could no longer bear it.

Rolling up his sleeves and rushing out to punch Liu Qinsong.

However, where is the silly Zhu’s opponent of Liu Qinsong.

Watching the silly column pounce at him, he didn’t talk nonsense, and kicked the silly column to the ground with a heavy kick.

Then he stepped on Shazhu’s face, and Shazhu couldn’t move instantly.

“I said Shazhu, your mind was kicked by a donkey, good or bad, you can still help you if you were sold, you live Lei Feng.”

After speaking, Liu Qinsong let go of the foot that was stepping on the silly pole, and walked towards the stick that was lying on the ground.

At this time, Bang Jing saw Liu Qinsong walking towards him and backed away quickly, calling Qin Huairu for help.

But Qin Huairu didn’t dare to step forward seeing Liu Qinsong’s appearance, and could only curse with tears on the side.

“Boy, I’ll give you another chance. I will beat you if you don’t tell the truth until you are willing to tell the truth.” Liu Qinsong said:

Being so startled by Liu Qinsong, Bang Geng immediately cried and said.

“Don’t hit me, it was my Uncle Damao who instructed me to do this. He asked me to hide the chicken feathers behind your house, and then said that you stole the chicken. It doesn’t matter to me.”

After speaking, he squatted on the ground and cried, clutching his head.

Xu Damao, who was on the side, was anxious when he heard it, pointed at the stick and yelled.

“The little bunny who went to f*ck, obviously you stole my chicken in front. I haven’t even asked you to settle the account. You dare to say that I instigated you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Damao immediately realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly covered his mouth.

But everyone present was not stupid. He heard what Xu Damao said clearly before, and understood the truth of the matter, and immediately looked at Liu Qinsong with a little complex expression.

Seeing that everyone was a little embarrassed, Liu Qinsong didn’t care, pointing at them and yelling angrily.

“You people, you have eyes but no beads, you are all blind. I can’t take care of the others, but the few who work in the rolling mill will report to Laozi to the Security Department tomorrow. Don’t even think about running.”

The second uncle waited for a few people who were working in the rolling mill. When he heard this, his face turned pale in shock.

This matter must be known to the leaders of the rolling mill. Criticism is definitely indispensable, and maybe it will affect their careers.

“It deserves to tell you to wrong my grandson.” The deaf old lady applauded and applauded.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, Qinsong, they are all in the yard, so let’s forget about the Security Department. If you have anything, you can discuss it.”

The second uncle is also smooth, and hurriedly stepped forward and said.

“It’s okay if I don’t go to the Security Department, but my wrongdoing is not in vain. Widow Qin must be asked to apologize to me, and then lose money to me as a mental damage expense.”

Liu Qinsong pointed to Qin Huairu’s family and said.

As soon as the second uncle heard it, he didn’t need to go to the security department, and he agreed without thinking about it.

Then said to Qin Huairu.

“Qin Huairu, your son Banggeng steals things from others and planted the blame. You have no choice but to pay Liu Qinsong five yuan. Banggeng steals something serious and immediately parades the public.”

After the second uncle had finished speaking, many people agreed, and after a while, someone came over with a rope. .

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