Chapter 33

The three big masters firmly grasped the second uncle by the collar, saw that the second uncle did not speak, anger surged up suddenly, raised his fist and hit the second uncle in the face.

The second uncle who had been punched also came to his senses, and was punched in front of everyone by the third master, and suddenly became a little uncontrollable on his face, so he raised his fist and hit the third master.

Upon seeing this, the two policemen stood up to stop.

“What are you doing? Just grab both of you and go to the police station.”

Director Zhang said angrily when he dared to do it in front of him, without putting himself in the eye.

Upon hearing this, the two of them were frightened and stopped doing it.

“Comrade police, we were really wronged. Liu Qinsong must have deliberately framed us.” The second uncle said.

“Liu Haizhong, you are really pressed for anxiousness. You dare to say anything. I didn’t come out after I got home yesterday. My grandma can prove it.” Liu Qinsong said.

The deaf old lady on the side hurried up to prove.

Because of the seniority of the deaf old lady and the fact that she had weaved straw sandals for the Red Army before, it can be said that no one knows what she said, so everyone believed her words.

“Liu Haizhong, you are a dog, you just want to praise me, and then you can dominate in the yard, right? There are silly posts, it must be because of the last time Teacher Ran has always held a grudge against me. ”

The three big masters were forced to be anxious at this time, no matter what, pointing at the second big master and the silly column was a mess.

The second uncle knew that he was at a disadvantage, not to mention that there was a policeman next to him, so he remained silent.

But the stupid post had a tense and straight-tempered, and it was natural that he couldn’t bear seeing the three big masters wronged him.

“Yan Laoxi, you are a dog, you will bite when you see people, if you want to say that, I really have to tell you about Teacher Ran.” Said Sha Zhu.

Then he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the three masters.

Seeing Shazhu walking towards the three masters, the first master immediately stepped forward and hugged him and said.

“Pillar, you are crazy, the police are still here, what do you want to do, are you going to enter the police station?”

When Shao Zhu heard this, he calmed down a bit, and stopped and said.

“Yan Laoxi, let me tell you, Laozi didn’t take your bicycle. If you don’t believe me, I can’t help it. How do you like it? I won’t take care of it.”

After speaking, the silly post walked out, but was stopped by a policeman.

“You can’t leave now. You are suspected of stealing other people’s belongings. Please come with us.”

Shazhu looked at the policeman in front of him, feeling even more depressed.

“He Yuzhu, Liu Haizhong, since you found Yan Bugui’s bicycle parts in your room, you two are involved in crimes. Come with us.”

Director Zhang had just finished speaking, and the two policemen were about to get into the car with the fool and the second uncle.

“His three big masters, if you haven’t said a word, who will pay you for the car if you are taken away?” The grandfather said.

When the three masters heard this, they felt reasonable, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Director Zhang and the others.

“Comrade police, they have to accompany me in the car!” San Da Ye said.

Director Zhang frowned and scolded the three masters.

“You old comrade, you reported the case, and the person you let us arrest is now stopping us. What do you think of us as the police? Your bicycle is important, or is it important for us to handle the case.”

The three masters were speechless but refused to give way.

“Director Zhang, forget it, since this happened in our yard, let the people in the yard solve it by themselves!”

The great master said.

Director Zhang glanced at Liu Qinsong and saw that Liu Qinsong was silent, so he acquiesced and ordered two policemen to put them down.

“Since you have to solve it by yourself, forget it this time, and if it remains the same next time, I will take you all back to the police station.”

After finishing talking, Director Zhang took the two policemen to the door. Before leaving, he didn’t forget to beat Liu Haizhong, saying that his previous case of playing a hooligan was still leaving the police station, so he should be more careful in the future.

“Since this matter has been said to be resolved in the yard, there must be a result. I propose that a meeting of the whole hospital be held tonight to discuss the matter of the three grand master bicycles.” The grandfather said.

Then everyone dispersed, those who should go to work, and those who dared to work, they all went to their own affairs.

As night fell, the yard was full of people, as before, the grandfather sat in the main seat.

“We must all know the reason for the convening of the whole hospital. It is because of the fact that Sha Zhu and Liu Haizhong stole the bicycles of the three grand masters.”

The grandfather said.

“I told you I didn’t steal it, his grandfather, you can’t slander someone’s innocence out of thin air!”

Before the first grandfather had finished speaking, the second grandfather Liu Haizhong opened his mouth to explain.

Seeing the second uncle speak, Sha Zhu quickly explained that he did not steal the car.

“Huh! People get stolen goods and don’t admit it yet. Car stealing is bad enough. Now it’s hard to say. This is a moral problem.”

Said the three masters.

“Yan Laoxi, who are you talking about? I have the ability to say it again, can I beat you?”

Sha Zhu rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the three masters, who hurriedly hid when seeing this.

“His grandfather, look at the silly post, you stole something and want to hit someone, it’s totally unreasonable.”

The three big masters pointed to the silly column and said.

“Stop arguing, I’ll decide on this matter. The stealing of the car by Shazhu and the second uncle, and the evidence was conclusive, there is no way to justify this, so I decided to let Shazhu and the second uncle each pay half of the compensation.”

After the first grandfather had finished speaking, Shazhu and the second grandfather naturally quit, still clamoring that they did not steal the bicycle.

“Don’t admit it yet, I don’t think there is anything to say, just send it to the police station.” San Da Ye said.

When Sha Zhu and the second uncle heard this, they were a little scared, after all, they told Director Zhang this morning to deal with it by themselves.

Now if they are making trouble at the police station, neither of them has any fruit to eat.

After thinking about it for a while, the two could only compromise, but they were unwilling to pay half of the burden for each, and only willing to pay 10 yuan each.

“What can you do with this little money? Even if you take back all the parts from your place and add this 20 yuan, it is not enough. Besides, there are still many parts that you don’t know where you took them. You two must be one and half. Pay me for a new car.”

Said the three masters.

“Yan Laoxi, don’t go too far. One person will pay you 10 yuan a lot. If you are really capable, you can send us to the police station.”

Shazhu said, and then sat on the bench with an indifferent expression.

“His three masters, what you said is really too much. After assembling those parts and buying the few parts, it is almost the same. It is too much to pay for a new one.”

Seeing the three people quarreling again, the first master came out to adjust, and other people in the yard also agreed that the third master was indeed too much.

The three masters saw that he seemed to be guilty of public anger, so he nodded and compromised.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, and the task is rewarded with level 9 electronic engineer skills, canned meat*10, food stamps*20.

“Since an agreement has been reached, let’s handle the matter like this, and everyone should be separated.”

The grandfather said.

When everyone got up to leave, Liu Qinsong’s voice came from the crowd.

“This is the end? I said it well before, if you wronged me, Sha Zhu, the second uncle and the third man have to apologize to me, forget it so soon?”


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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