Chapter 147

This scene in the yard was clearly seen by Ran Qiuye who had just returned from shopping.

She originally planned to rush up, but seeing this group of people raging, Ran Qiuye knew that she couldn’t be impulsive, so she found a place to hide and check the movements of this group of people.

Among this group of people, Ran Qiuye saw a very familiar person, it was Liu Haizhong.

Ran Qiuye almost called out in surprise, and quickly covered her mouth.

After Zhao Tai and the group had left, Ran Qiuye dared to come out.

Disregarding what was on hand, hurriedly ran towards the rolling mill.

At this time, Liu Qinsong was holding a meeting with several senior officials.


The door of Liu Qinsong’s office suddenly opened, and everyone looked at it.

Ran Qiuye kept panting.

“Akiba, why are you here? What’s wrong?”

Liu Qinsong asked.

“Green… Qinsong, it’s not good, milk… grandma… was taken away.”

Ran Qiuye stammered.

Liu Qinsong, who was originally in a calm mood, was instantly full of anger after hearing this.

“Autumn leaves, what are you talking about? Grandma was taken away? Who caught it?”

Liu Qinsong roared.

Liu Qinsong was like an angry lion at this time. Everyone present except Ran Qiuye was terrified by Liu Qinsong’s expression.

Although they knew that Liu Qinsong had a bigger temper, they saw Liu Qinsong’s appearance for the first time, and they didn’t dare to take a breath.

“I don’t know, but Liu Haizhong is also in it.”

Ran Qiuye said.

“In the bangs! You are looking for death in this matter.”

Liu Qinsong’s eyes were no longer angry, but a surge of murderous intent.

“Qinsong, don’t be impulsive. The most important thing now is to know who the grandma was taken away, and then think about the countermeasures.”

Ran Qiuye said.

Liu Qinsong was about to be swallowed up by anger at this time, but fortunately, Ran Qiuye’s words calmed him a little bit.

“Akiba, you go to my master’s house and tell me about this matter.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Ran Qiuye nodded after listening, then turned and left.

“You guys, tell this to President Han of Dongsheng Rolling Mill, Director Wang and Deputy Director Yang, and Director Zhang from the police station. I have to go back.”

Liu Qinsong turned and left after speaking, and walked towards the courtyard.

After more than half an hour, Liu Qinsong returned to the yard.

Many people in the courtyard were really discussing this matter at this time. Seeing Liu Qinsong came back, they hurried forward.

“I told you to offend people everywhere, now it’s alright, people have come to the door with revenge.”

In the crowd, Xu Damao said suddenly.

And his words completely annoyed Liu Qinsong.

Liu Qinsong strode forward, grabbed Xu Damao by the collar, and lifted him up.

Then he threw it hard against the wall.

At this time, Liu Qinsong did not show mercy, and Xu Damao slammed into the wall.

Xu Damao suddenly felt uncomfortable in his chest, and a mouthful of blood poured out.

When everyone saw this, they were taken aback.

“Qinsong, it’s not the time to take care of Xu Damao, you still think of a way to save the deaf old lady is true.”

The three big masters came up to discourage Dao, and everyone in the yard also agreed to discourage him.

Liu Qinsong certainly didn’t care about Xu Damao at this time, and went straight into the house.

The room was not messed up. It can be seen that the deaf old lady was not harmed at the time.

The Eye of Jianzhen was activated, and the previous scenes all appeared before Liu Qinsong’s eyes.

After a while, Liu Qinsong walked out of the house with a black face.

At this time, Ran Qiuye had also come to Uncle Guan’s house and told Uncle Guan about the matter.

“Who is so courageous? Chunming, you arrange for someone to find Lord Niu, tell him this, and let him take someone to Qinsong’s house. I’ll go and find Qinsong first.”

Inside the Dongsheng Rolling Mill, Han Qingren, who knew the news, had a faint look in his eyes.

“Needless to say, it must have been done by people from the Zhao Group. I will immediately arrange for the staff to go to the Zhao Group to ask for someone. You should go back and tell Brother Qinsong. I’ll be there later.”

In the police station, Director Zhang, who was reading the newspaper, immediately summoned all the police officers in the police station, leaving only a few guards and leading people toward the compound.

In Director Wang’s home, Director Wang severely smashed the teacup to pieces after learning about it.

“Fuck, needless to say, it must be the people from the Zhao Group. I will call the people above. Don’t fucking want this Zhao Group. Xiao Yang, take someone to Qinsong first. Over there.”

Deputy Director Yang left in response, and dozens of guards from Director Wang’s home also left with him.

Wang Dawei, who was hiding outside, heard the conversation inside the house and his eyes were weird, and then he drove away.. ……

As a second-generation official, Wang Dawei naturally has his own circle. Although he is not arrogant and domineering because of his family education, this does not mean that he is a soft persimmon.

Soon, Wang Dawei came to a compound with more than a dozen teenagers about his age.

“Yo! Isn’t this a big deal? Your dad is willing to let you out? Don’t say anything, come and play two cards!”

A teenager with a cigarette in his mouth stepped forward and said.

“I didn’t come here to play cards with my brothers. The grandmother of a friend of mine was taken away by people from the Zhao Group. I came here to ask my brothers to help.”

Wang Dawei said.

“Zhao Group? Zhao Tai? I saw him upset long ago. Since Dawei has spoken, we naturally won’t refuse. If we don’t say anything, I will go back to my dad and ask him to help figure out a solution.”

The others in the yard nodded, and then drove away.

Before long, all the top officials in the capital began to oscillate.

Team after team of escorts headed towards the Zhao Group from various places.

In the various alleys of the capital, many “gangsters” wearing gray tunic suits have also begun to gather one after another.

At this time, Zhao Tai didn’t know how much trouble he had caused, and he was sitting in front of the deaf old lady at this time.

“Old lady, I have a little holiday with your grandson. I invite you over this time just to clear up your grievances with your grandson. After I clean up your grandson, I will let you go.”

Zhao Tai said.

The deaf old lady glanced at Zhao Tai with a smug look, and snorted coldly.

“Although I don’t know who you are, you just have to do this. If you can’t beat my grandson, it’s shameless to use my old woman to make a fuss.”

“Old lady, whatever you say, I won’t care about you. The more fierce your scolding is now, I will count this bill on your grandson at that time.”

After Zhao Tai finished speaking, he left the room where the deaf old lady was detained.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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