Chapter 100

He Yushui’s last words made Liu Qinsong stunned for a long time.

Ran Qiuye, who had witnessed all this, couldn’t help it anymore, and couldn’t help laughing.

Liu Qinsong turned his head to look at Ran Qiuye, who was trembling with a smile, and his heart throbbed.

“Otherwise, it’s a scholarly girl, this smile affects my heartstrings.”

Liu Qinsong said, walking slowly towards Ran Qiuye, and then hugged Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye, who was held in her arms, instantly turned crimson.

“I have something to do this afternoon, don’t mess around.”

When Ran Qiuye finished speaking, she gently pushed Liu Qinsong, trying to push Liu Qinsong away.

But the more she did this, the tighter Liu Qinsong hugged.

“The time is too short, we will only fight for the day and night, and we will talk about things at night.”

Liu Qinsong started to feel a little dishonest after speaking.

At this time, Ran Qiuye was also a little moved by him.

The hands resting on Liu Qinsong’s chest were lowered unconsciously.


Approaching lunch time, Liu Qinsong walked out of the office and ordered his secretary to serve two meals.

Although the secretary was a little puzzled, he still did.

Liu Qinsong and Ran Qiuye took a break after lunch. Ran Qiu said that he was a little uncomfortable, so he got up and went back to rest.

And Liu Qinsong sat in the office and began to fall into contemplation.

Before long, Liu Qinsong asked the secretary to call Qin Huairu from the archives room.

“Recently, there will be a major inspection. You can help find out all the current information in the early days of the establishment of the factory, sort out the important points before leaving get off work at night, and put them on my desk.”

Liu Qinsong said.

Qin Huairu was immediately dumbfounded. Although she did not work in the archives room, she knew very well that the archives’ work was not that easy.

And for someone with no culture like her, it might be very difficult to organize the documents of the day.

But Liu Qinsong now asks her to sort out the documents from the early days of the establishment of the factory, and have to extract them, and the time is only half a day.

This is simply impossible for her.

“Director Liu, is this too urgent, and I haven’t done anything like this before, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

Qin Huai said tremblingly.

Liu Qinsong frowned upon hearing this, and looked at Qin Huairu angrily.

Qin Huairu was taken aback instantly.

“Now there are not enough manpower in the factory, and this kind of delicate work must be done by lesbians. Although you have no culture, you still know the basic words. That’s why I let you do this. If you do No, how about I just fire you directly?.”

Liu Qinsong said.

After hearing this, Qin Huai was aggrieved.

“Director Qing Liu, time is really tight, and this matter is too difficult for me, or you can change someone else!”

Qin Huairu said these words almost in tears, hoping to make Liu Qinsong feel relieved.

“What? You can’t do the little things arranged for you? Or are you really not going to stay in the rolling mill?”

When Liu Qinsong said these words, Qin Huairu immediately stopped being scared.

Although she wanted to retaliate against Liu Qinsong, she planned to do it quietly. She did what she did without knowing it, and the reason she went to find Ran Qiuye and He Yushui was because the two of them would only bury the matter in their hearts. , Will not come to inform Liu Qinsong.

“Okay, Director Liu, I’ll do this. As long as you don’t fire me, you can let me do anything.”

Qin Huairu said.

Liu Qinsong waved his hand and signaled Qin Huai to go out. If Qin Huai did not dare to resist, he had to leave the office.

“Since Qin Huairu has developed an unruly heart, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

Liu Qinsong said.

At night, Liu Qinsong deliberately worked overtime until late before going back. Walked to the door of the archives room and walked in.

Qin Huairu was the only one busy in the archives room at this time.

“Qin Huairu, I am off work, and the office door is unlocked. You will put it on my desk after you finish it. I will use it tomorrow morning. Remember not to turn my drawer, and remember to lock the door.”

Liu Qinsong left the office area after speaking and walked towards the parking lot.

And in his drawer is a copy of Liu Qinsong’s own forged bribery certificate. If it were before, Qin Huairu would not have dared to turn Liu Qinsong’s drawer, but now Qin Huairu hates Liu Qinsong, so he will naturally find out. .

As long as Qin Huairu takes this false certificate and sue Liu Qinsong in front of Deputy Director Yang or Director Wang, someone will be arranged to check at that time. Once there is no result, Qin Huairu is accused of framing the leader. It was established.

At that time, Liu Qinsong alone had the final say whether it was expelled or sent to clean the toilet.

Qin Huairu suddenly became a little curious after hearing this.

After Liu Qinsong left the office area, he quietly came to Liu Qinsong’s office.

Opening Liu Qinsong’s drawer and opening the upper two layers of irrelevant documents, Qin Huairu quickly found in a book that Li Qinsong had deliberately placed it on charges of false bribery.

After opening it, Qin Huai was overjoyed by the contents.

“I’ll just say why you Liu Qinsong is so rich. Originally, I got it from corruption and bribery. Now I have this in my hand. Then I will ask Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong to take me to meet with the big leader. Then Liu Qinsong will be upset. If I don’t fall from power, if the big leader sees me reporting meritorious services, he might still keep me in the capital.”

Qin Huai couldn’t help but laughed as he thought of this, and then quickly took the fake certificate into his arms, and then said that the desk and drawers were cleaned up, turned back to the archives room, and began to organize the files.

What Qin Huairu didn’t know was that Liu Qinsong was sitting in the car at this time, with Jianzhen’s eyes open.

Liu Qinsong saw her every move.

“What an idiot, I can’t see such obvious traps. With this IQ, I want to fight with me. I don’t deserve to lift my shoes.”

After Liu Qinsong finished speaking, he started cycling and galloped outside the factory.


PS: I beg your readers to come to Bo Huahua for encouragement, thank you! ! !


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