When Li Xinmin came back in the evening, he looked at the two hundred yuan on the table, and then looked at Zhao Qingmei who was cooking, and couldn't help crying.

"Old Li, life will be better in the future." Zhao Qingmei comforted.

"Yes, life will be better in the future." Li Xinmin wiped his tears.

"Let's eat."

Zhao Qingmei served him the meal before going to take care of the two children.

Li Xinmin looked at his back, and tears flowed uncontrollably again.

Village branch.

"Village head, if we continue at this pace, we will produce about 5,000 bricks a day... But now the supply and marketing cooperative will not accept them for the time being, what should we do with these bricks?" Wang Yousheng smoked a dry tobacco, very worried.

Bricks are different from other commodities. The supply and marketing cooperatives are not unwilling to accept them.

But they have to find buyers before giving the orders. Otherwise, they have no place to put so many bricks, not to mention that it costs money to transport bricks to the supply and marketing cooperatives, and it still costs money for others to come to the supply and marketing cooperatives to pick up bricks.

"Try your best. Let's build the school first." Lin Shaowen said softly.

"What? School?"

All the village cadres were stunned.

"Village chief, I'm not trying to discourage you, but we don't have teachers." Wang Yongnian sighed, "Now the county is short of teachers, and we..."

"Don't we have educated youth?" Lin Shaowen pouted, "Although our village doesn't have them, other villages do. Let's exchange our school quota with them..."


Everyone looked at each other, a little confused.

"Our school is a full boarding system. Do you know what a boarding system is? It means that you eat and live in the school, and then the teachers manage it uniformly. Meal expenses and book fees are borne by yourself..." Lin Shaowen said seriously, "Our village will pay the teachers wages or work points."

"Is this... feasible?" Wang Yousheng was a little skeptical.

"Village chief, do you remember our agreement?" Lin Shaowen looked at him calmly.

"Remember, remember." Wang Yousheng said hurriedly, "You decide the development of the village. I won't interfere with you. Whatever you say, it's up to you."

"Very good." Lin Shaowen smiled, "Tomorrow you take people to select a site for building a school... First, it must be safe and far away from the water. Second, the place must be spacious enough."

"Well, I'll do it tomorrow." Wang Yousheng said in a deep voice.

"If you have any other questions, continue." Lin Shaowen lit a cigarette.

"Village head, you said to develop animal husbandry, how should we do it here?" Wang Chengyuan asked.

"After the school is built, we will start to build a large-scale breeding farm, which is different from the commune... We will adopt the family contract system." Lin Shaowen said seriously, "No one is allowed to leak what I said today. I will not admit it after leaving this door."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Are you all deaf?" Wang Yousheng roared.


Everyone answered hurriedly.

"Although the farm is collective, we adopt the contract system, dividing the farm into several small single rooms, and each family is responsible for it." Lin Shaowen said in a deep voice, "This is also true for the fields. The fields are still their own, but the responsibility is divided among each family. They cultivate themselves, and the village branch collects the grain."

Contracting output to households is something that no one dares to think about now, and it even violates the current policy. But Lin Shaowen knows that people's laziness determines that the big pot meal cannot be eaten for a long time.

It's not that the commune system is bad, but it's too ideal.

"Village head, if we do this...will there be any objections from above?" Wang Yousheng said uneasily.

"As long as we pay enough grain and these things are not leaked, do you think anyone will control us?" Lin Shaowen asked back.

"That's right." Wang Yousheng nodded.

"Anyway, I won't admit it after I leave this door. As for the others...you can decide for yourself." Lin Shaowen said dishonestly.

"Don't worry, village chief. If anyone dares to leak it, he won't be able to live in peace in the village in the future." Wang Yousheng said murderously.

"We will take good care of the people below." Wang Yongnian and others also hurriedly expressed their opinions.

"Very good."

Lin Shaowen glanced at his watch, stood up and said self-deprecatingly, "I have entrusted my life and property to you. If you mess up... I might have to go to jail."

"Don't worry, village chief. If this matter is leaked, I will take responsibility." Wang Yousheng patted his chest and promised.

Lin Shaowen did not comment and turned to walk out.

Zhang Xiaoyu looked at his back, and the admiration in his eyes was almost overflowing.

The next day.

The news that Wangjia Village was going to build a school spread like wildfire, mainly because Zhang Xiaoyu drove a jeep with Wang Yousheng and traveled almost all over Changping County.

The exchange of educated youth for enrollment places shocked all the village party secretaries.

This matter even alarmed Changping CountyLeader.

"Village head, the secretary asked you to go to the branch for a meeting." Someone shouted at the door of the clinic.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

After Lin Shaowen finished writing the prescription, he gave the patient a few more instructions before getting up and walking out.

Liu Lixing, who was listening to the lecture, immediately sat on the consultation table and began to ask about the patient's condition.

Huang Ruowen is talented and hardworking, and can already consult independently.

The other students are still in the state of learning from Lin Shaowen. Their days are not easy. After learning from Lin Shaowen every day, Lin Shaowen will give them questions from his huge medical library.

If you fail, the punishment is to move bricks in the brick factory.

If you fail for three days, you will not only have to move bricks, but also help as a laborer in the new school.

Not to mention one day, they can't even bear it for half a day.

So everyone studies hard.

Village branch.

"Village Chief Lin, long time no see."

A dark-faced man stood up first and extended his hand to Lin Shaowen.

"Secretary Chen, why are you here?" Lin Shaowen asked in surprise.

"You made such a big fuss in Changping. If I don't care, wouldn't it be a dereliction of duty?" Secretary Chen looked at him with a smile and sighed, "I originally thought you were just good at medicine, but I didn't expect you were also good at economics."

"Thank you." Lin Shaowen rolled his eyes and said with a bitter face, "Secretary, our Wangjia Village is poor. You see, we are now building a school and a clinic... The county can't pretend to be deaf and dumb, right?"

"Good guy, am I here to get stabbed?" Secretary Chen said with a wry smile.

"It's not that I'll get stabbed, but at least give me a little support." Lin Shaowen said with a smile.

"Okay, what do you want?" Secretary Chen also laughed. "I knew you would ask before I came here, but... I really don't have money and food, and my county is also tightening its belt to make ends meet."

"I don't want money." Lin Shaowen said with a smile, "I just want policies and people..."

"Policies and people?"

Not only Secretary Chen, but also Wang Yousheng and others were stunned.

What kind of request is this?

If they want people, they have a lot of young and strong people in Wangjia Village.

As for the policy, it's even more nonsense. What policy can the county give?

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