Chapter 114 The stupid pillar was reported, and his bangs knelt down [Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes.

MCA couldn’t hold back just now.

Now facing the murderous gaze of the stupid pillar, not only was he not afraid, but he immediately spoke cheerfully. No scruples.

“It’s not just seven or eight years!”

“Ever since he became the number one in the back kitchen of the cafeteria, he started doing this!”

“At least 10 years.”

“He does this, and we don’t usually dare to do anything. After all, if anyone offends him, he will put small shoes on people, and also beat and scold. ”

“At first, Silly Zhu just brought a lunch box to the house.”

“Over the years, since he hooked up with Widow Qin, he took three lunch boxes every day at home, and he also specially picked out the good ones, and every time he took them full.”

The attitude of the stupid pillar towards the apprentice has never been good.

Liu Hua has long had a dislike for the silly pillar, but he just couldn’t find an opportunity.

Now Yang Jianjian directly gave him this opportunity.

Let the MCA say it very happily.

“Director Yang, don’t believe what he said, what he said is completely just saying!”

“Ma Hua, I am so good to you, how dare you betray Shimen?”

After listening to it, Silly Zhu couldn’t sit still at all.

He originally thought that Liu Lan had already said enough, and Ma Hua was his apprentice, and he would definitely help him talk.

But on the contrary, MCA here, said that 560 is more, and the explosive material is more sufficient.

In a word, it was fatal to him.

Under the wrath.

Silly Zhu even wanted to rush over and beat Ma Hua violently.

But he was stopped by the people who were quick to see.

“Good boy, deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, betray the division, aren’t you afraid of five thunder strikes in the sky!”

After being stopped, Silly Zhu was so angry that he could only keep scolding.

“Betrayal of Shimen? What division do you say I betrayed? ”

MCA smiled disdainfully.

Start counting up.

“I still call you a master now, and I have been your apprentice for many years. After all these years, is there anything I am sorry for you? ”

“It’s okay if you have a bad attitude towards me, if you can learn some crafts, you should be suffering, but you have never taught me even a little orthodox craft.”

“I was also on the lookout everywhere, and when I was cooking, I was sent to the sidelines to work. I’m afraid that I will see something, what kind of master are you? ”

These words of MCA have been held back for a long time.

At this time.

Directly said it bitterly.

Foolish yourself with your own craftsmanship.

It is He Daqing’s orthodox Tan family cuisine.

Ma Hua gave him an apprentice, and he worked hard for so many years, mainly because he saw this.

Usually, I am doing my best to serve the stupid pillar.

But Silly Zhu didn’t look at him as an apprentice at all.

Just as a buddy, a handyman to make a call.

Not to mention teaching him any techniques.

This has allowed MCA to accumulate too much resentment over the years.

At this time, it finally broke out.

However, the fool Zhu thinks that he is not wrong, he feels that you are my apprentice, even if I am a cow and a horse, it is also appropriate, or keep scolding.

“Okay, shut his mouth.”

“It’s too messy.”

Listening to the silly pillar shouting was a little annoying, Yang Jianjian directly let people control him.

Only then did it quiet down.

Then, he asked Xiao Zhang, another guy in the cafeteria.

“What Ma Hua said to Liu Lan, which is true?”

Xiao Zhang has also worked in the factory canteen for many years.

I know very well what the silly pillar did.

Afraid of the authority of the stupid pillar, he never spoke, and heard such a question.

He pointed his finger at MCA.

“He’s right.”

After Yang Jianjian heard it, he was just about to say something else.


At this time, there was another accident.

Liu Haizhong is in his heart, and the more he thinks about it, the more flustered he gets. Since he was identified, he has been scared.

Now he knelt down and begged for mercy.

Because Yang Jianjian said before that if he is identified, he will directly increase the punishment.

“Director Yang, you don’t care about villains. I hope you will let us go, and the punishment will be light.” ”

“In the future, I will never dare again!”

Bangs do this with such an action.

Others, too, followed suit and knelt down and begged for mercy.

Want to reduce your penalties.

Yang Jianjian was very plain about this, his heart did not wave, and he didn’t want to say a word to these people at all, and then he called people.

Call the people who had just come to the side room.

“Your evidence of guilt has been roughly counted now. Below I will let the finance or something, investigate and check the accounts. Make a statistic on how much money you need to replenish the factory. ”

“During this time, think about how to raise money as soon as possible, it is certainly not a small amount!”

“If you don’t want to raise money to make up for it, you can go to jail at that time.”

“What is the sin of stealing public property? You should also know that if you don’t lose money, you just go to jail, and you don’t know how long you will sit. ”

Yang Jianjian said lightly.

He already has a way to deal with these people.

Just now stubbornly resisted to the end, directly identified, like bangs and stupid pillars.

It’s not just about making up enough expenses.

And you also have to be locked up and sit for a few days.

Who asked me to give you a chance, you didn’t take it.

As for some of the people who were afraid before and took the initiative to explain the situation, if the situation is correct.

Then you only need to dismiss and lose money.

As for how they can say, verify.

Yang Jianjian also has a way.

The first is through the testimony of black market merchants.

The second is to conduct a thorough examination of some of the remaining problems.

Then count it out.

For example, how many products should be produced by the production line of this workshop.

How many resources do you need to consume to produce these products?

Logically, this is all fixed, even if there is loss, it is not far off.

But if.

Inside a point in time.

The amount of loss is significantly larger.

That explains.

It was manipulated.

Combined with what the black marketeers say, you can get a similar conclusion.

So as to get an amount that needs to be compensated by each person.

Yang Jianjian estimated that after his own batch of investigations.

Although there will be some people who have originally been resold but have not been arrested by themselves.

However, after strict inspection, these people will disappear.

The financial team responsible for auditing the accounts was investigated by a professional team that Yang Jianjian found.

In this way, it can ensure that everything is foolproof, and avoid the original finances of the factory, because of favoring a certain person, and the bill is numbered or something.

Not according to the correct calculation.

Busy with this call.

Yang Jianjian lay on the chair and began to wait for Mr. Nie’s call.

Because of the previous phone call, the delegation on Saeed’s side was about to come.

This is a good opportunity to expand arms sales.

He is ready for this.

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