When they got to the tavern, Zhou Jianjun stopped the car and said to Niu Ye: "Niu Ye, please go in and wait for me. I'll go get some good things and we can drink together."

After that, he rode away without waiting for Niu Ye to reply.

Niu Ye smiled and turned to go into the tavern.

Seeing Niu Ye coming back alone, Xu Huizhen asked in confusion: "Niu Ye, why are you back alone? Didn't you get it done?"

"It's done. The guy said he was going to get some good things to honor me and will be here soon." Niu Ye found a place to sit down and said with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect that guy to be capable." Xu Huizhen teased.

"Don't judge a person by his appearance, and don't judge the sea by its scoop." Niu Ye sighed, then changed the subject and said suddenly: "You can ask that guy later if he can help you get some pig offal or something."

Xu Huizhen's face immediately showed a hint of interest, but it disappeared immediately, and sighed: "People know who I am, they won't help me for no reason!"

"Whether there are dates, you will know after playing two strokes." Niu Ye said with a smile.

While the two were talking, Zhou Jianjun came back with something.

He casually put a pig's head, a set of pig offal, and an old hen on the table, and said to Xu Huizhen who was looking at him with a surprised expression: "Boss lady, please help me clean up these pig heads and pig offal, I will invite Niu Ye to drink here tonight. Please cook this old hen for us now, and we will eat it later."

Since the upgrade of Taoyuan Fairyland, with the one-click collection function, Zhou Jianjun no longer has to worry about not being able to clean up the fat pigs in Taoyuan. He just went out and found a deserted place, entered Taoyuan, and cleaned up a big fat pig.

Xu Huizhen looked him up and down curiously, then nodded and said, "Okay, you two sit down and wait for a while."

After Xu Huizhen left, Zhou Jianjun sat down and asked, "Uncle Niu, have you ordered wine and food?"

"I'm waiting for you to come back, but I haven't had time to order yet." Uncle Niu said with a smile.

Zhou Jianjun turned around and shouted to Xu Huizhen, "Boss, bring two pots of wine."


After ordering the wine, Zhou Jianjun took out five big black tens from his pocket, handed them to Uncle Niu, and said with a smile, "Uncle Niu, this is the money for troubling you to run errands, please accept it."

Uncle Niu glanced at Zhou Jianjun and saw that he looked sincere. He looked at the five big black tens again, stretched out his hand and pushed them away, politely declining: "Your boy gave a fair price, and you helped my friend, and you also treated me to good food. Forget about these."

"Let's put it in order!" Zhou Jianjun said, and stood up and walked to Niu Ye, and stuffed the big black tens into Niu Ye's pocket.

Seeing that Niu Ye was still going to refuse, he hurriedly said: "If you don't accept it, I won't dare to ask you for help in the future."

Niu Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll take advantage of you."

The two sat down again, and Niu Ye looked at Zhou Jianjun curiously and asked: "You got those good things in such a short time. Boy, you have good means."

"As a purchaser, who doesn't have some channels? Tell me, right?" Zhou Jianjun said with a smile.

Niu Ye nodded in agreement and didn't say much.

Soon, the wine and food came.

While the two were eating, Niu Ye frequently poured wine for Zhou Jianjun.

Two pots and two pots, before they knew it, the two had drunk seven or eight pots of wine.

"Uncle Niu, you can't... drink anymore, I'm already confused." Zhou Jianjun pretended to be drunk and said.

Uncle Niu glanced at him and saw that he didn't look fake, so he pretended to be casual and said: "The owner's yard is behind the tavern, you can go and rest for a while, and we'll continue drinking in the evening."

The two drank for more than an hour, and the guests in the tavern had already left.

Xu Huizhen was fine, so she stayed at the counter and paid attention to the movements of the two of them. Hearing what Uncle Niu said, her face immediately turned red, and she secretly spit in her heart, "You are so shameless."

Zhou Jianjun heard what Uncle Niu said, waved his hand, and just as he was about to speak, he fell headfirst on the dining table and pretended to fall asleep. He also wanted to see what Uncle Niu meant by this play he sang today.

Niu Ye pushed Zhou Jianjun twice, and seeing that he had no reaction, he turned to Xu Huizhen and shouted, "Boss lady, take this little brother to your backyard to rest for a while, we still have to continue drinking in the evening."

Seeing Niu Ye blinking at her, Xu Huizhen immediately understood what Niu Ye meant.

Niu Ye wanted Xu Huizhen to take this opportunity to make Zhou Jianjun owe her a favor. In this way, Xu Huizhen could ask Zhou Jianjun for help.

Xu Huizhen nodded, then walked to Zhou Jianjun, took a lot of effort to help him up, and walked towards the backyard.A drunk person is very heavy, and Xu Huizhen, a woman, could not possibly help Zhou Jianjun. But at this moment, she really helped Zhou Jianjun stagger to the backyard.

Niu Ye, who was sitting in the back, saw this scene and secretly thought: "What a little fox."

Xu Huizhen helped Zhou Jianjun stagger all the way into the yard. During the walk, the two inevitably had multiple physical contacts.

"Bah, what a shameless guy." Xu Huizhen secretly spat.

After helping Zhou Jianjun into the bedroom, Xu Huizhen exerted force on her hands and threw him directly onto the bed.


It was not until dark that Zhou Jianjun gradually "regained consciousness."

He walked to the door, stretched himself, and sighed: "This sleep is so comfortable..."

Xu Huizhen came out of the house, pushed him from behind, and cursed softly: "You idiot, don't block the door, I still have to go to the front to take care of the business!"

Zhou Jianjun turned his head, looked at her with an ambiguous face, and teased: "What if your child is hungry later?"

Xu Huizhen rolled her eyes and said disdainfully: "What else can I do, feed him some millet porridge."

At this point, Xu Huizhen's face suddenly blushed, and she said shyly: "I'll go to the front first, you wait a while and come out."

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