As soon as the words fell, the air froze instantly.

Zhou Jianjun turned his head, looked at Ding Qiunan, whose face was flushed, and said lightly, "Get lost!"

The word "get lost" exploded in Ding Qiunan's ears like thunder, and she subconsciously let go of her hand and took two steps back.

Throwing a "get lost", Zhou Jianjun rode his bicycle and went straight away, ignoring Ding Qiunan, who was already crying.

"If you meet someone worse than you, you will accept him as a licking dog, and if you meet someone better than you, you will take the initiative to offer yourself."

"Is this woman a 'green tea' or a 'scheming bitch'?"

On the way back, Zhou Jianjun kept thinking about this question in his heart.

In the end, he came to a conclusion: Ding Qiunan is both a green tea and a scheming bitch.

"What the hell is this dogecoin thing!"

Zhou Jianjun rode to the gate of the elementary school and sat on his bicycle waiting for Wen Li to get off work.

"Why are you here this afternoon?"

Wen Li saw Zhou Jianjun as she pushed the cart out of the school gate.

"There's nothing to do at the factory, so I'll pick you up for lunch. You're in a special situation now, so you need to pay attention to your nutrition!"

"Still needing to supplement?"

Wen Li said, reaching out to touch her slightly bulging belly, and sighed: "Last time I went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor said I was a little overnourished!"

"Overnutrition is a rare word these days, and the doctor has been praising me for being lucky!"

"Haha, right? What do you want to eat at noon? Let's go together."

"All right, how about going to Sister Xu's place?"

"I'll listen to you, let's go!"

The two had lunch in the tavern, took a short rest, and Zhou Jianjun sent Wen Li back to school.

"Where are we going for a stroll?"

Watching Wen Li enter the school gate, Zhou Jianjun couldn't help but start thinking about what to do next.

This job is too good to be chosen. It doesn't look like a good thing. There is nothing to do all day long. The key is that there is almost no entertainment these days.


With a sigh, he rode his bicycle and began to wander aimlessly on the street.

Unconsciously, he strolled to the door of the bookstore.

Looking up at the sign of the bookstore, Zhou Jianjun stopped the car and walked into the bookstore.

"It's good to read a book to kill time!"

He found a book that he was interested in in the bookstore and started reading in the reading area.

Just as he was absorbed in reading, his shoulder was suddenly patted from behind, and then a question sounded behind him.

"Handsome guy, what are you reading? You are so fascinated."

Zhou Jianjun looked back and found that it was the girl who had been following Zhou Xiaobai.

"You are... that person?"

"Hmph!" Luo Yun pouted, then said angrily: "I'm not that person, I'm Luo Yun!"

"Oh!" Zhou Jianjun suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, Luo Yun!"

As he said that, Zhou Jianjun looked around and asked in confusion: "Why are you alone today? Where are those young boys?"

"Are you talking about Zhong Yuemin and the others? I don't know where they went to play!"

Luo Yun sat down opposite Zhou Jianjun. After sitting down, she held her chin with both hands, stared at Zhou Jianjun and continued: "Xiaobai had something urgent, so I came alone!"

"You don't have to go to class?"

Luo Yun shook her head and said nothing.

"Okay! Another problem youth who skips class!"

Zhou Jianjun sighed in his heart, then lowered his head and continued to read.

"Hey!" Luo Yun said.


Zhou Jianjun looked at the girl in front of him with a confused face, and couldn't understand what she was doing!

"Nothing, I just think you're a little weird! With such a beautiful woman sitting opposite you, you still have the heart to read a book?"


Zhou Jianjun looked around in confusion, and then asked: "The beauty you are talking about, are you referring to yourself?"

"It's me, what's wrong!"

Luo Yun puffed out her chest, very unconvinced.


Zhou Jianjun looked Luo Yun up and down, until Luo Yun's face turned red, then he said lightly: "A yellow-haired girl who hasn't even grown all her hair, do you know what a beauty is?"


Hearing Zhou Jianjun's ridicule, Luo Yun's face suddenly turned red, pointing at Zhou Jianjun and scolding: "You are a hooligan!"


"Where is it?"

"Where is the hooligan?"

Hearing Luo Yun's exclamation, the "enthusiastic masses" nearby looked over to them.

The two were stared at by the people around them, and they felt a little embarrassed. Zhou Jianjun quickly stood up and explained to the enthusiastic people around him: "Don't take it seriously, my sister is joking with me!"

After hearing his explanation, those people refused to disperse. Instead, they looked at him with scrutiny, and then asked Luo Yun: "Little girl, is he really your brother?"Seeing Zhou Jianjun winking at her, Luo Yun laughed out loud, and then explained to the crowd: "Sorry, I was joking with my brother!"

"Is he really your brother?!"

The enthusiastic crowd looked at Zhou Jianjun again, and then gradually dispersed.

Zhou Jianjun slowly sat back after the crowd dispersed.

Luo Yun immediately leaned towards him and teased: "Good brother, I helped you out, how are you going to thank me?"

Zhou Jianjun: "Thank you? I thank your eight generations of ancestors!"

Luo Yun: "If you say so, I have to keep shouting!"

Hearing Luo Yun's words, Zhou Jianjun suddenly felt a headache, so he had to perfunctorily say: "How about I take you shopping after I finish reading this book?"

"Okay, then you can read it quickly!"

Luo Yun held up her chin with both hands, staring at Zhou Jianjun with big watery eyes.

Zhou Jianjun: "Don't look at me like that, it will affect my reading!"

Luo Yun: "Then I'm bored!"

Zhou Jianjun: "If you're bored, find a book to read!"

Luo Yun: "I don't know what to read!"

Zhou Jianjun rolled his eyes, raised his hand helplessly, and said: "There's a copy of "Steel" on the bookshelf over there, go get it and have a look!"

Luo Yun: "I've finished reading "Steel" a long time ago!"

Zhou Jianjun: "Then read it again!"


Luo Yun nodded hesitantly, then stood up and walked in the direction Zhou Jianjun pointed.

When she returned with "Steel", the place where Zhou Jianjun had been sitting had already become empty.

She looked up and looked around, and soon saw Zhou Jianjun's figure outside the bookstore.

Zhou Jianjun waved at her, then rode his bicycle and ran away as if fleeing.


Watching Zhou Jianjun's figure gradually go away, Luo Yun stamped her feet fiercely and cursed: "Liar!"

After escaping from the bookstore, Zhou Jianjun rode his bike towards the courtyard.

"Do I have such a good relationship with the opposite sex?"

"Even the yellow-haired girl is getting close to me!"

"Horrible! It's really too terrifying!"

"If he went to the south, wouldn't those Hong Kong beauties be so fascinated that they would offer themselves to him?"

As soon as Zhou Jianjun rode to the gate of the courtyard, he ran into Yan Fugui who was going home from get off work.

"Jianjun, aren't you going to pick up Teacher Wenli today?"

"She's going back to her parents' home today, so I don't need to pick her up."


Yan Fugui responded, and when he saw Zhou Jianjun was about to leave, he quickly grabbed his arm, "Jianjun, Second Uncle needs your help!"

"What is it? Just tell me!"

"Jie Cheng is going to date that girl this weekend, can I borrow your bike again?"

"Which girl?"

Zhou Jianjun's heart tightened, and he asked quickly.

"The girl you chose for him! The two have already met, and they plan to go out on a date this weekend to get to know each other better!"

"That girl!"

Zhou Jianjun was overjoyed, but he pretended to be calm on his face, "Okay! Just let Jie Cheng ride to my place later!"

"Hey! Jianjun is still reliable!"

Yan Fugui praised.

Zhou Jianjun also silently praised him in his heart, "Your Yan Jiecheng is quite reliable. He even dared to marry Zhu Bajie's second aunt!"

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