Qin Huairu waited for a long time in the small courtyard purchased by Zhou Jianjun, but she never saw Zhou Jianjun.

In desperation, she had to return to the hospital. She told Jia Dongxu that she had looked for Zhou Jianjun outside but couldn't find him.

"Continue looking tomorrow!" Jia Dongxu said coldly, and then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Qin Huairu lay on the bedside and pondered for a long time, but she still couldn't figure out what Jia Dongxu meant. Finally, she couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep on the bedside.

It was past the time to get off work, but Zhou Jianjun returned to the steel mill.

He walked excitedly to the door of Li Huaide's office and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang"

"Come in."

Hearing Li Huaide's voice, Zhou Jianjun immediately became excited and secretly thanked himself: "Fortunately Li Huaide didn't leave."

Li Huaide saw that it was Zhou Jianjun who came in. He looked at his watch and asked in confusion: "Jianjun, why did you come to the factory at this time?"

Zhou Jianjun still did the same old routine, serving tea and water, passing cigarettes, and then said mysteriously: "Director Li, I heard a good news for you."

"Oh?" Hearing Zhou Jianjun say this, Li Huaide immediately became energetic and asked with interest: "Tell me, what is the news."

"Director Li, do you know that a worker in the workshop had an accident today?"

"I know, what does this have to do with me, I'm not responsible for production!" Li Huaide drank a sip of water and said puzzledly.

"You may not know that the family will come to the factory tomorrow morning to block the door and make trouble!"

"Oh? As far as I know, it was the worker who worked under the influence of alcohol that caused the accident. This has nothing to do with the factory!" Li Huaide was still confused.

"Ahem!" Zhou Jianjun cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "Director Li, the family and I live in the same yard. I know them too well! No matter whether they are right or wrong, they will definitely make a big fuss!"

"Even if they make a big fuss, it has nothing to do with me, right?" Li Huaide frowned and looked at Zhou Jianjun, not understanding what he meant at all.

Seeing that Li Huaide still didn't understand, Zhou Jianjun hurriedly explained: "If they make a fuss, Director Yang will definitely not be able to handle it. At that time, as long as Director Li takes action to deal with them, all the leaders in the factory will definitely remember you as a favor. When you are promoted in the future, they will not easily raise objections."

Li Huaide pondered Zhou Jianjun's words in his heart and felt that what he said made a lot of sense.

He has now reached the critical moment of promotion, and his father-in-law has already started to use his connections to pave the way for him.

Now, the most important thing is not to let any opposition from the factory.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can make other leaders owe him a favor. Especially Director Yang, as long as he does not speak out to oppose, his promotion will be successful in nine out of ten cases.

Thinking of this, Li Huaide's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked excitedly: "Jianjun, tell me quickly, how should I deal with that family."

"Director, that family is easy to deal with. As long as you deal with one person, you can easily deal with them."


"Yi Zhonghai!"

"Why him?"

"Because the idea of ​​making trouble was most likely from Yi Zhonghai."

"Ah?" Li Huaide looked at Zhou Jianjun in disbelief, and asked in confusion: "Why did Yi Zhonghai help that family to deal with the factory?"

"The injured person is his apprentice, and the reason why he helped that family is to take the opportunity to sever ties with his family." Zhou Jianjun said with a smile.

This was Zhou Jianjun's guess, but he guessed wrong.

Yi Zhonghai did want to cut off his relationship with the Jia family at first, but after he set his sights on Qin Huairu, he decided not to do so.

The reason why he helped Jia Zhangshi come up with this idea was entirely to curry favor with Qin Huairu.

As long as the steel mill made compensation, he would ask for credit in front of Qin Huairu, and then take Qin Huairu down...

Yi Zhonghai's calculations were very good, but unfortunately, Qin Huairu told Zhou Jianjun about their plan.

Li Huaide thought for a moment, frowned and asked: "Jianjun, how can I deal with Yi Zhonghai."

"Listen to me in detail." Zhou Jianjun said, and then leaned over to Li Huaide's ear and whispered softly.

Li Huaide listened to Zhou Jianjun's narration, nodded frequently, and finally slammed the table, "Jianjun, this is done, I will remember your merit later."

"No, no, I am your subordinate, of course I have to consider you in everything." Zhou Jianjun hurriedly flattered.


Early the next morning, Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu to hold the stick, and the three of them rushed to the gate of the steel mill together.

Jia Zhang sat on the ground and directly activated the big move: "Old Jia Summoning Technique".

"Old Jia! It's unfair, the steel mill is bullying people! Old Jia! Come back and take a look, put the rolling millTake away all the bullying leaders of the steel mill..."

Jia Zhang pretended to cry, and Qin Huairu cooperated with her, pretending to wipe tears beside her.

Jia Zhang's voice quickly attracted the crowd of people going to work. The workers stopped and surrounded them, pointing and talking.

Director Yang received the news and immediately called other leaders to rush to the door.

"This family member, we have already told you very clearly in the hospital. Jia Dongxu was working while drinking, and the steel mill was not at fault. If you continue to make trouble, we will report to the police!" Director Yang shouted sternly.

Jia Zhang glanced at him and still shouted regardless: "Old Jia, Dongxu got into trouble in the factory. Now, the leaders are pushing it and don't care about Dongxu! Old Jia, come back and take a look, Old Jia..."

"Auntie, how can you talk like that! Didn't I tell you clearly yesterday! "The workshop director saw that Director Yang looked unhappy, and hurriedly stood up and said.

But Jia Zhang didn't even look at him and continued to wail.

Several leaders looked at each other, obviously they couldn't do anything with a shrew like Jia Zhang.

At this time, Li Huaide stood out from the crowd. He walked to Director Yang and whispered a few words.

After Director Yang nodded, Li Huaide scanned the crowd and found Yi Zhonghai.

"Comrade Yi Zhonghai, come here, let's talk." Li Huaide walked to Yi Zhonghai, took his arm and walked to a place where no one was.

"Yi Zhonghai, it was you who came up with the idea of ​​letting the Jia family make trouble, right?" Li Huaide said with a gloomy face.

"Director Li, I..." Before Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, Li Huaide waved his hand to interrupt him.

Li Huaide sneered and warned: "Don't say it's not true, I have evidence in my hand. I tell you, get those three people out immediately, otherwise, you won't be able to stay in the steel mill in the future."

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai still wanted to argue, Li Huaide hurriedly added: "This is what Director Yang said. If you don't want to stay in the steel mill, then you can continue to watch the show."

Yi Zhonghai smiled bitterly and said, "Director Li, it's not that I don't want to help, it's really that the Jia family is in trouble. His family can't even afford Jia Dongxu's medical expenses now. I..."

Hearing this, Li Huaide interrupted Yi Zhonghai directly and said seriously: "The medical expenses will be paid by the steel mill, and the rest is out of the question. This is Director Yang's instruction. Give me a straight answer now, do it or not!"

"The Jia family's workstation?" Yi Zhonghai asked tentatively.

"Jia Dongxu's workstation is reserved for him in the factory, and they can find someone to inherit it themselves. "

Hearing what Li Huaide said, Yi Zhonghai struggled for a long time, but finally nodded and agreed reluctantly.

"Director, I will go and persuade them to leave now."

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