Soon, Lin Feng ran back to the café.

He sat down with an excited face, took a sip of water and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my hands itch for a while I didn't control it... There was such a big movement. "

Qin Jiu looked at Lin Bad's ecstatic and unfinished look, as if he couldn't wait to get two more shots.

Rao, known internationally as a terrorist, now inevitably feels a hint of fear.

Will a normal person use a rocket launcher to shoot to solve the target?

Not at all!!

Even if you want to do it, you should take a sniper rifle to kill the other party, right?

He can't understand why what can be solved with a sniper rifle should be solved with rocket artillery?

"You... Why solve goals in this way? After Gin Jiu was silent for a while, he asked.

With this opening, Gin Jiu found that his lips were dry.

"Erm......... Reason? There is no reason. That's how I want to do it. Lin Bad looked at the gin wine with some doubt, is there a difference between a bullet and a cannonball?

“......... Don't you think, this is a bit excessive? Gin Jiu didn't expect that he would one day say the word "excessive".

"How? Are you going to teach me how to do things? Lin Bad frowned and looked at the ginjiu, feeling that this guy was a little troublesome.

Why should he gain power?

Isn't it just to do whatever you want?

You can't do whatever you want, why do you want this power?

Then I might as well directly ask for a Shenhao system, spend money to buy murderers, and let others make a move!

Seeing Lin Bad's impatient look, Gin Jiu hurriedly said: "No, no, I just think... This way is too swaggering and easy to cause unnecessary trouble. "

"You don't have to worry much, you just need to know that I completed the task." Lin Bad waved his hand impatiently, he is so awesome, don't make a big move, can others know?

Whoever dares to come to himself for trouble, he passes by a rocket launcher in minutes.

The contents of the arsenal are all infinite, and he does not have to worry about the lack of firepower at all.

Gin Jiu didn't dare to say more, he realized that the person in front of him was a madman.

A man who looks normal on the outside, but is full of madness on the inside!

Go out with a gun and say you're insecure.

Go out with a sniper rifle, and you can also say that you have a heavier killing intent.

But you go out with a bazooka, and he really can't think of anything to explain except for the madman.


What their organization lacks most now is deterrence, that is, it needs crazy people like this.

"Mission objective solved, then what?" Lin Bad asked.

"Next, you go back and wait for the notice, I will report this matter to the boss, and he will arrange your position." Gin Jiu replied.

"Okay." Lin Bad glanced out the window and found that the fire and police had rushed over.

The first time he did this kind of thing, he inevitably felt a little weak-hearted, so he stood up and said, "Then I'll go back and wait for news first." "

"Hmm." Gin Jiu nodded, and after watching this terrifying guy leave, he quickly took a sip of coffee to suppress his shock.

After calming down, Gin Jiu's eyes flashed with essence, and he muttered: "This time... Belmode recommended an amazing guy to come in! "

He took out his mobile phone and quickly called the boss Karasuma Renye to report the matter to the other party.

As soon as I heard it, another macho man joined his organization.

"........." Karasuma Renye on the other end of the phone was silent and did not speak.

He couldn't be happy at all, and even felt a little pain.

How did the recruits be so murderous?

This is true of ginshu, even such a new member.

If it weren't for Rum's strong recommendation, he wouldn't have let Gin Jiu be the third in command.

The purpose of this organization was to develop the Silver Bullet and APTx4869 to extend their lifespan.

Unifying the world or something, he never thought about it!!

Isn't it okay to keep a low profile for Lao Tzu, quietly blackmail, and get me money to serve as R&D funds?

You have to do so much trouble!

Karasuma Renye expressed his tiredness.

But one thing is to say, since Gin Jiu started the assassination business, the organization's income has indeed risen significantly, and he no longer has to worry about funds.

So for the heroes, he is not good to say anything.

Gin Jiu listened to the silence on the other end of the phone, with a look of excitement on his face, and said, "Boss, I think it's time for us to fight back!" "

Karasuma Lianye on the other end of the phone was startled when he heard this.

This just praised you, why are you doing things again?

Fight back at your size!

No, no, no, the situation has finally stabilized, and it must not be allowed to break you again.

Karasuma Renye said in a deep voice, "No, now is not the time. "

"So what's the time?" Gin Jiu frowned and asked, he was fed up with being chased and beaten like a rat!

It's not time for anything!!

Karasuma Renye really wanted to say this out loud to Gin Jiu, but saying this would definitely make it seem that he was too intimidating and faceless as the boss.

After thinking about it, a good idea flashed in Karasuma Renye's little head.

I only listened to him say in a deep voice: "You have to get rid of the traitor Akai Shuichi!" "

Shuichi Akai, this guy is very capable of hiding.

Since he defected to the organization a year ago, the organization has not stopped hunting him down.

But the other party is still alive, and he is bouncing alive.

A few days ago, he even injured Belmode, who had gone to assassinate.

Karasuma Renye felt that this kid was a loach and was not so easy to catch.

As long as he doesn't die, he has an excuse to study drugs with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Karasuma Renye added, "He is a silver bullet that can penetrate tissues!" "

“!!!" Gin Jiu was shocked, he never expected that Karasuma Renye would take such a fancy to Akai Shuichi.

He is just an undercover agent, and his voice in the FBI is just a newcomer, and he has little right to speak.

If he really faced him head-on, he could shoot a dozen killers casually and kill him.

He is also able to hide and release the cold gun, which is harmless to the overall size of the organization.

Is Shuichi Akai really so harmful to the organization?

Gin Jiu seriously expressed doubt.

Karasuma Renye, as an old man who has lived for a hundred years, is old and fine, and when he hears the ginjiu is silent, he naturally guesses what the gin wine is thinking.

He said in a deep voice: "A year ago, if Rum hadn't discovered in time that he was an undercover FBI agent, you would have probably been arrested by Shuichi Akai by now. "

Speaking of this, he didn't say any more, and let the gin wine go to the brain to make up for the rest.

Sure enough, when Gin Jiu heard this, he couldn't help but think about it.

If there were no text messages from Rum a year ago, he would have been in prison by now, and Shuichi Akai is still lurking inside the organization as a star master.

Keep lurking, lurking, until you know the identity of rum and the boss, and then jump out and fight it all!

When he thought of this, Gin Jiu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This is still just Shuichi Akai, but who can guarantee if there is a second Shuichi Akai in the organization?

After thinking of this, he instantly became enlightened and understood that the boss was not afraid of Akai Shuichi, but wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to eliminate the rats in the organization!

"I see." After seeing the meaning of the above, Gin Jiu assured, "I will get rid of Akai Shuichi as soon as possible." "

"Hmm." Karasuma Renye saw that Gin Jiu did not mention the matter of starting a war again, and he was instantly relieved.

He decisively changed the topic and said, "As for the member you just mentioned, you can promote him to a cadre. As for the codename... It's called Barolo. "

He was worried that Gin Jiu would make this terrorist do something terrifying, so he quickly reminded: "He is our trump card, and he has to squeeze it in his hand, not as a last resort... Don't type it out. "

"I see." Gin Jiu nodded and thought to himself: Adults are not losers, and they are thoughtful. If it doesn't sound, it's already a blockbuster!

"Nothing, I'll just hang up."

"I'll report back to my lord if there is something."

After hearing Gin Wine's words, Karasuma Renye quickly hung up the phone, and every time he spoke to Gin Wine, he felt that he could have a heart attack at any time.

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