Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 1234: Sign in at the Summer Palace

Inside Fan's Demon Mountain, there are ancient vicissitudes, lurking terrifying and mysterious atmosphere, and forbidden places are everywhere, some of which even the Great Master can't directly enter.

Fan Zu is in a vast wilderness, sitting cross-legged beside a stream, his appearance is different from different people.

Some people see Fan Zu as a beautiful and enchanting woman. Some people saw Fan Zu as a majestic old man.

All kinds of appearances. Everything comes from the heart, and different hearts will see different things.

This is related to Fan Zu's "No Phase Wonderful Method".

Fan Zu was looking at the stream.

The river water shows the process of Emperor Jiexin from being born in Gouxuecheng to becoming the **** of the universe. Except for the influence of "Nanyun Kingdom Capital", everything else is under Fan Zu's observation.

The 'Phaseless Fire Demon' that appeared out of nowhere was also under his observation, but he thought it was brought from outside the source world.

When Wang Yi became the **** of the universe, he formed his own system of rules of the universe, and even avoided the highest rules. It was not easy for Fan Zu to continue to spy.

But this also made Fan Zu guess the origin of Emperor Jiexin.

"This Emperor Realm Heart is another reincarnation from an outside world." Fan Zu was very sure.

Reincarnation is no secret to Fan Zu at this level.

For example, the strongest ancient country among the six ancient countries, the "Ancient Country of All Realms", is slightly stronger than the ancient country of Xiafeng.

The reason why the ancient country of the worlds was named 'the worlds' is because the old guys who created the ancient country of the worlds were all reincarnated from other source worlds.

At the beginning, some practitioners kept it secret, but when their strength reached a certain level, they could naturally disclose it.

"Cultivation is so fast, and he became a cosmic **** in a blink of an eye. He should have been a cosmic **** in the outer source world in his previous life. Being able to get Yuan's permission to enter, the talent is even better."

"If you want to practice "Hunyuan Wenwen", but also take out a peak secret treasure? He also has a secret." Fan Zu didn't care. "The name is Jiexin Emperor? It's a little ambitious little guy."

At Fan Zu's level, just a peak secret treasure can't move him.

Among the reincarnations, it is not uncommon for them to join the Fan family, and it would not be surprising to have one more Emperor Jiexin. Fan Zu just took a second look at the identity of the Emperor Jiexin, and did not intend to interfere. That is, he is also concerned about those external countries. Like other existences of the same level, I'm afraid I don't even bother to look at them.

Wang Yi had already left the Fan Clan's Magic Mountain and came to the Imperial Palace of Xiafeng Capital.

"This is where Emperor Xia lives." Wang Yi looked at the majestic and majestic imperial palace that covered a vast area, his eyes sparkled slightly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and rewarding 'Void Fire Lotus'. 】

Wang Yi looked at the panel.

'Void Fire Lotus', an extremely precious world-like Void Secret Treasure.

And it's a pinnacle secret treasure!

It should be noted that there are differences in peak secret treasures, and life-saving ones are naturally the most precious. Like the Void Fire Lotus... one piece is worth two or three 'Two Worlds Swords'.

Moreover, this was refined by Emperor Xia, and it is a world-class Void Dao secret treasure refined based on the 'Fire Realm Spiritual Source'.

But it is not easy to refine. The refining materials alone are very expensive, otherwise the peak secret treasure would not be so rare.

"Void fire lotus." Wang Yi was slightly delighted. This treasure can be said to be the most suitable secret treasure of the Void Dao peak in Jiexin Continent for the Void Dao powerhouse. The second level of the Cosmic God has been fully enlightened, and the strength immediately skyrocketed. It may be comparable The general lord.

But he didn't get carried away either. "You can't take it out and use it directly, you have to change it."

When he came to the palace, when he showed Fan's identity as a guest, the journey went unimpeded.

"The teaching of "Chunyuan Wenwen" is also a bit complicated, so let's enter it first, Jiexin Keqing."

An old man in a yellow robe led Wang Yi to a hidden hall deep underground. A strange stone pillar was floating in the center of the hall. At this moment, the stone pillar opened a door.

The old man in yellow robe kindly reminded him that he is the spirit here. "Enter the stone pillar, and remember to maintain the ultimate blur, otherwise it will be very painful."

"Okay." Wang Yi looked at it, and stepped into the interior of the stone pillar.

"Om." Entering the interior of the stone pillar, the inner space is only about ten feet wide and three feet high, and the stone door is immediately closed. Then countless golden lights appeared inside the entire stone pillar. This stone pillar seems to have become a sieve, with countless lines and countless golden lights flowing inside.

"Boom~~~" The essence of the surrounding void was torn apart, and a huge hole was torn out. The black lacquered hole was filled with surging chaotic power, which was much bigger than what I broke through using my own secret technique. Too much.

Even someone as strong as Nanyun King may not be able to tear apart such a large space, but the magic circle built by Emperor Xia can do it.

Wang Yi frowned and looked at him. He had already used the ultimate illusory effect, blended into the essence of the void, twisted and rotated around his body, surrounded by countless black mist sphere particles, and he seemed to be a part of them. His figure seemed to disappear like a lake, but he still felt, When the incomparably rich power of Chaotic Source surged in, because it was too rich and huge, it even invaded one's physical body, causing a dull pain in the physical body. If you don't use it, I'm afraid it will be really painful as the spirit said.

The power of Chaotic Source poured into his body, and it also poured into the stone pillar. The stone pillars bursting with golden light, after being poured into by the power of Chaotic Source, formed strange black characters one by one, continuously pouring into Wang Yi's body and entering the soul, allowing him to learn this method.

This method is inherently restricted by the 'supreme rule'! It is usually impossible to learn, and only with the help of a large amount of Chaotic Source's power can it be possible to teach it.

Everything returned to tranquility, and the hole in the original world that was opened has also recovered naturally.

"Buzzing buzzing." The stone door opened.

Wang Yi walked out without incident.

"Have you learned it all?" the old man in yellow robe said with a smile.

"I have learned everything." Wang Yi was in a good mood.

"The transaction between Jiexin Keqing and my Xiafeng Ancient Country is considered complete, and I will send Keqing out." The yellow-robed old man smiled.

Although it is said that in order to learn "Hunyuan Wenwen" and trade with Fan's this time, he paid the price of a peak secret treasure.

But Wang Yi didn't feel too distressed, because he came here for nothing.

However, he took this opportunity to enter the Imperial Palace of Xiafeng Capital, and prostituted an even more precious 'Void Fire Lotus' for nothing.

It also avoids the problems exposed later.

It can be said that he made a lot of money and made a lot of money.

"I got "Hunyuan Wenwen", not only can I use it here, but also can practice on the Origin Continent." Wang Yi stood outside the palace with a smile on his face.

But some origins can't practice.

For example, "Nayun Eucharist".

The demand for foreign objects is too great, and the power contained in various treasures is absorbed and integrated into oneself.

But the problem is that most of the treasures bred in Jiexin Continent do not exist in the Continent of Origin.

After all, the two different source worlds, under the different supreme rules, are very different in the things bred.

Even in practice, one can only use it when one reaches the divine state of the universe.

But the stronger "Chaotic Source Questions" is no problem.

Because Chaotic Source asked, cultivation mainly depends on breaking the cage of the source world and using the power of Chaotic Source outside to cultivate.

The power of Chaotic Source is ubiquitous outside every source world.

"It's time to go back to Fan's to fulfill the agreement, and the remaining great achievements have to be used again." Wang Yi disappeared in a teleport.

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