There are no chicks in the coop, so the feeding is not particularly fine.

Just cut the pasture, throw it in with fish meal, and occasionally feed some corn.

There is no surplus of wheat, and if the cultivation can be expanded, it is possible to feed them wheat!

But wheat is a grade A plant. At present, there is very little grade A soil, only one flower bed and one wooden pot are grade A soil.

In fact, not only wheat, but also S-grade forage grass can only be planted in another flower bed to maintain the cow's grade.

More forages are planted in ordinary fields.

"If only I could get more high-grade soil!" Xiao Yi muttered.

This matter can only be thought about, how can high-grade soil be so easy to obtain.

Even if it is obtained, it will only be a little bit at a time, and it will not meet the requirements of expanding planting at all.

While Jiang Yuntian and Yuan Nong were constantly repairing the sailboat, night fell slowly.

Xiao Yi also dealt with the last marine creature that attacked the cornerstone of the island in the afternoon, and it was still at an ordinary level.

According to the rules of these two days, Xiao Yi's island will be attacked four times a day, one of which is high-level marine creatures.

And what level it is, I'm not sure.

The first day is a C grade and the second day is a B grade.

"Hopefully, it's not incremental. If you play like this, you'll probably get to the S-rank in the last few days of this week!" Xiao Yi thought.

Wangcai has pulled all the six material boxes caught by the automatic fishing net to the door of the apartment.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and opened the supply box.

"Get supplies: cornerstone*2, wood..."

"Obtained supplies: winter melon seeds*5, stones..."

"Get supplies: cornerstone*3."

"Supplies obtained: Stone House Manufacturing Figure*1, Copper..."


Six material boxes, a total of 5 cornerstones were opened, which is not bad, there is no food or water.

However, another house manufacturing drawing was drawn, which surprised Xiao Yi!

"[Stone House Manufacturing Diagram]: Stone*100, Wood*20."

"This should be enough for everyone!" Xiao Yi muttered.

He already has two wooden houses, one stone house, and his own apartment, which is more than enough!

At this time, Su Wan also initiated a transaction.

"[Stone Stone]*1, [Orange Seed]*5, [Stone Block]*2, ... no transaction."

"Today, two material boxes have a cornerstone!" Su Wan felt helpless.

"It's good to have a cornerstone!" Xiao Yi said, "At least you got the seeds of a fruit, not bad!"

"For most people, it doesn't make much sense to plant seeds. The soil is not easy to plant. If it is a fruit tree, it does not take up much space. If it is like wheat, it needs to be planted in a large area. Yes, it is a test for the size of the island, even if there are no problems with the above two points, there is another point that is fatal!"

Xiao Yi didn't even have time to make a pong, and Su Wan continued: "That's water! Now even people are dying of thirst, how can there be extra water to water the plants."

"Makes sense!" Xiao Yi gave a thumbs up.

After agreeing to the deal, Xiao Yi got the orange seeds, planted the five orange seeds on the edge of the field outside, and poured some S-grade pure water!

Before returning to the island monument, Anyue also sent a transaction.

"[Keystone]*2, [Soil Improvement Card]*1, [Bronze]*5, ... no transaction."

"This was caught today, and some of the materials that were accumulated in the past were traded to you. You should be able to play a greater role in your hands!" Anyue said.

"Uncle An, you don't have to rush to catch the material box because of your limited mobility!" Xiao Yi frowned when he saw the soil improvement card, his eyes almost glistening.

"I can't eat for free!" Anyue replied

"You must pay attention to protect your wounds!" Xiao Yi urged, and then continued, "I have used up all the land that can be cultivated here. Fortunately, you have issued another card here!"

After agreeing to the transaction, Xiao Yi used the soil improvement card next to the previous four fields.

This time, there was another 50 square meters of arable land, and Xiao Yi immediately planted the winter melon seeds he had obtained earlier.

After planting, Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and switched to the public channel.

"It's been a day. Those who want to see the news of your search should have seen it long ago. Can we discuss some other issues now?"

"That is, it can't be used to find people all the time. This public channel is still used for communication!"

As soon as these two sentences were said, everyone started to speak, and the previous information about looking for relatives was instantly lost!

However, the survivors who were looking for someone had no complaints. After all, the information about finding someone had been going on all day.

In this way, if you don't see it, it means that it may not be in the same area.

"I seem to have seen a large sailboat pass by in the distance just now!"

"Really? Don't you get dazzled again!"

"There seemed to be many people who said they saw the big sailboat before, but they didn't make a sound afterward."

"I'm dizzy? My eyes are 2.0. I can see clearly on the bottom line of the eye chart. It's absolutely impossible to read it wrong. Don't **** say I'm hallucinating. I'm in very good shape now!"

"Also, a big boss recently lowered the requirements for exchanging water and sea fish. Most people can exchange for water and food to keep them alive, so there should be no hallucinations."

"May I ask who the boss is on that boat, quickly pick me up on the boat, I am willing to be a cow and a horse, my island is only two square meters left!"

"Get on the boat? Then you think you want to die faster! We have two people who built small wooden boats. We didn't hold on to it for a day at sea. All of them were attacked by marine life, causing the boat to crash and die!" This It was a member of the Dilin faction who spoke!

Although Emperor Lintian asked everyone not to say things inside the meeting to the outside world, but now there is no binding force, people who want to say it will still say it, and at most expel the meeting.

But will those people care? Don't care at all! If you care, you will not fail to do it according to the requirements of the emperor!

After a few days of development in the Dilin force, I found that there are not many advantages. The only advantage is that information can be exchanged. Others are even more difficult than personal development.

The weekly deliveries are the burden of the vast majority of people.

If you are not in the power of Emperor Lin, you can rent items and equipment from the trading hall, and you will get more materials. In addition to the rent, at least that part does not need to be handed over.

"Is the sea so dangerous? Is the big ship better?"

"Upstairs, you think too much. According to my speculation, the big ship was attacked even more severely!"

Seeing this person's speech, Xiao Yi's heart moved, and he secretly said: "It seems to be the case, the frequency of medium-sized sailboats being attacked is too high!"

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