Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 68: A-grade hairtail, getting hotter and hotter, crisis

"From today, you don't have to worry about severe cold and heat anymore!" Xiao Yi said happily, and then took out the super battery from the system space.

The input interface is connected to the wind turbine, and the output interface is connected to the position of the main electricity switch in the apartment.

Although the power generation efficiency of wind turbines is extremely low, it can save a little!

Walking back to the apartment, Xiao Yi couldn't wait to turn on the air conditioner!

A cool breeze blows out!


Although it's still morning, it's hotter than noon a week ago!

However, Xiao Yi has an air conditioner, so he no longer has to endure the heat!

"Wang Wang!"

There is a sound of prosperous wealth outside, and nine times out of ten, it is the reason for too many sea fish!

Xiao Yi had to leave the cool apartment and walked out against the sun.

"I know there are a lot of fish, but haven't I already consumed some of them every day, so I should just let them go!" Xiao Yi muttered and walked to the fish pit he dug.

Wang Cai was holding two octopus and wagging his tail at Xiao Yi!

"We actually caught octopus, not bad! The fish pit seems to be able to fit in!" Xiao Yi said.

"Wang Wang!" Wang Cai shouted again, still holding on to the two octopus.

Xiao Yi then took a serious look at the two hairtails who were still struggling fiercely.

"Get supplies: Hairtail (A-level)*2."

"After catching so many fish, finally there are A-grade ingredients!" Xiao Yi said happily, "Can it be farmed?"

Xiao Yi consulted Yuan Nong on this issue.

Yuan Nong roughly explained the conditions for the reproduction of the hairtail, and Xiao Yi is currently unable to meet these conditions.

"It's a pity!" Yuan Nong couldn't help saying.

He also watched everyone's discussion on the public channel yesterday, and he was more certain that graded food has a huge effect on the human body.

Others are still discussing the huge role of C-grade food, but Xiao Yi has been able to provide A-grade food continuously.

Catching hairtail this time is naturally an opportunity to continue to obtain A-grade ingredients.

But now is not the world of the past after all. The breeding conditions of these marine animals are relatively harsh. Although Xiao Yi has developed well, it cannot reach the level of the previous world.

"I have no choice but to eat!" Xiao Yi said helplessly, and then slaughtered the two octopus.

It's just A-level ingredients, it's really not a rare thing here in Xiao Yi!

The octopus is processed, cut into sections, and then grilled on the grill.

"Soybeans should be ready to be harvested in two days. At that time, we must squeeze some oil out anyway." Xiao Yi decided.

After roasting the hairtail, wrap it in washed leftover leaves and send it to Su Wan and the others, and of course the Grade A milk that was squeezed out last night.

Su Wan and the others were used to Xiao Yi taking out all kinds of high-level food, and they accepted the deal one after another, watching the public channel while eating breakfast.

"Why does it feel hotter today?"

"Be confident, please remove the word feeling!"

"It will really kill people if it goes on like this!"

Before nine o'clock in the morning, everyone could not work under the sun at all, and the sun was extremely strong.

"When is it going to be a head on such a hot day?"

"I'm so thirsty, I think I saw Coke! And Sprite! And a big ship is coming!"

"Brother upstairs, did you really see the big ship? Did you come to rescue us!"

"No one will have hallucinations again!"

"Last time, someone said that I saw a big ship. It's all nonsense. I can only see endless sea water!"

"The big ship is coming, the big ship is coming! Hahahahaha, I'm leaving!"

"Really? Brother, can you make the boat turn twice more? I'm definitely not far from you."

But the person who spoke before never showed up again.

Xiao Yi shook his head and sighed. Nine times out of ten, that person went crazy because of the pressure of survival.

Xiao Yi thought about sending the ice cubes he made earlier to Su Wan and the others, two per person.

Now Xiao Yi has a refrigerator, so ice cubes can be made at any time.

Give them some and slightly lower the temperature of their own place.

"Today is too hot, there is absolutely no way to go out to fish the material box." Su Wan complained.

"Well, don't force it, there are quite a few of that material box now!" Xiao Yi said, "I want to see how long the hot weather will last."

Because everyone is idle, the public channel has been very lively.

"Hiding under my shed today, the sweat has not stopped."

"Yeah, my clothes have never been dried, they're all sweaty."

"Made, my pants are all wet, like wetting them."

"Which boss should put some boiled water out, it's better to be cheaper. I haven't picked up the material box these days, and there are not many materials in my hand."

"Yeah, I can exchange it for cornerstones, and I still have extra cornerstones in my hand."

"We have cheap pure water inside Dilin, as long as you join us, you can buy it." Dilintianxia said on the public channel.

Xiao Yi saw that someone wanted to exchange the cornerstone for water, so he immediately adjusted his transaction in the trading floor.

Almost doubled the previously set price.

The same materials as before can be exchanged for double boiled water.

Xiao Yi's action was immediately discovered by everyone.

"Thank you, boss, it's been traded!"

"The boss is still kind! It's really sympathetic to us that it's not easy to survive, thank you very much! Can you imitate the boss's style?"

Seeing Xiao Yi's revised transaction and everyone's reaction, Di Lintian gritted his teeth angrily.

"You dare to oppose us, it's best not to let me know who you are, or you will die miserably." Di Lintian again slashed the axe in his hand on the trees beside him.

The area of ​​Di Lintian's island has now reached 235 square meters. He has a tent himself, and the rest are open spaces.

As long as trees or stones are refreshed in those open spaces, Emperor Lintian will cut them down and mine them as soon as possible.

The reminder of the island tablet was vague, so he didn't know that there would be more gains in keeping these refreshed materials.

Xiao Yi will have systematic prompts to clearly know the correct way to open the bigger the island and the more the harvest.

Xiao Yi closed all the doors and windows, and the chirping of chickens outside was almost completely inaudible!

Turn on the air conditioner, cover the quilt, nibble on an apple, and watch the conversations on the island monument leisurely.

Anyway, there is not much work outside now, and every now and then I rush out to work for a while, and then come back to continue to enjoy the cool.

Xiao Yi has told Su Wan and the others to try their best not to go out for fishing today.

And send them enough boiled water, brackish water, and freshly harvested strawberries.

Now that the land is limited, there is no need to leave a lot of strawberry seeds.

Just when Xiao Yi and the others were drinking cold white water and eating strawberries, they were chatting.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Suddenly there was an unusually urgent cry of Wang Cai from outside, and Xiao Yi felt the danger from its cry.

Xiao Yi grabbed the repeating crossbow beside him and rushed out immediately!

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