Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and said again: "Brother Jiang and I will start first. After I solve it here, I will go back to support Zhengbei. Brother Jiang, you will support Bai Qi after you get it done!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The natives in front of Xiao Yi were entangled with the A-level leopards, and suddenly the wizards among the natives launched a mental attack!

The A-level golden leopard froze and fell to the ground. The surrounding natives swarmed up and stabbed the golden leopard to death.

Seeing that the wizard had used his own mental attack, Xiao Yi no longer hesitated and walked out.

Before the natives could breathe a sigh of relief, the wizard immediately shouted: "Everyone pay attention! Someone is here!"

Xiao Yi didn't talk nonsense either: "Submit, or die!"

The wizard didn't have time to be surprised how he understood Xiao Yi's words, and immediately ordered: "Go, kill him!"

Xiao Yi's footsteps moved slightly, dodging the native's attack, and quickly approaching the wizard!

The wizard's eyes widened, Xiao Yi's figure was too fast, and he had just used his mental attack, and the skill was on cooldown.

It's not his style to sit still and wait, and the wizard flew back and wanted to distance himself from Xiao Yi!

But what shocked the wizard was that Xiao Yi's speed, which was originally very fast, increased a lot in an instant!

When the natives reacted, Xiao Yi grabbed the wizard's neck with one hand and lifted him up.

The wizard's 60kg weight was light in Xiao Yi's hands.

The wizard thinks that his strength is still possible, but he has no resistance at all in the face of Xiao Yi!

He could only look at Xiao Yi in horror, and he couldn't even make any sound. Xiao Yi's hand tightened and he felt that he could hardly breathe!

"Forgive...life..." The wizard squeezed two words out of his throat!

Xiao Yi let go of his palm, the wizard fell to the ground, breathing in the fresh air.

"If I can catch you once, I can catch you twice, take your people with me!" Xiao Yi said.

The wizard widened his eyes and said, "But, my lord, I'm not over here yet!"

"What's the hurry, the treasure chest won't run there, come with me!" Xiao Yi replied.

The wizard responded immediately: "Yes!"

"What's your name?"

"Moon Hidden."

"Well, I will call me the island owner in the future. After finishing the business, go to complete the contract first!"

Yueyin nodded, then took his team and followed Xiao Yi to the north!

Yueyin is an A-level wizard, and he is considered a high-end combat power.

The group soon came to the north direction. Xiao Yi signaled them to hide. The team in the north direction was fighting the guardian beast.

"Everyone, be careful to lead the fox into the trap!"


"Be careful, it's fast!"

"Come on, I can't take it anymore, come and help!"

Looking at those people with dark complexion and short stature, Xiao Yi guessed that they should be from the Black Monkey Country in the previous world!

The language they speak is not English, and Xiao Yi can't understand what language it is, no matter what, Xiao Yi can understand it!

After a flurry, the team paid the price of two deaths, leading the fox into their trap.

"Brother, this thing is too difficult to deal with. It is estimated to be A-level. We have lost some manpower now, should we continue?"

"Of course, even here are A-level guardian beasts, which means that this treasure is very advanced. As long as we can open a treasure chest, then we will be prosperous!"

"But we've already died two!"

"It is because they are dead that we cannot let them die in vain!"

Listening to their conversation, Xiao Yi secretly said: "This guy is a talent, how can it make sense!"

Just as they were resting, Xiao Yi greeted the seven elite soldiers who had been staring here and walked out together.

When those people saw Xiao Yi and the others, they immediately became nervous.

It is not a good thing to meet the same kind here!

"Who are you?" the first person asked in a deep voice.

"Like you, I am also a survivor." Xiao Yi said, "Now I announce that all the treasures here belong to me!"

"Hmph, I'm not young, and my tone is not small!" The man replied, "If you want to **** the treasure, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Xiao Yi glanced back at Yueyin and said, "It's your turn to act, as long as the leader doesn't die!"

Yueyin nodded, then walked up with his team.

"What! That native can understand him!"

"He doesn't speak Malay, and we seem to understand it!"

"That native actually obeyed his orders to do things!"

The opposite was shocked!

Yueyin didn't have any reservations. On the way here, his mental attack skills had already been cooled down, and they were released immediately!

The people on the opposite side fainted without any reaction at all.

The highest level of these people is B-level, there is only one, and there are three C-levels, and the others are ordinary people!

Ordinary people were directly killed by mental attacks without any suspense at all, and the remaining four people just fainted.

Just when Xiao Yi was finishing up the northern team, Jiang Yuntian had already finished the team that was due south.

The team due south was a small country in the west of the Xia Kingdom. If Jiang Yuntian hadn't acted in time, the entire army would have been wiped out!

Even so, the eight people who came over have already lost four!

Seeing that Jiang Yuntian who rushed out easily took care of the beast, they actually knelt down directly to Jiang Yuntian, and they kept mumbling something!

It's a pity that Jiang Yuntian didn't have the skills to have a good heart, so he could only drag them to the southwest together.

Although they didn't understand what Jiang Yuntian meant, they still followed him to the southwest.

After getting the north direction, Xiao Yi continued to walk northwest. As he walked, he asked on the walkie-talkie, "An Ran, have you got it over there?"

"I'm a wild boar here, I've done it!" An Ran replied.

"Okay, don't move forward yet, let's wait for us to get the teams in all directions, let's go together!" Xiao Yi said.

This arrangement is also for safety. At the beginning, they were all A-level beasts, and the beasts behind should be more and more powerful.

An Ran was alone, followed by the three people from Half the Sky, Xiao Yi was a little worried about Half the Sky.

Although Half the Sky had a very low attitude when she proposed cooperation, God knows if she has bad intentions and has to guard against it!

"Yes!" An Ran replied.

Half the sky also heard Xiao Yi's voice, and said with a smile: "Is this because I'm worried that I'm doing bad things behind my back? The boss is too careful."

An Ran smiled, but did not answer!

"By the way, what's your relationship with Yi Ranpin?" Anyway, it was all right, and half the sky started to gossip.

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