Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 515: Happy cooperation, translation, espionage intelligence

"Qinglong, you continue to search around the island. If you find it, bring it back directly!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Qinglong replied, then dived into the water and began to look for it.

As for the tourists, Xiao Yi decided to deal with it coldly. After all, many people have seen it, so you can't just seal it up!

And letting other survivors get in touch with some such news is a psychological preparation for them in advance!

The various survivors in the resort are still excitedly discussing the mermaid just now, they just think that the mermaid is a special sea creature.

Qinglong searched from noon until after four o'clock in the afternoon, but found nothing.

But Xiao Yi felt that the mermaid should be near his island, but he didn't know how it avoided the search of Qinglong and killer whales!

It would be impossible to find it for a while, and Xiao Yi was a little helpless, so he could only ask Qinglong and the soldiers who were patrolling the sea to pay more attention to this mermaid creature.

At this time, the team that Xiao Yi arranged to cooperate with Water Tomatoes has sent a message back.

The saltpeter and sulfur ore veins on the indigenous island have all been mined and refined, which is more than the ore veins of the Last Wind Tribe.

For the time being, there is basically no need to worry about the problem of gunpowder raw materials!

According to the pre-agreed share, three of them were handed over to Water Tomato.

Water Tomato has also greeted all the people of the wizard tribe on the boat. Because of the lack of space, he traded a large sailboat from the alliance.

After charging the direction stone with Xiao Yi's energy tube, they instantly returned to the water tomato island.

"It's so **** convenient, if only I had this kind of charging tool!" Water Tomato was extremely envious, but he could only be envious.

Seeing that the leader brought back such aboriginal people in the alliance, they all became excited.

These will be their workforce!

"Big brother, I really thank you for this cooperation!" Water Tomato sent a private message to Xiao Yi on the island tablet, "I wonder if I can buy this charging opportunity from you in the future?"

"You're welcome, it's a pleasure to work with. As for the recharging thing, I'll talk about whether to open to the outside world after my team has discussed it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay!" Water Tomato said, "By the way, I still need to buy three wooden houses here. I wonder if you have any more here?"

"Of course, there are twenty cornerstones, do you want it?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes!" Water Tomato replied, and immediately traded over 60 cornerstones.

You must know that when Xiao Yi got the wooden house template, a wooden house was sold for fifty cornerstones, and now the price has dropped.

The three wooden houses that Water Tomato bought were naturally prepared for the wizards and leaders of the three tribes. Other indigenous people still had to build their own houses by themselves.

Place the purchased wooden house on the open space on the side, and the water tomato switches the island tablet interface to Yi Tianqun.

"Ask Master Water Tomato, how is Master Yi Ranpin's translation? Is it easy to use?"

As soon as he switched over, Shui Tomato saw this sentence, and he immediately replied: "Of course, there is no barrier to communication, one word, cool!"

"Really? Looks like I need to hire a translator too!"

So far, more than one alliance has harvested indigenous captives, and they can only communicate with each other by guessing.

I heard before that there are natives who can speak Xia Guoyu on Yiranpin Island. They are still a little worried about whether it is true, or whether the natives on Yiranpin Island can only speak a few simple words. They tried it out, and they naturally felt more at ease.

Naturally, Shui Tomato also knew everyone's thoughts. Considering that he would still need the Boss's charging tool in the future, he said again: "Don't worry, everyone, the Xia Guoyu level of the translation arranged by Yi Ranpin Boss can definitely satisfy daily communication. Moreover, you can also conduct remote tutoring on the island tablet in the future, which is worth the money.”

"Then I have to hurry up and hire one. I've been talking nonsense all day long. I asked him to beat the dog, and he went to chase the chicken. I'm going crazy!"

"Yeah, the pain of not being able to communicate is too painful!"

"What's the situation? How do you feel that the whole world saved me and didn't capture the natives?"

"Don't be afraid, there's me too! You're not alone!"

"According to Jie Coin's strategy, it seems that it is not difficult to capture the natives!"

"That's right, plus it's been five days now, you should have gathered a lot of people on the island. You can't handle the natives with so many people, so you have to find your own problems!"

There should be no shortage of big ships in every alliance now. Even if Xiao Yi's yacht is not used, it only takes seven hours to merge the alliance!

Three waves can be combined in one day.

So now everyone's island area is not too small, and the number of people on the island is not too small.

Under the pressure of the indigenous coalition forces, the survivors were finally mixed together. As the number of survivors increased, the survival status of the survivors was greatly improved.

And everyone who tasted the sweetness of the merger also began to promote it spontaneously in the group.

"If I had known how comfortable it would be to merge, we should have merged a long time ago!"

"Haha, yes, now I finally don't worry anymore, I can rest at ease!"

"I used to feel that a native was nervous to death, but now I just feel that there are not enough natives!"

"Don't be so shy, you will be dumbfounded if a powerful native comes one day! However, you can only determine the leader after the merger. It is really comfortable, and it makes sense to have more people and more power!"

Xiao Yi watched their chat and secretly said: "After everyone feels safe, it is estimated that there will be infighting again!"

But security seems to be a very distant term here.

"DiDi, Xiongdi sent a private message!" The island tablet suddenly prompted.

Xiao Yi immediately opened Xiong Di's private message.

"Island lord, according to the information from the spies in Autumn Wind City, the city lord of Autumn Wind City, under the advice of the wizard Ai Feng, tried his best to find tribes with direction stones."

"Are our personnel safe?" Xiao Yi asked.

"All of them successfully sneaked into the city and were not discovered by Autumn Wind City. Now they have integrated into the life of Autumn Wind City." Xiongdi replied.

"Let them pay attention to their own safety, and at the same time pay attention to collecting information on their social culture, production level, personnel structure, force level, etc." Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes!" Bear said.

After the chat, Xiao Yi pondered: "Autumn Wind City is looking for a tribe with a direction stone, and it must be for us survivors, and the mermaid tribe is also clearly looking for survivors, we are really the fragrance of this world. Pastry!"

"Islander, it's the weekend tomorrow, do you want the leaders of the alliance islands to come over? At least I can report to you the situation of each island." Anyue's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

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