"You guys are really worried about eating radishes. Even if no one cares about you, do you dare to do something wrong on Big Brother Island?"

"That's right, the boss estimates that a slap can kill you all."

"This is an exaggeration. I admit that the boss is powerful, but my physique has been promoted to B-level. I don't believe it. The boss can slap a person with a B-level physique to death!"

"Lying Cao, the boss upstairs, you've reached the B level so soon?"

"Cut, I'm all A-level, will I tell you?"

"What's the matter, is your level so high?"

"Why am I only C-level?"

"Don't talk about the upstairs, I don't have a C-class yet!"

"Dude, have you been drinking the northwest wind to live? The boss has provided so many high-grade food, how can you grab a little bit, your physique has to react a little bit!"

"There is a reaction, but it is stronger than before, and it does not increase the level!"

"No way, I feel like I've only improved after eating a dozen C-level meals!"

"Maybe everyone's physique is different?"

"It's very possible that everyone's absorption capacity is different. Some people get fat after eating a little, and some people don't get fat no matter how much they eat. I belong to the latter!"

"Upstairs at Versailles again?"

"I've always wanted to gain weight, but I can't help it. I don't get fat no matter how much I eat!"

"It is recommended to look at the stomach, this is not a good thing!"

On Xiaoyi Island, the tourists who had been entertained also started to do business and rushed to the market one after another.

Many people don't have many cornerstones on them, so they can only use the island tablet on the big ship by the sea to conduct video transactions with their companions!

In order to earn more cornerstones, Xiao Yi is very happy to enable this function.

The limited supply of A-grade meat was sold out in an instant.

Those who come late, can only target B- and C-grade meats and start to buy them.

Although other survivors already have B-level or even A-level physiques, most of them are still in the C-level stage, and B-level and C-level foods are still very popular.

After these people traded back what they bought, their alliance members were a little puzzled.

"Didn't you say that there are A-level food for sale on Da Lao Island? Why are they all B-level and C-level?"

"Yeah, I'm here too, won't they be eaten by these people from the past?"

"It shouldn't be, they have to come back!"

"I think it should be limited to high-grade food!"

They can only trade on the island tablet, and at most write a sentence on the remarks. There is no chat at all, so those who haven't come have no idea what's going on.

Of course, there are also some people with flexible minds who probably guessed the limited things.

"It should be like this, Mad, when he comes back, I must teach him a good lesson. When I see something good, I don't sell it as soon as possible, but it was bought by people from other alliances!"

"Yes, I will teach him a lesson when I come back! Such a good opportunity can be snatched away by others!"

"No, next time I'm going to go there in person, I'm mad at the old lady!"

"Don't worry, wait for them to come back and ask about the specific situation!"

Xiao Yi saw that everyone had traded several times on the affiliated island monument on the big ship, and secretly said: "It should be almost there!"

So, he called a contract native to guard the exchange point, and got up and prepared to leave!

He met Jiang Yuntian head-on.

"Island owner, the soldiers who stayed around Weibo Island just now reported that the poisonous smoke has almost dissipated, should they go back now?" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded and asked, "Let them go back, how many rockets and poison smoke **** do we have in stock?"

"There are still fifty poison smoke balls, and 432 rockets." Jiang Yuntian replied, "Usually rockets are used less, so it's not a big problem, but poison smoke **** are somewhat insufficient!"

Xiao Yi replied: "Well, I know, I'll go back and have a look and make some more!"

Before returning to the island monument, Xiao Yi only made a dozen or so poison smoke balls, and the island monument indicated that the gunpowder was insufficient and could not be made!

Before the world sold fireballs and rockets, a lot of gunpowder was spent, and now it's finally bottomed out!

"Saltpeter can be produced by Wei Bo, but sulfur can only be obtained by finding a ore vein!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "Now we can only hope that Wuna's island can be harvested!"

Switch to the interface of Yi Tianqun, and roughly browse the chat content of everyone.

Seeing someone mentioned the issue of absorptive capacity, Xiao Yi said: "Everyone guessed right, everyone's absorptive capacity is different, some people may be able to upgrade after eating a little high-end items, and some people may not be able to upgrade after eating for a month. ."

"The boss has come out and said it! But boss, are you on the village network?"

"Yeah, that question was the one we discussed more than an hour ago!"

"I didn't expect that the boss is still a sullen type and likes to climb stairs!"

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be this time, it still depends on personal talent!"

"I don't have enough talent, let's get the equipment! Let's see what this is? [Artillery Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

"Lying Cao, sell me, I will give out all the cornerstones!"

"Sell your head, this thing is naturally used by yourself, how can such an important defensive weapon be shot!"

"Yes, I won't sell it, but this manufacturing drawing requires a copper-tin alloy composed of copper, zinc, and tin. Now I don't have zinc or tin! Whoever made it, I'll take it here!"

"The two metals you mentioned are very rare. If there are any, they are very rare."

"I don't need much, a little is enough!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "The metal sheet at the beginning can replace any metal. If there is no metal sheet in hand, then go to the world to collect a wave. There should be some people who don't realize the function of this thing."

At first, the survivors in the same district with Xiao Yi basically knew this knowledge. After the merger, no one mentioned the matter of the metal sheet, so there are still many people who do not know this information!

"Lying Cao, is this true?"

"do not you know?"

"I don't know, and no one has told me about this!"

"It seems that we didn't say it. At the beginning, everyone in the same area as Yi Ranpin knew about this matter. If it wasn't for those rare metals mentioned today, it is estimated that they would not have thought of this matter."

"You didn't even say such important information. Think about it, is there any other information you have left behind?"

"Should be gone!"

"Don't, just think about it."

"I can't think of anything like this out of thin air!"

Everyone in the Yi Tian group is still asking those survivors who have been in the same district with Xiao Yi since the beginning, if there is any more news.

In the trading floor, a lot of metal sheet transactions suddenly appeared.

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