Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 487: Prepare before opening, long-distance call problem

When this question was raised, everyone was silent.

Xiao Yi said slowly in the group: "Those are all, and the variety of drinks in the bar is still abundant."

"Lying Cao, it really exists!"

"How did the boss get so many things?"

"Since this is the case, then I really have to experience it!"

"I will wait until our alliance is stabilized, and then someone will watch the house to experience it!"

Xiao Yi ignored their next discussion, but went to the bar of the resort and called Anyue over.

"Islander, you can tell me on the walkie-talkie if you have something to do. You don't need to come over in person at all," Anyue said.

"Sit down, Du Kang, have a beer!" Xiao Yi greeted.

Anyue sat down, and Du Kang also brought the beer over.

After Anyue took a sip, an icy cold chased away the sweltering heat.

"I called you here to discuss with you the opening of the resort!" Xiao Yi said.

Anyue was stunned for a moment, then said, "Has it been decided yet?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

"If it has been decided, the first thing to ensure is safety." Anyue said.

"Well, I already have an idea on this, and I will give priority to using the return stone. If we come by boat, we are only allowed to pass through the four outer alliance islands, and we can only enter with our own boats." Xiao Yi said.

"It's a good idea. I suggest not to open four at first, but only one!" Anyue said.

"Well, this can be freely decided. Now we need to consider how much our island is open to those who come." Xiao Yi said.

"This is simple, only the ports and resorts are open, and the rest of the places are forbidden to set foot in them!" Anyue replied, "It was originally intended for them to come to the resort to play, and they don't need to set foot in other places!"

"Alright, then do it according to your idea!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Anyue replied, "Then I will build a tall fence to surround the port and the resort!"

"Will this be too labor-intensive for the people and money?" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

Anyue replied with a smile: "There are so many prisoners in the cell now, so I have to find something for them to do, or should I let them study in the cell?"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then said with a smile: "Yes, let's build it! At the same time, set aside a part of the open space as a trading market, and tell the residents of the island that they can sell some things while people come to play on the island. There is a market for something, let them find out for themselves!"

"Yes, I will pay attention!" Anyue replied.

At present, the distance between the port and the resort is about one kilometer, and there is still some open space in the middle, so make full use of this section.

If the trading market is re-established in another location, the effect will not be good!

In the previous world, no matter which scenic spot was located, various shops were set up at the entrance and exit. When tourists passed by, they would always take a few glances and buy something.

Now that it was decided, Anyue immediately summoned the native captives to start working.

Although the weather is hot, these indigenous people are still used to it. Coupled with the measures taken by Anyue to prevent heatstroke and cool down, there is no case of anyone falling to the ground due to heatstroke.

From Xiao Yi's order, by the evening, a stone wall with a height of six meters was built!

In order to facilitate the guards, the stone wall is wide enough. After Xiao Yi came to see the real thing, he immediately used the island tablet to build a wooden corridor on top of the stone wall!

There is a wooden corridor template on the tablet of Xiaoyi Island.

In this way, the guards who go to stand guard will not have to be exposed to the rain or the sun!

This section of the city wall directly surrounded the port and the resort, and those who waited on the island could not see anything on the island!

Even on the sea they can only see a rough idea, it doesn't matter much!

During dinner, Jiang Yuntian asked at the dinner table, "If it is open now, will it attract the covet of survivors?"

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Our strength does not need to be afraid of the survivors. Our enemies are mainly the indigenous people here. By doing this, we can earn an extra cornerstone, which is also good for our development!"

The crowd nodded.

"Of course, we can't take it lightly, Brother Jiang, the security team will continue to expand, and we must arrange for all ships to go out to sea and cruise in the waters of the alliance 24 hours a day!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The natives here have sent so many ships, and the port is almost unable to stop these two days.

But with Xiao Yi's order, all of them are distributed, this amount is really not enough!

"Of course, we still arrange teams to go out for training on the route outside. It's better to meet some pirates!" Xiao Yi said.

"Well, we have been doing this!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Uncle An, you have drawn up a rule for visiting the island, and I will post it in the group ahead of time." Xiao Yi continued.

Anyue replied, "Okay, I'll get it to you before nine o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Don't be in such a hurry, everyone is fully prepared, and we are not in a hurry to open to the outside world!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"I feel that we lack some tools for ultra-long-distance communication now. Although we can use the island tablet to communicate with the four alliance islands, the timeliness is not high!" Zhan Xue said.

The current walkie-talkie has an effective call distance of only two kilometers. Even if it is only on Xiaoyi Island, sometimes it is impossible to communicate in real time, let alone with the Alliance Island, which is 100 kilometers away.

"I remember if someone had made a super long-distance communicator before, I don't know if they have made one," Yuan Nong said.

"Even if he can make it, that person only has a manufacturing drawing, not a manufacturing template!" Xiao Yi shook his head, "I'll see how to solve this problem after dinner!"

Everyone nodded, now only relying on Xiao Yi, who is constantly creating miracles, can solve the problem of long-distance communication.

After finishing dinner, Xiao Yi returned to his bedroom with four walkie-talkies. The first thing that came to his mind was to use a super synth.

Xiao Yi put two walkie-talkies into the super synthesizer for synthesis.

"Get supplies: long-distance walkie-talkie (Class C)."

"Long-distance walkie-talkie (Class C): It can realize long-distance real-time dialogue, with eight frequency bands, which can be switched freely, and the longest call distance is 20 kilometers. The highest-level form of walkie-talkie!"

Seeing the last prompt, Xiao Yi was helpless, which means that the walkie-talkie can only be upgraded to C-level, and the distance can only be increased to 20 kilometers.

Although a little disappointed, Xiao Yi is still a little satisfied. After all, after synthesis, it can be used without barriers on his own island!

"Let's see if anyone has developed a more advanced real-time communication device!" Xiao Yi thought, then sat back in front of the island monument and switched to Yi Tianqun.

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