Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 465: Zhanxue has A-level bows, which are restrained from the outside

Zhan Xue finally understood how rich and powerful Xiao Yi was!

Soon, the yacht ended the lease and returned to the port. Jiang Yuntian took Zhan Xue and ten soldiers to the south of the island.

"This yacht is too fast!" Zhan Xue said.

"Fastness is only one of its advantages. The bigger advantage is sturdiness!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "According to the island owner, nothing in this world can destroy this yacht."

"Isn't that invincible?" Zhan Xue said.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head and said, "When Aunt Li came back on this yacht, she was almost dragged into the water by a prehistoric giant crocodile and could never come back up again. Although the prehistoric giant crocodile couldn't be destroyed, she could drag the yacht to the bottom of the sea. Don't let it come up!"

"Prehistoric giant crocodile? What is this?" Zhan Xue felt that he didn't know more and more things.

Although Jiang Yuntian had explained a lot to her, there were still some things that he didn't mention.

After Jiang Yuntian finished talking about the prehistoric giant beast, Jiang Yuntian and the others had already arrived on Sun Yao Island.

"Brother Jiang, you are here! It's hard work!" Sun Yao greeted.

"You're welcome, let me introduce, this is my wife, Zhan Xue!" Jiang Yuntian said, pointing to Zhan Xue on the side.

"It turned out to be my sister-in-law, when did you arrive?" Sun Yao asked.

"I just arrived yesterday, and we'll talk when the three big ships are settled. Here are three poison smoke balls, and the three-shot catapult can't be placed on the yacht, so only let the people on the shore throw them. We will contain them at sea and let them They are distracted, you take the opportunity to throw this thing on their boat!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi had already told Sun Yao about this poison smoke ball, and he naturally knew the effect of this thing.

"Yes!" Sun Yao replied.

"Be protected, let's go to sea first!" Jiang Yuntian took Zhan Xue and his party back to the yacht.

Zhan Xue took the bow she had been carrying from her back.

"Would you like to change to a B-grade bow?" Jiang Yuntian asked. When he came out this time, he brought out all the two B-grade bows on the island.

"Mine is Grade A." Zhan Xue replied with a smile.

"Huh?" Jiang Yuntian felt that his class was getting an axe.

Zhan Xue looked at Jiang Yuntian's embarrassed look, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, how could I use a wooden arrow to push away the flying fireball? This bow has additional attributes that increase the speed of shooting arrows by 80%. There's that much impact to knock the fireball out of the way."

Jiang Yuntian gave a thumbs up and said, "Amazing!"

Yachts have sailed near those big ships.

"Be careful to keep your distance from the big ship, attack from a distance!" Jiang Yuntian shouted.

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and started shooting at the natives on the yacht.

But those soldiers soon discovered how difficult it was to shoot arrows on moving ships!

The boats were constantly rocking up and down, left and right, and the other side saw them and was prepared, so most of their shots were useless.

Jiang Yuntian found a gap to solve a native.

And Zhan Xue shot directly and roughly through the shield, killing the natives behind the shield!

This scene really frightened the natives, and the wizard on the boat immediately shouted: "Put up a plank after the shield!"

"Yes!" The natives hurriedly found other wooden boards from the boat and put them behind the shield.

When Zhan Xue saw this scene, she was surprised again. She knew the power of her bow, but she didn't expect the penetrating power to be so great!

"This is a Grade B bamboo arrow!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "The additional attribute is to improve penetration!"

"Uh, so the B-rank bamboo arrows are distributed to everyone?" Zhan Xue felt that this kind of equipment should be concentrated in some special teams.

"Well, don't worry, there are too many to use up!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Zhan Xue shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Yuntian saw that the indigenous side had made a good defense, and immediately ordered: "Change the target!"

The yacht immediately rushed over to the position of the other big ships, and the natives could only watch them leave.

"Master Wizard, what kind of ship is that, how can it be so fast?" an indigenous asked in shock.

"I don't know, but this shows that there must be very high-level items on the islands of these outsiders. God didn't lie to us. As long as we capture the islands of these outsiders, we will have endless benefits." The wizard replied excitedly.

The other natives were also very excited.

Jiang Yuntian's attacks could not damage their ship, they could only harass them.

Because he didn't know the status of the natives on these big ships, Jiang Yuntian didn't dare to rush on them rashly.

His level is not bad, there should be no wizards who can kill him in seconds, but there is Zhan Xue on the yacht, and ten soldiers he brought out by himself. .

After those aborigines discovered this situation, they completely ignored Jiang Yuntian's harassment and drove to Sun Yao's island on their own.

After a period of shooting, two soldiers have already found the feeling and have some accuracy.

"Instructor, are we going back now? It doesn't seem to be useful here?" a soldier asked.

"Who said it's useless, we are here, they can't go to the people on the other side's shore wholeheartedly!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "What's more, maybe we are the main attackers?"

The large indigenous ships had come to the attack range of the catapult, and the catapult on the shore immediately launched a fireball at a fast speed.

Although the natives saw those fireballs, there was no way to stop them from flying over. The speed was too fast and there were too many!

Bang bang bang!

Those fireballs immediately set the ship on fire, and the natives on the ship screamed and hurriedly put out the fire.

"Block those **** with your shields!" the wizards on the three ships shouted almost simultaneously.

With the current conditions on board, using a shield is the best option.

Seeing that the natives on the ship raised all their shields, they almost formed a defensive cover covering the entire ship.

The soldiers on the shore hesitated, should the poison smoke ball be played or not?

"Don't shoot the poison smoke **** first. I'll attack the ship in the middle first. You guys continue to fire two rounds of fireballs! Look for opportunities to shoot the poison smoke balls. The two ships on both sides of the target." Jiang Yuntian said on the island tablet. .

Sun Yao had been staying in front of the attached island monument on the big ship on the shore. Seeing the news of Jiang Yuntian, he immediately conveyed the news to the soldiers on the shore.

The soldiers on the shore immediately followed Jiang Yuntian's instructions.

Jiang Yuntian traded the single-shot catapult from Xiao Yi's island.

"You guys keep shooting, didn't they take up all their shields?" Jiang Yuntian instructed the others on the yacht.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Using shields to defend the air, Zhan Xue and the others found an opportunity. Bamboo arrows flew, and casualties appeared on the indigenous boats!

The native boat had to arrange for some natives to find wooden boards to resist those bamboo arrows.

The speed of the yacht is very fast, and it can completely attack the three ships in turn. These three large indigenous ships are equivalent to being attacked from both sides.

"Withdraw, get out of the fireball's attack range first!" the wizard shouted, and the three ships immediately slowed down and turned around.

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