Jiang Yuntian heard the soldier's report and immediately asked, "How far is it?"

"About 12 kilometers!" the soldier responded.

"So close?" Jiang Yuntian asked in surprise.

Although they came from the north just now, they approached Sun Yao's island from the east because of the need to accommodate the route.

They found other big boats just after they arrived on the island, so they should be able to see them on the yacht, but they didn't.

"Yes, when we were patrolling, we found that the ship suddenly appeared on the sea." The soldier replied, "It should have used the direction stone."

"That's understandable." Jiang Yuntian said, "Let's go, it's just a matter of time for training."

After saying that, Jiang Yuntian and the others walked out, came to the yacht, and traded ten S-class three-shot catapults from Su Wan and placed them in the direction where the indigenous boat was coming.

"Hey, has this catapult been upgraded?" Sun Yao, who was a little worried, asked in surprise when he saw the ten catapults that fired three times in a row.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and said: "It should have just been upgraded. You are very lucky, and you have applied for a high-end product directly!"

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's words, Sun Yao's eyes lit up and asked, "Do you mean that these high-end catapults will be put here for me in the future?"

"Of course, otherwise what did I bring so many people for!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "They will be responsible for the defense of your island in the future, you just need to cultivate medicines with peace of mind!"

"Great, thank you Brother Jiang!" Sun Yao said excitedly immediately.

"You should thank the island owner, it's all his idea." Jiang Yuntian said.

"Well, the island owner must be grateful, but you didn't come here too hard!" Sun Yao replied with a smile.

While speaking, the native's ship had come to the catapult's attack range.

"A group of five, take turns to attack!" Jiang Yuntian shouted.

"Yes!" The 30 people immediately walked out of 10 people, each of them controlled a catapult and began to project!

After the first five catapults were fired, the fireballs that were thrown out quickly flew towards the approaching ship.

"Brother Jiang, the speed has improved a lot!" Sun Yao had used a Class A three-shot catapult. The speed of the fireball this time was much faster than before, and it was visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Yuntian nodded excitedly. It was also the first time he saw the attack of this S-class catapult.

The natives on the big ship didn't respond at all, and the fireball fell on the big ship and burst into flames.

The natives on the big ship panicked immediately, but the second wave of five catapults had thrown fireballs again.

The second wave of fireballs had just been launched, and the five catapults of the first wave were loaded almost instantly!

"The loading speed is also much faster than before!" Jing Yuntian's eyes lit up.

During the time when the native ship was approaching, it was possible to use skilled workers to reload and launch two waves, but now it is possible to launch three or even four waves. This power is not increased by a single star, but increased by 50%, or even 100%.

Just as the natives on the big boat were fighting the fire, three more waves fell on their big boat!

Because the firepower on the shore was so fierce, the native ship immediately chose to stop and turn the bow, ready to leave!

But they have already come, it is impossible for Jiang Yuntian to let them go!

"Continue to fight, and send eleven people to follow me!" Jiang Yuntian said, "Sun Yao, borrow your large sailboat!"

"Ah?" Sun Yao was a little puzzled.

Isn't the yacht still there? Don't you say yachts are great? Good things are not used, what does it mean to use a sailboat?

Seeming to understand Sun Yao's doubts, Jiang Yuntian explained: "There is only one yacht, we always have to adapt to naval battles!"

Sun Yao understood immediately, and immediately said, "Use whatever you want!"

Jiang Yuntian immediately boarded a sailboat with eleven indigenous soldiers, and then rushed towards the large indigenous boat.

"As long as you get close to the opponent and shoot freely, the five people will continue to increase the fire on the opponent's ship with rockets, and the five will use bamboo arrows to kill!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The ten people responded.

The remaining man is in charge of steering the sailboat.

The natives on the big ship are scrambling to put out the fire. Although the hull has completed the U-turn, the speed cannot be raised for a while!

Jiang Yuntian and the others kept approaching them with the large sailboats.

The distance was reduced to the range of the bow and arrow attack, and the well-trained indigenous soldiers on board immediately began to shoot.

The fireball on the shore did not stop, and a rocket flew from the large sailboat close to him. He simply thought that the fire on their ship was not strong enough, and poured another barrel of diesel on it!

And the indigenous people who were putting out the fire were called by bamboo arrows one by one!

The wizard on the native ship saw this scene and immediately shouted: "Be careful to defend against the opponent's bow and arrow attack!"

He could see that there were not many people on Jiang Yuntian's side, so he only had to draw out a few people to guard against their cold arrows!

Seeing that they were prepared, Jiang Yuntian sneered: "Change all of them to rockets, and shoot at the positions where they have no one, especially their sails, and see how they can destroy them!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Jiang Yuntian said to the driver: "Be careful to keep your distance from the other sailboat, don't get too close!"

If there are wizards on the other party's sailboat, they still have to be a little careful, after all, the abilities of those wizards are a bit weird!

The first time Jiang Yuntian fought with a wizard was in the treasure land. At that time, the wizard gave him a solid lesson!

"Yes!" the driver responded.

Seeing that Jiang Yuntian's side was all replaced by rockets, the wizard on the other side's boat cursed: "This outsider is too cunning!"

Seeing that the sails were on fire, the wizard gritted his teeth and said, "Turn the bow of the boat and rush to the shore!"

"Yes!" the native driver replied.

But without the sail, the power compartment in the cabin has no way to enter, and the speed of their boat is very slow.

The catapults on the shore can attack as much as they want, and they can even keep moving the catapults backwards until they get close to the shore.

Jiang Yuntian saw that they turned around and rushed to the shore again, and said with a smile, "You still had a chance at the beginning, but now you have no chance at all!"

As the catapults on the shore continued to attack, the fire on the indigenous ship became bigger and bigger, the temperature on the ship was already very high, and a lot of smoke was coming out!

"Get on the boat and hit the island!" the wizard shouted, and immediately put down five small wooden boats from the big boat.

The natives jumped on the small wooden boats, separated two people to defend, and the rest began to row to the shore.

But the five small boats can only take 30 people, and there are more than ten people on the boat that jumped directly into the sea and swam to the shore!

"Crush it!" Jiang Yuntian said with a sneer as he looked at the natives who had already boarded the boat.

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