Although everyone said to be careful, some people still disagreed!

The aboriginal large ship soon came to the attack range of the three-shot catapult, and the people on the island immediately stimulated the catapult.

At the same time as those fireballs flew out, the three large ships that came to invade immediately opened their fishing nets and held them in the air!

The fireball has a lead, and under normal circumstances, the current lead just hits the ship and burns before and after.

But when the fishing nets in the air blocked the fireballs, the fireballs were stabbed into the sea by the natives on the boat with long sticks before the leads were burned!

When the people on the island saw the movements of the natives, they were instantly shocked.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and prepare for the next round, this will make the natives want to be stronger!"

"Yes, hurry up, don't forget to shorten the lead!"

The people on the island immediately cut off a section of the lead of the fireball, and then launched it again.

Because it has not been tested, some fireballs exploded in the air in this wave, and some landed on those fishing nets, igniting the fishing nets.

The natives on the boat did not panic at all. One wave of people threw the burning fishing net directly into the sea, and the other wave immediately opened a new fishing net again!

"Wocao, they are very well prepared, they can't fight like this!"

"Where's the heavy crossbow? Hit me those natives who hold up the fishing nets!"

"I can't hit it, their shields are thickened, so I can't wear them!"

"No, I'm going to withdraw, I can't beat it!" Said, the two jumped on their medium-sized sailboat and immediately fled far away.

At the same time, one of the three-shot catapults on the island disappeared, apparently they were asked to go back.

Catapults on other islands are basically rented to this island, so that they do not have to be transported back and forth, and also to prevent damage during the transportation process.

"How could they have escaped! They were going to be shot before!"

"Don't talk about them, we have to withdraw, this time we really can't stop it!"

"You can't leave, if you leave, my island will be finished!"

"Brother, it's not that my brother doesn't help you. I really can't help. Listen to my advice, you should abandon the island. It's pointless to insist on this!"

After speaking, the other three forces immediately ran to the east of the island.

Looking at the natives who were already very close, the man gritted his teeth and ran to the center of the island, renting all the things on the island to his acquaintance friends at a very fast speed, and then chose to transfer the island monument to his own sailboat.

"You have chosen to transfer the island tablet and recover the cornerstone. After three minutes, the island disappears!"

The man also ran to the east, boarded his medium-sized sailboat, and immediately sailed away!

Seeing that there were no catapults and resistance forces on the shore of the island, You, the leader of the attack, immediately said: "You two ships go around from both sides. If you find an escape ship, immediately pursue and report!"

"Yes!" The other two boats immediately circled the island from the left and right.

"Leader of the wizards, are we going to the island now?" someone on the side asked.

You shook his head and said, "Wait!"

Before he finished speaking, the report of the two ships came from his walkie-talkie.

"Found five medium sailing ships escaping east!"

You smiled and replied: "It seems that I really gave up, so let's go after it too!"

Then let his subordinates drive the boat around as well.

They even got a walkie-talkie, and they seem to be able to use it proficiently!

The medium-sized sailboat that fled first has already sailed a distance, but the speed of the medium-sized sailboat is 25% lower than that of the large sailboat, so as long as it does not lose sight of the natives, it is only a matter of time before catching up!

"Everyone, let's separate and see our luck!" Someone suggested.

They have five ships, and the natives have only three, which means that two should be able to escape and ascend to heaven!

"No, if they are separated, they will definitely be defeated by them!" Some people objected, "Let's ask Big Brother Yi Ranpin for help!"

"This idea is good!" Everyone immediately reached a consensus.

"Boss Yi Ranpin, help! There are several sets of fishing nets prepared on the aboriginal boat, and we can't hit the fireball on their boat at all!"

"Now we have abandoned the island and left, but they are chasing behind and will catch up with us soon!"

"Boss, we can rent your yacht for a hundred cornerstones!"

Seeing their cry for help, Xiao Yi immediately responded, "Yes, trade the cornerstone to me afterwards!"

"Okay, thank you boss!" Those people said one after another.

Xiao Yi leased the yacht.

The five sailboats immediately gathered together. At this moment, they were not far from the route. As long as they got on the yacht, they could be on the route in ten minutes at most.

You saw that the five medium-sized sailboats were actually gathered together, and sneered: "It's really stupid, I was thinking about how to keep you all, but it seems very simple now!"

Agreeing to the lease transaction, Xiao Yi's yacht immediately appeared next to the five medium-sized sailboats!

Those people hurriedly moved to the yacht and traded their sailboats back, while the survivors who abandoned the island could only lease the sailboats to their friends.

But You, who was holding a winning ticket, saw the yacht suddenly appearing on the sea, and immediately stood up, his eyes widened, and the next moment, he immediately shouted: "All ships turn around immediately and retreat!"

His subordinates didn't understand what happened at all, and they were even a little stunned!

"You're all **** deaf, if you don't want to die, retreat quickly!" You shouted.

An ordinary leader on the side looked at the panic-stricken You, frowned and said, "Are you sure? I will report the matter here to the wizard!"

"You can report whatever you want, but you must listen to me now!" You yelled at the leader!

The leader did not insist, and agreed to retreat!

And everyone who just got on the yacht saw that the indigenous boat was turning its bow!

"Uh, does the big guy's vicious name work so well? No one came, just a yacht scare the natives away?"

"Come on, I knew this way we wouldn't have to trade our ship back!"

"Anyway, it has been leased, let's enjoy the feeling of getting off the yacht!"

The yacht can't be parked in a non-route position for a long time, so the yacht has already started to sail to the nearest route.

"Don't you want to give me an explanation?" said the indigenous leader on the galleon looking at You.

You were still looking at the direction of the yacht and found that the yacht was not chasing after him. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You know what? Just the ship that appeared just now, can easily handle our three big ships!"

"How is that possible? With so many people on our three large ships, we are still afraid of such a small ship?" The indigenous leader was completely unconvinced. "Unless that small ship has very advanced weapons, it is definitely not our opponent!"

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