Although the sun is shining brightly now, Xiao Yi doesn't think the weather at sea will always be so beautiful!

Drag the two material boxes to the middle, Xiao Yi prepared to violently disassemble them.


Xiao Yi kicked one side of the material box!


The material box was kicked, but it was not broken at all, but Xiao Yi's feet were already numb!

"It's really strong!" Xiao Yi said with emotion, "Come again!"

"Clap! Bang bang!"

No matter how Xiao Yi punched and kicked, he couldn't open the material box.

"Oh, let's forget it!" Xiao Yi shook his painful palm, and finally gave up.

Relying on the island monument, blocking the two material boxes on both sides can be regarded as blocking the sea breeze on three sides. Let’s make do with it first!

Xiao Yi just arranged the positions of the two empty material boxes. Didi, the automatic fishing net once again prompted that the material boxes were caught.

"Three, I should be the person who got the most supply boxes in the world!" Xiao Yi thought so, and then opened the supply box.

"Get: Glass*4, Metal Sheet*2, Apple (Grade A)*2, Soil (Grade A)*1."

"The apples and the soil are still graded?" Xiao Yi looked at the supplies he got when he opened the supply box this time in surprise.

"Any materials without a marked level are basic materials, and the default is D level."

Hearing the system's answer, Xiao Yi asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by graded apples? Does it taste different?"

"Grades are more palatable and can improve personal fitness."

"So amazing?" Xiao Yi said in surprise, then picked up an apple and took a bite.

The fragrance of apple spread on the tip of the tongue, and the lips and teeth lingered, and an indescribable delicious feeling came to my heart.

"It's better than any apple I've ever eaten before, it should be called a fairy fruit!" Xiao Yi said with wide eyes.

After he finished eating an apple, he felt heat flow to his limbs.

"Comfortable!" Xiao Yi called out.

Looking at the apple core in his hand, Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, then opened it directly, and the apple seed appeared in front of him.

"Get: Apple Seeds (Grade A)*2."

"You can really get apple seeds!" Xiao Yi thought happily.

Because when I opened the material box just now, I opened a piece of A-level soil. Xiao Yi only had this idea. I didn't expect it to be possible!

"Soil (Grade A): Available for the growth of plants with Grade A and below. Fertility can be maintained through Grade A plant tissue. If plants below Grade A are always planted, the soil grade will drop."

To put it simply, if the A-grade plants are planted, the fruits are picked when they are mature, and the other roots, stems and leaves are directly buried in the soil, so that the soil fertility can be maintained, that is, the soil grade can be maintained.

If you plant a B-grade or lower plant, the same treatment, the soil fertility will quickly drop to B-grade or lower!

"Since planting can be done, is the soil on this island also ok?" Xiao Yi looked at the soil on the island.

"Semi-sandified soil: completely unsuitable for crops, only suitable for individual trees and bushes."

"No wonder there is something like soil in the material box. On this island, soil is also a kind of material!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

After packing all the things in the supply box and placing them in the nest that he had enclosed, Xiao Yi stood up and looked at the surrounding sea.

"It seems that there are no other material boxes!" Xiao Yi muttered, then walked to the fully automatic fishing net and changed the setting program.

Untargeted casting of fishing nets, twice per meter on patrol routes.

Just a piece of bread and a piece of chocolate, I'm afraid it's not enough, let's see if we can catch some fish.

Xiao Yi was just trying, and he didn't consume his strength anyway.

Although after eating that apple, he felt that his whole body was full of power.

It was still a bit difficult to move those empty material boxes just now, but now Xiao Yi can easily carry those empty material boxes.

"I should be about the same physique as those athletes who exercise regularly now!" Xiao Yi secretly compared.

Drop drop!

The sound of the fully automatic fishing net sounded again, it should be something caught.

Xiao Yi immediately walked over to the fishing net and found that there were really two fish in the fishing net.

"Eagle Pomfret: A-grade ingredients, the best in Pomfret, even if it's grilled without any seasonings, it's delicious!"

"I didn't expect to catch fish, at least you don't have to worry about starving to death!" Xiao Yi muttered.

But he immediately thought that he didn't seem to have the tools and materials to make a fire, so he could make a fire by drilling wood? Or use two stones to make sparks?

No matter which one, Xiao Yi felt unreliable, and the trees on the island were not dead trees, and hay velvet had to be used for sparks, and the hay leaves could ignite.

Even if the branch is torn off, it will take several days to dry.

Won't you eat it raw?

Xiao Yi is an authentic native of Xia, but he is not used to raw food. Looking at the two eagle pomfrets that weighed about five kilograms, he could only sigh, and then string them together with a silk thread removed from the fishing net and hang them on the empty On the side of the supply box.

In some countries, people are accustomed to eating raw food without any problem. If they have never eaten raw food, if something goes wrong after eating, there is no hospital here.

After hanging the fish, Xiao Yi came to the island tablet again to see if there was any useful news.

"I really can't get enough of the material box! Who is the boss who gave me some food!"

"I am the number one entrepreneur in Magic Capital, worth 10 billion. If anyone can give me some food, I will give him half of my property."

"Let's not say whether you are worth 10 billion. Even if you are, can you go back? Can we go back? If you don't go back, your entire worth is not worth a piece of bread."

"I am the No. 1 Internet celebrity in Beijing. If any boss is willing to give me food and water, they can do anything to me when they meet in the future!"

"Are you really the first Internet celebrity green tea sister in Beijing?"

"Of course, does the eldest brother have food and water? I'm dying of starvation, so give the little sister a reward!"

"Go away, I don't have it myself, even if I have it, I'll have to see you again, hehehe!"

Xiao Yi looked at the chat on the public channel and pondered: "Will not everyone be thrown here! I wonder if she will be here too?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi couldn't help but speak on the public channel for the first time, and set his ID to Yi Ranpin, which was the screen name he had been using for four years in college.

"An Ran, if you see this message, please private message me."

But soon the news was dismissed, Xiao Yi spoke again, and found that the message interval on the island tablet was too short, please wait!

This is also to prevent swiping!

An Ran was Xiao Yi's girlfriend who had been in college for four years. After graduation, An Ran wanted Xiao Yi to join her family business.

But when Xiao Yi found out about An Ran's family background, he didn't know whether it was because he was ashamed or because of his inexplicable self-esteem, but Xiao Yi refused and left An Ran voluntarily.

There is no old-fashioned mandarin duck here. On the contrary, An Ran's parents are still very satisfied with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi sighed, thinking about the gentleness of An Ran, how hard it is to survive here!

"I will live, find you, wait for me!"

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