Seeing the undead pterosaur flying back into the mist, Jiang Yuntian heaved a sigh of relief, then adjusted the attitude of the helicopter and flew back quickly.

Because the landing gear of the helicopter was damaged by the undead pterosaur, when it landed, the entire helicopter fell to the ground.

But under Jiang Yuntian's meticulous control, there was not much impact.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian got off the helicopter safely.

The soldiers on the side immediately repaired the helicopter on the island monument.

Seeing the helicopter staggered and fell to the ground, the giants Jia Zhente and Hu Zhe rushed over.

"Islander, what's your situation? Why is the helicopter broken?" Hu Zhe asked hurriedly.

"We were attacked by the undead in the center of the island!" Xiao Yi explained simply.

Jia Zhente asked in surprise: "Island owner, have you been to the center of the island? How is the situation there?"

Although their giants have been fighting against the undead for hundreds of thousands of years, they have never approached the space crack, and they have never even come up to this island.

So Jia Zhente didn't know anything about the situation on this island.

Precisely because he knew nothing, he even had some drums in his heart, not sure if he could completely take down the undead this time!

"It's about six kilometers away from the center of the island. Because the space is unstable and the helicopter is affected, we can only fly back!" Xiao Yi said.

Jia Zhente nodded.

Xiao Yi continued: "As for the situation in the center of the island, we can't see it at all."

"Well, the speed of this helicopter is not fast, how could it not be seen?" Jia Zhente asked suspiciously.

"That's because the center of the island is a fog of immortality!" Jiang Yuntian interrupted to explain.

"The fog of immortality?" The giants Jia Zhente and Hu Zhe heard this term for the first time.

"Yes, the undead elders were transferred from the space crack!" Xiao Yi explained, "If the undead are in the fog of undead, their attributes will increase, up to double!"

"What?" Jia Zhente and Hu Zhe exclaimed, and it was directly transmitted four or five kilometers away.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian felt a little tinnitus!

The two giants Jia Zhente shouted, directly attracting everyone's attention here!

"What's the situation? Why did the giant suddenly scream?"

"Yeah, I just saw the island owner fly to the center of the island. I don't know if it brought some bad news!"

"Nine times out of ten, the situation must be very serious for the giant to be so shocked!"

The crowd discussed.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian patted their heads and finally recovered.

"If you want to scream in the future, say hello first, you see everyone in our neighborhood has been deafened by you!" Xiao Yi reluctantly looked at the reactions of the surrounding people and said.

Jia Zhente didn't take the time to listen to him tease his loud voice, and asked directly: "Then what should we do? If their attributes are doubled, we don't have to fight at all!"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Yes, so we have to solve these problems in a targeted manner!"

"How to solve it?" Jia Zhente asked hurriedly.

"I have discussed with Brother Jiang just now. Since this fog was transferred from the rift in the space by the undead elders, then we must cut off the continuous increase of this fog from the source!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"But this is difficult. Since the undead elders are near the space crack, the surrounding defensive forces must be extremely powerful. Coupled with this black fog that can double their strength, we still have no chance!" Hu Zhe said with a frown. .

"I have a solution to the problem of the black mist. Now what we need to consider is how to solve the elder of the undead!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Can the black fog be resolved?" Jia Zhente's eyes widened.

"Well, I have a machine to purify it. The problem now is that we don't even know where the elders are in the fog, and what are their strengths? If we rush in like this, we will probably fall into the undead race. In the army!" Xiao Yi waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to worry about this issue.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and said, "The upper limit of this world's level is SSS. Although there is still room for improvement, it is very small. If the influence of the black fog can be ruled out, as long as the people in the past are SSS, then there is hit!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "As for the location of the undead elder, it must be near the crack in space, we can only get closer and look for it slowly!"

"How to deal with the undead army like a tide if you are looking for it?" Hu Zhe asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi squinted and said, "Then see how much pressure the peripheral attacks put on them!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Jia Zhente understood.

As long as the attack on the outside is strong enough, the undead will definitely let more teams come to the outside to deal with it, which can relieve the pressure on those who sneak into the space near the crack.

"Well, the island owner is right, we can only use the peripheral personnel to attract more undead, and the rest depends on whether the beheading operation is successful!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

"The members of the decapitation action team need to be confirmed. According to my information, there are nine elders in the undead, which means that we must have at least nine SSS-level combat power to sneak in to facilitate the action!" Xiao Yi Shen Sheng said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "There will definitely be nine SSS-level survivors among the survivors, but it's hard to say whether they want to go there or not!"

"How many are there in our alliance?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

If you can get it together in your own alliance, then you won't have to fight with other survivors.

"In addition to you, Island Master, there are only three, and the other two are Du Kang and I!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was surprised: "Du Kang has become SSS level?"

"Yes, didn't you ask him to train on the battlefield? After only fighting for half a day, he successfully advanced!" Jiang Yuntian said with envy and hatred, "This guy is completely wasting his talent. , if he went to the battlefield sooner, it is estimated that he would have been at the SSS level!"

Xiao Yi nodded: "It's better to push harder in the future!"

Jiang Yuntian agreed with this very much, and then continued: "Islander, you must not participate in such a dangerous operation. In addition to me and Du Kang, you also need seven SSS-level combat power."

"I have to go." Xiao Yi's tone was firm and could not be refuted.

He must perform at his best so that he can be rewarded by the person behind the scenes, otherwise, wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain!

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