
A sound of metal handover was accompanied by sparks sputtering out.

Xuanyuanjian was almost slashed against the engineer's side, and he almost urinated!

But seeing that Xiao Yi's Xuanyuan sword seemed to be blocking something for him, he realized that the island owner was trying to save him!

Xiao Yi blocked the opponent's attack with this strike, and then he swept the Xuanyuan Sword across and swept it aside!


In the eyes of others, the island owner seems to have caught something again!

Jiang Yuntian immediately called out, "Searchlight!"

All the nearby searchlights shone through.

A shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, everyone rubbed their eyes, and only then did they see that Xiao Yi was facing an extremely vague figure that almost merged with the night.

Even if you use a searchlight, you can't see it clearly, but the shadow on the ground exposes it!

"What is this?"

"You can completely hide in the dark!"

"Fortunately, the island owner found out just now, otherwise I would really go to see Hades!"

Just as everyone was discussing, screams came out from a distance!


But in the next instant, the screaming stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yi's face changed greatly, and he immediately said loudly: "Brother Jiang, gather all of Wang Cai and all of them. Animals are more alert than humans, and they should be able to find these ghost thorns!"

The system has given a hint just now: "Ghost Thorn (SSS level): An undead assassin who is exceptionally good at hiding his body..."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately ran to the island monument on the side and quickly said the matter again.

"I'll let them go!" An Ran said.

Soon, Wang Cai, Da Bai, and Xiao Lin were collectively sent over.

"Wangcai, you immediately protect these engineering team members! Watch out for ghost thorns!" Xiao Yi ordered immediately when he saw them.

"Wang Wang!"


All the pets responded.

They have been dealing with the advanced animals that spawned on those islands all the time now.

It's not that they want to kill all the high-level animals that have been refreshed, and some of them are also accepted as their little brothers.

So this time, when I came to the front line, many of them brought my younger brother here!

Given the size of Xiaoyi Island, many of the beasts that have been refreshed now are SSS-level beasts, so Dabai and their younger brothers are all SSS-level.

Prosperity they spread out and protect the engineering team in the middle!

"Wang!" Wang Cai shouted in one direction, and then jumped over!


Wangcai's claws seem to have touched the dagger made of the opponent's bones, and the opponent's dagger did not break through Wangcai's claws!

Most people just saw that the opponent's dagger easily shaved off an engineer's head!

After blocking the opponent's dagger, Wang Cai pounced again, and this time it opened its mouth!


A chubby skull rolled to the ground!

"The wealth of the island owner turned out to be so fierce!"

"Yeah, I only saw it sometimes shaking its head and following behind the island owner. I didn't expect it to be so cruel!"

"Just now, the island owner seems to have used three swords to get a ghost thorn, and Wangcai can get it in just two strokes!"

Not only prosperous, but other pets are equally fierce, basically getting a ghost thorn in two or three times.

But the little brothers of these pets are different. Although they are both SSS level, it seems a little difficult for them to solve the ghost thorn.

The little brothers of these pets can at least help entangle one ghost thorn, and they can wait for their boss to free up their hands to solve it.

With the addition of Xiao Yi's pet army, the construction that was suspended due to the appearance of ghost thorns has resumed again!

Xiao Yi also sighed in relief and walked back.

"Islander, fortunately you found out in time, otherwise we would have suffered heavy casualties!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then looked at Jiang Yuntian solemnly and said, "Brother Jiang, do you know why I was able to find them in time?"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then said, "Is it because of careful observation?"

"No, it's because I practiced the knowledge in the Taoist treasure!" Xiao Yi replied earnestly, "I sensed the death energy in them!"

The anti-natural thing of death is like a firefly in the dark in the perception of the Taoist and natural Xiao Yi, which is extremely conspicuous!

Jiang Yuntian was slightly shocked, and then said: "I understand, I will study Taoist well in the future!"

"Even my pets, they often come to my side during my morning exercises!" Xiao Yi looked at Wang Cai's performance and continued, "That's why they are stronger than those who are also SSS-level brothers. ."

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

Soon Wangcai and the others eliminated all the ghost thorns close to the engineering team and patrolled nearby.

The black fog at the space crack is so thick that it completely obstructs the line of sight.

The conversation between the undead elders in the black mist came faintly.

"Do you think Ghost Thorn can stop them from building the city wall?"

"I'm afraid not, after all, Xiao Yi's firepower is too powerful!"

"Powerful firepower is useful in group operations. This kind of arms for assassination behind enemy lines has no firepower."

"Well, I guess it can scare them to death. The ghostly thorns will definitely make them unable to find Bei!"

"It's fantastic to even want to build a wall."

At this moment, a mental wave came.

The undead elders were shocked when they received this mental fluctuation!

"Then Xiao Yi's perception is so sharp?"

"Yeah, it's hard to find a ghost thorn with the naked eye in the dark night! This Xiao Yi actually discovered the ghost thorn's movements for the first time!"

"Why are the animals coming from behind all SSS grades, and some of them are so sensitive!"

"This outsider was sent by Death to restrain us!"

The first elder listened to the discussion of the crowd, but did not speak, everyone slowly stopped, as if waiting for the first elder to express his opinion!

"Send half of the ghost thorns again, continue to harass them, everyone continue to summon, now the fog of immortality is big enough, let's do it!" The voice of the elder came.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

The ghost thorns arranged by the undead came again, but they were left behind by Wangcai's pets before they even got close to the engineering team.

Without the harassment of ghost thorns, the construction progress of the engineering team is very fast!

Coupled with sufficient manpower, the Yi Ran Pin Alliance took only eight hours to build and close the wall!

All the defensive forces on the passages have been transferred to the city walls.

Xiao Yi looked at the tall and sturdy city wall and instructed: "Arrange a Gatling gun every five meters on the city wall!"

"Yes, I've already made arrangements here!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Islander, you haven't slept all night. Sit on the transport plane for a while!"

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