Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1176: The power of Gatling is specially designed to slap the face

Seeing Xiao Yi nodding, Jiang Yuntian immediately greeted the soldiers to remove the M134 rapid-fire machine gun from the large transport.

Those soldiers were obviously dumbfounded when they saw these new types of weapons. They had seen pistols, rifles, and machine guns, but they had never seen such a firearm composed of multiple barrels!

"Instructor, what kind of gun is this?" A soldier couldn't help asking.

Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile: "This is an M134 rapid-fire machine gun, you can call it Gatling!"

"Gatling?" a soldier suddenly exclaimed, "Is that the kind of machine gun that is faster than a machine gun?"

This soldier had seen some war movies on the TV in the alliance, and seemed to have some impressions of Gatling.

"Well, yes, Gatling's rate of fire is indeed very fast!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian immediately rushed to the front line with the team and set up Gatling.

The undead had advanced to a position five hundred meters in front of the giants' defense line, protected by swords, shields and skeletons. Although some of the undead were still killed by shells, a large part of them had already approached the defense line.

And those sword and shield skeletons that light machine guns can't do anything about.

"It seems that we need to take action!" Hu Zhe saw that the skeletons were approaching the defense line, and said eagerly.

Jia Zhente shook his head, pointed to Jiang Yuntian, and said, "Look at them, they have come up with new weapons, maybe we still don't need to take action."

Hu Zhe looked in the direction Jia Zhente pointed, and indeed saw that they were setting up new weapons.

"No, this island owner has new tricks every day, we never have to shoot!" Hu Zhe said helplessly.

"Don't worry, we are still more than 1,000 kilometers away from the space crack, and we have encountered such tenacious resistance. It will be even stronger in the future, and there will be a chance for us to take action!" Jia Zhente said with a smile, "Look at this new type of island owner. How's the weapon!"

All the giants on the front line looked at Gatling, who was pulled up from behind by Jiang Yuntian, very curious.

"This thing shouldn't be as powerful as a tank, right?"

"So small shouldn't have much power."

"Tanks are not enough, it's probably not enough to use this kind of thing!"

Jiang Yuntian had already instructed everyone to set up Gatling, and then said: "This thing is the same as a machine gun, let's start!"

After speaking, Jiang Yuntian shot directly at the nearest sword and shield skeleton!

Da da da!

Cannonballs can't get a bone shield at one time, and a Gatling bullet certainly won't work, but a Gatling can output 6,000 bullets in one minute.

The sword and shield skeleton targeted by Jiang Yuntian was accidentally knocked down by the impact of the Gatling bullet.

After it fell to the ground, there was finally a gap in the defense. Jiang Yuntian's shooting didn't stop at all. After slightly adjusting the downward direction, the bullet tilted in from the gap that appeared.

The black skeleton protected by the sword and shield skeleton was also instantly swept away!

The sword and shield skeleton in front struggled to get up, but was swept down by Gatling as soon as he got up, and took two steps back.

The black skeletons at the back were also pushed back, and the cannonballs were constantly flying in the sky, and the undead were instantly at a disadvantage!

It has to be said that after these skeletons are strengthened, the bones are indeed extremely hard!

They kept being swept down, kept getting up, and wanted to keep moving forward, but they couldn't stand Gatlin's high-speed output at all!

No matter how hard the bones are, they can't withstand Gatling's high-intensity and high-frequency shooting at one part!

Da da da!


The skull of a skeleton was finally shattered, and the sound was like a fuse, and then there were crackles on the battlefield, and the undead on the opposite side continued to suffer casualties.

Originally, the undead rushed to the position of 500 meters in front of the giant's defense line, but now they were repelled by Gatling for another 500 meters.

The closer to the defense line, the greater the impact of Gatling!

When the giants on the front line saw the power of that Gatling, they started talking.

"This kind of gun is too strong, it can shoot so fast, there is no pause at all!"

"It's entirely possible to move on!"

"Actually, we can go to support other directions, and we don't need to be here at all!"

Xiao Yi saw the power of Gatlin from behind, and also sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect Gatlin's suppression power to be so strong!"

The undead, who were beaten back five hundred meters, retreated again.

The situation here has been passed to the rear of the undead, and those elders have no idea what to say!

Whenever they summon a powerful unit, the outsider will always come up with a new weapon to restrain them!

At this time, there was only one thought in their minds: "This guy is here to slap his face!"

After a long silence, the first elder said, "We can't fight like this anymore."

The rest of the elders looked at the first elder one after another.

"We can't summon some and send them to the front line. This is equivalent to giving them one by one and slowly eating them. We need to summon all those who have been summoned, and then gather together to fight them!" The elder continued. said.

Everyone nodded.

This is indeed the case at present. They have always thought that as long as they summon a powerful undead, they can defeat the opponent. Now it seems that it is not so simple!

"If we are so concentrated, wouldn't we let them rush near the space crack?"

"We must still arrange for the team to stop them and slow them down!"

"Yes, just let those cannon fodder pile up, don't have any reservations, we will also call on us with all our strength!"

Hearing the discussion of the others, the elder nodded slightly and said, "Yes, use those cannon fodders to hold them back for three days, and we will do our best to summon all the powerful troops that can be summoned, and fight them to the death!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

The matter decided by the undead elders was quickly conveyed to the front line in the form of orders.

Those black skeletons, sword shield skeletons, and some undead in the flying unit immediately retreated to the rear!

Jiang Yuntian had already rushed back from the front line at this time. Seeing the movements of the undead, he frowned and said, "Aren't you going to be with us?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No, look, those skeleton armies are here again!"

In the telescope, the skeletons of the white flowers rushed up again, but the defense of these skeletons was too low, and they could be stopped and killed only by relying on those light machine guns!

"Doing this can only delay our progress a little!" Jiang Yuntian said, looking at the skeleton that was constantly being killed by machine guns.

"Maybe this is their purpose!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

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