Get the Tyrannosaurus Rex in ten minutes? What a joke, even the giant leader can't get it done so quickly!

"Could it be that this giant didn't catch up with the Tyrannosaurus Rex at all, just went out for a while and came back?" Hei Pao thought, "It must be so!"

The giant leader looked at Hu Zhe who joined the battlefield, frowned and asked, "Where's the bone dragon you're chasing?"

"It has been solved!" Hu Zhe joined the battlefield.

Looking at the intact Hu Zhe, the leader frowned again: "You were not injured in the battle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

Hu Zhe's strength, the leader is very clear, although there is a chance to defeat the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it must be a hard fight, and it is definitely not something that can be done overnight.

Otherwise, their giants wouldn't have to stalemate with this group of huge bone dragons for so long.

But Hu Zhe didn't see any sign of hard fighting in his entire body, and the leader's brows furrowed even tighter.

While dealing with the bone dragon in front of him, Hu Zhe explained: "Leader, it was the outsider who helped me to solve the Tyrannosaurus Rex so quickly. More precisely, it was mainly the outsider's attack that solved the bone dragon so quickly. !"

"Outsiders? With those muskets in their hands that are hard to hurt even us?" The leader felt a little incredible.

The giant leader has seen outsiders before, so he also knows their firearms, but the outsiders he has seen, the firearms in his hands seem to be inferior to those made by the dwarves!

"No, it's something called a tank. It's more flexible than artillery and can hit more accurately!" Hu Zhe replied.

"Tanks?" said the leader in surprise.

The leader knew about artillery, and they once imagined that the dwarves would use artillery to cooperate with them to solve these huge bone dragons.

But the accurate head of the artillery is too speechless. If it really cooperates, maybe the bone dragon is not dead, and the giant who controls the bone dragon will be killed first!

"Yes, and the power of those tanks is huge!" Hu Zhe replied, "Just two or three shots broke the Tyrannosaurus Rex's knee joint!"

"So powerful?" The leader still felt a little dreamy.

"The outsider also has a very powerful treatment device. I was injured when I controlled the bone dragon. It only took me more than a minute to deal with it, and even the toxins in the wound were dealt with! "Hu Zhe kicked the bone dragon in front of him with one foot, and pointed to the position where his forearm was injured before!

The leader took a closer look and saw that there were indeed some very subtle scars, and if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't really see it.

Seeing this scar, the leader already believed most of it.

Hu Zhe continued: "The outsider has to come to support us. I told him, let him guard his defense line!"

The leader nodded: "Well, good job!"

At this moment, a huge object flew in the air on the giant's side, which made both parties nervous.

The black robe immediately summoned the bone dragon to retreat, and the giants also took the opportunity to retreat and take a sigh of relief.

The black robes of the giants and the undead all stared at the giant object in the air.

On the giant front, their roads are very flat and wide, and they can be used to land planes!

"Everyone get out of the way!" Xiao shouted with a loudspeaker.

After Hu Zhe heard the voice, he immediately said, "It's Alliance Leader Xiao, that outsider, everyone, get out of the way!"

Hearing Hu Zhe's words, the giants stepped aside one after another.

Xiao Yi drove the transport plane and landed behind the giants' front!

After stopping, Xiao Yi jumped off the transport plane and said to Hu Zhe with a loudspeaker: "You guys are really hard to find here!"

Hu Zhe smiled and replied, "Didn't you find it too hard to find? Let me introduce to you, this is our leader Jia Zhente."

"Hello, my name is Xiao Yi, the outsider in your mouth, the leader of the Yi Ran Pin Alliance!" Xiao Yi introduced himself.

Jia Zhentao nodded, frowned and said, "You guys have come here, is there any problem with the defense line over there?"

"Don't worry, this time I came here to help you solve these bone dragons!" Xiao Yi said confidently.

Jia Zhente raised his brows and asked, "Are you so confident that you can solve these bone dragons?"

"Unless you don't have the confidence to control them?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Tell me about your plan!" Jia Zhente said.

"Simple, just like Hu Zhe cooperated with us before, you only need to control those bone dragons for a few seconds!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jia Zhente frowned and said: "If you can't get the bone dragon in time, we may be injured, which will lead to more serious consequences, do you understand?"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied, "It's okay, I prepared the equipment for you!"

With that said, Xiao Yi traded out more than 100 oversized safety suits from the island monument!

Because the giant is basically an enlarged version of human beings, there is nothing special, so Xiao Yi directly enlarged the protective suit according to the proportion!

Just these hundreds of safety protection suits will consume the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene accumulated in the laboratory all day and night!

"What is this?" Jia Zhente asked with a frown.

"Safety protection suits can protect you from injury!" Xiao Yi replied, "Even if we don't succeed, at least we can maintain the status quo. Even if there is a slight injury, I will help to heal it completely, just like Hu Zhe!"

Jia Zhente picked up a protective suit and frowned. It was too light. Does it really have a defensive effect on the body?

Seemingly aware of Jia Zhente's concerns, Xiao Yi said confidently: "As long as you put on and try to fight that bone dragon, you will know its defense power!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's confident tone, Jia Zhente was still a little worried, after all, they were all bone dragons formed by prehistoric beasts!

Seeing that Jia Zhente was still hesitating, Xiao Yi continued: "If this plan is successful, we can launch a full-scale counterattack under the leadership of your giants. Isn't it worth a try?"

Jia Zhente was lost in thought, and soon he nodded and said, "Okay, we will fully cooperate with you!"

"Okay, wait a minute! Put on those safety suits first!" Xiao Yi nodded, then rushed back to the transport plane and started trading tanks on the island monument.

The giants began to find safety protective suits suitable for their body types and put them on under the guidance of Jiang Yuntian.

"This thing is so light, I don't feel like I'm wearing anything at all?"

"Yeah, can this thing really have a protective effect?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't feel anything anyway, and it won't delay our battle!"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't drag us down!"

The giants talked a lot, and soon they saw tanks coming out of the transport plane.

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