And seeing a giant chasing the bone dragon and leaving the battlefield, standing in the black robe behind the keel, thoughtful.

After a while, the black robe immediately reported his findings.

The black robe did not move his position, but just passed the matter that he wanted to report to the nearest undead black robe with his spirit!

Then the black robe that received the information continued to pass down, so that the information could soon be transmitted to the space crack.

The information of the previous tank was also transmitted to the location of the space crack.

Otherwise, the front line is so far away from the space crack, it is impossible for the black robes in those stone houses to get this information so quickly!

Inside the stone house, those black robes received a mental image again.

Above is a scene of a giant leaving with a bone dragon.

"It seems that if we keep pulling away giants, wouldn't it be easy to disintegrate the giant's defense?"

"It's not that simple. Although the power of a bone dragon is powerful, it is still limited. On other lines of defense, they can still fight with their best efforts!"

"Yes, the giants won't fall for our division plan so easily!"

"Well, although they may not be hit, we can still try, in case it succeeds!"

All the black robes agreed and immediately decided to give it a try to see if these giants would really follow the bone dragon!

On the front of the giant's defense, two more bone dragons left the battlefield and ran to the side, one left and one right!

When the giant leader saw this scene, he squinted and said, "Is this going to spread our forces? Then we must not fall for it!"

"Everyone attack with all their strength, and take advantage of them to walk away!" the giant leader immediately shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The giants responded.

The black robe at the back saw that the giant leader was not fooled. Instead, under the shout of the giant leader, his morale was boosted, and he killed two or three bone dragons in an instant!

The giant instantly reversed the disadvantage of the battle, and the black robe behind was so frightened that he quickly summoned the drawn bone dragon back to participate in the battle.

Xiao Yi and others used tanks to continuously kill the undead on the front line. Even if the undead retreated, the tanks still chased up and continued to crush them.

The undead suddenly discovered that after Xiao Yi joined the frontline battle, the number of their undead had a negative growth!

In other words, the speed at which the undead poured out from the cracks in space was not as fast as Xiao Yi's!

"Each tank pays attention to its own fuel situation. If it is insufficient, come back immediately to replenish it!" Xiao Yi reminded.

He was really worried that these tank soldiers were having fun and forgetting about the fuel situation.

Without fuel, the tank is completely paralyzed on the battlefield!

Those tank soldiers who had only learned for a little more than half a day realized that their fuel was indeed almost low, and they turned around and rushed back.

"Fortunately, the island owner reminded me, otherwise it would be embarrassing to let this tank lie down on the battlefield!"

"It's a small thing to be embarrassed, and it is estimated that I will be scolded to death by the instructor when I go back!"

"Actually, scolding to death is a trivial matter. It is estimated that we can be practiced to death!"

When they came back and took advantage of the refueling, the tank soldiers sat and talked together.

Xiao Yi looked on the city wall and looked at the undead who had already retreated for 20 kilometers. He ordered: "Except for the guards, other soldiers should rest immediately!"


Xiao Yi said to the soldier guarding the island monument: "If there is any abnormality, please notify me on the island monument, I will go back to rest first!"

"Yes, the island owner!" the soldier responded.

The Huicheng Stone that Xiao Yi used directly, returned to the bedroom, and fell directly on the bed.

He knew that the undead must have a backer, and the second half of the night would definitely not be peaceful. He needed to recharge and wait for the undead to make a move!

Xiao Yi soon fell asleep.

On the front line, the giant Hu Zhe chased the bone dragon for four or five hours, and the speed of the bone dragon gradually slowed down!

"This seems to be the Western Front, what is it doing here?" Hu Zhe didn't know the purpose of this bone dragon at all!

At this time, the sentinels on the orc city wall immediately discovered the huge bone dragon and Hu Zhe!

"Ring the alarm, hurry!" the sentry shouted immediately!

Drop drop!

The alarm was sounded immediately, and the sentinel rushed to the island monument on the side, panting, and said, "Quick, tell the island owner that the giants and dinosaurs are here!"

"Yes!" The person in charge of contacting the island tablet responded, and immediately passed the news from the island tablet to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi, who was resting, heard the sound of the island stele, and immediately turned over and jumped down, rushed to the island stele, glanced at the information on the island stele, and immediately inspired Huicheng Stone.

This time he didn't go to the defense line of the ghost gate, but came directly to the orcs.

And Jiang Yuntian was already observing the two entangled behemoths on the city wall!

Seeing that the speed of the bone dragon had slowed down, Hu Zhe naturally wouldn't give up such a good chance to catch up with it, so he quickly caught up with the bone dragon and attacked it.

"Island owner!" Jiang Yuntian greeted Xiao Yi when he saw Xiao Yi coming, "This dinosaur skeleton came from the north, and the giant seems to be chasing the bone dragon all the time!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and then took advantage of the bright moonlight to observe.

"Bone Dragon (SSS level): The skeleton formed by the prehistoric beast Tyrannosaurus Rex has extremely hard bones and powerful attack power!"

"It turned out to be the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Xiao Yi said in shock.

"It looks like it!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "What should we do? I feel like the giant might not be able to handle this Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"The loudspeaker is here!" Xiao Yi said.

For these giants, Xiao Yi and the others are too small. If they just shout with their voices, nine out of ten giants who are fighting will not notice them!

And rushing up the tank, if the giant thought it was a direct attack by the enemy, wouldn't it be more embarrassing.

So Xiao Yi is still ready to communicate with the giants first!

"Hello, friends of the giants, we are outsiders, and we are here to help you resist the undead. If you can help us control the bone dragon, we can work together to solve this bone dragon!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

The loudspeaker amplified Xiao Yi's bluntness a lot, and Hu Zhe, who was fighting, could hear it completely and clearly!

But when he heard Xiao Yi's voice, Hu Zhe was stunned for a moment. In his stunned effort, the bone dragon's sharp claws caught on his left arm.


A big puddle of blood was scattered down!

For Xiao Yi and the others, it was someone who poured a large pot of blood from the sky!

The severe pain in his left arm made Hu Zhe react. He pulled away from the bone dragon and frowned as he looked at Xiao Yi and the others on the city wall.

"You can't take part in a battle of this size!" Hu Zhe replied angrily.

Everyone on the city wall felt buzzing in their ears.

Xiao Yi continued: "Now you can't handle it alone, let's try it!"

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