Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1014: All kinds of natural disasters, we don't have

"Earthquake? This is a bit exaggerated!"

"Exaggerated? The nine islands of our alliance shook together. All the buildings in the alliance collapsed, and many people were injured."

"Nine islands together? It's amazing, you must have offended the people behind the scenes!"

"Made, I also want to know who I have offended, let's not talk about it, I have to quickly clean up the destroyed house and rebuild my home. There are still undead at sea who are constantly harassing us. It's too difficult for us!"

"Everyone is angry at both ends now, no one is easy!"

Xiao Yi watched the discussion in the group, and immediately called Anyue and asked, "Is there anything unusual in our alliance?"

"Abnormal?" Anyue was a little confused by Xiao Yi's words, isn't it good in the alliance?

"No! Could it be that the island owner found something unusual on your side?" Anyue replied immediately.

Xiao Yi replied: "Many people in the group reported that there was an abnormality in their alliance, such as locust plague, earthquake, torrential rain, etc. I thought a similar situation would occur in our alliance."

"Oh, we don't have this in our alliance. I have already told the leaders of each alliance to pay attention to natural disasters in all aspects!" Anyue replied immediately.

Anyue also saw the discussions of those people in the group just now, and he immediately asked the leaders of each island to pay close attention to such risks.

"Well, you really need to pay attention, the rules of the world cannot leave our alliance behind." Xiao Yi urged.

"Understood!" Anyue replied in a deep voice.

After the call ended, more and more survivors in the Yi Tian group reported that their alliance had encountered a natural disaster.

"It's almost summer, and I have hail here? Nima, can you be more fake."

"Upstairs, although I am very sympathetic to your experience, I still want to learn about it. It is very normal for hailstorms in spring or summer, and in the previous world, 70% of the hailstorms in our country occurred from April to July. !"

"Uh, what's the matter? It doesn't matter if you complain, you also expose the fact that you are illiterate!"

"No science, there was a tornado in our alliance, and all kinds of facilities were damaged. The most important thing is to restore and rebuild quickly!"

"I am very curious, is there any alliance that has not encountered these natural disasters!"


"Encountered! +1."

Yi Tianqun met all of them, and some people seemed to have posted pictures of the disaster in order to prove that they were not lying.

Seeing the photos of various disasters, Xiao Yi became more and more puzzled. It seemed that his alliance had never appeared. Could it be that something went wrong?

Xiao Yi fell into deep thought, and suddenly something started to pull on his trouser legs.

Looking down, it turned out to be a unicorn.

"Xiao Lin, I'm hungry so soon, I feel like you've been able to eat a lot lately!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, then walked downstairs with it.

The white tiger on the side saw it, and immediately stood up and followed.

On the first floor, Xiao Yi took out a few pieces of the lean meat of the giant beast from the refrigerator, heated it up a little, and threw the two of them over.

Qilin didn't eat the piece of meat for the first time, but turned his head and glared at the white tiger. The white tiger shrank its head, and then wagged its tail, looking extremely flattered.

"You are a tiger, don't become a pug, okay!" Xiao Yi said speechlessly.

Baihu roared: "No way, I can't beat it!"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied, "You're being honest."

The unicorn on the side snorted, stepped forward to select all the good-looking giant beast meat, and then walked to the side and started to enjoy the delicious food.

At this time, the white tiger stepped forward and took away the remaining meat of the giant beast.

Xiao Yi shook his head, then ignored them and walked upstairs, when he just lifted his foot, he suddenly realized a problem.

He turned his head sharply, looked at the unicorn that was eating the meat of the giant beast, and said secretly: "Where the unicorn is, there must be auspiciousness!"

Is it because of the auspicious beast unicorn that the Yiranpin Alliance did not encounter those natural disasters?

Recently, the unicorn's food intake has also been much larger than before. I wonder if it is necessary to cope with these natural disasters.

The more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more he felt that there was a possibility. After all, the Xuanyuan sword could drive the tornado away before it was unsheathed. It is not surprising that this unicorn has this function.

But luck is too illusory, Xiao Yi can only speculate, but cannot confirm this matter.

Time passed slowly, but the Yiranpin Alliance did not experience any natural disasters. While the other alliances were dealing with this sudden natural disaster, they were constantly harassed by the undead.

But the Yi Ran Pin Alliance was very leisurely, the undead were stuck in the teleportation wormhole, and there was no natural disaster.

The teleportation wormhole on Xiaoyi Island, the dragon people, the Naga tribe, and the prairie elves have all brought their own team over, looking at the built city wall, they are quite speechless.

"With this city wall, it's too easy to defend!"

"Yeah, it doesn't reflect our strength at all."

"How do I feel on this outsider island, we can't do anything at all."

Xuanqi, the patriarch of the dragon people, immediately greeted: "Dragon people warriors, follow me down to kill, Medusa, Phyllis, the city wall will be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry!" The two of Medusa responded immediately.

Xuan Qi took his team and jumped directly from the city wall.

At this time, the teleportation wormhole just started to teleport the undead again.

"It's just right!" Xuan Qi shouted excitedly, and then swung the Guan Gong sword in his hand and rushed up.

The soldiers of the Yi Ran Pin Alliance on the side were stunned when they saw this scene.

You must know that they absolutely dare not rush down, because as long as they fall into the army of the undead, they will peel off their skin even if they are not dead.

"Is this dragon man too reckless?"

"Yeah, so many undead rushed over like this, I'm afraid they're not courting death!"

"It shouldn't be difficult to find death. Although these aliens are strange, their brains should not be sick."

Soon the two sides met.

The big sword in Xuan Qi's hand swung hard and directly killed all the undead within two meters in front of him.

"Lying on the grass, so fierce?" an Alliance soldier couldn't help shouting.

"What's the matter with fierceness, this kind of fighting style, the instructors have said it, do not advocate it!"

"Yes, the most important thing is to survive on the battlefield."

"Look, that dragon man is too deep, and he rushed into the center of the undead army."

"This is really not afraid of death!"

"Even if they don't die, so many undead will always be able to attack them. If they are injured in the undead army, everyone should be able to imagine the consequences."

But in the next moment, the eyes of these melon eaters almost stared out of their sockets.

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