"This is just a dream of mine!"

"The self in the dream will not be killed."

As soon as the words fell, all the scenery in the center of the stage slowly faded away like a pixel tide.

The Nine Nether Eyes have the innate ability to restrain mental power.

Bai Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and glanced around with a strange purple light.

It is still a huge central stage,

It's just that this stage is very shabby, in stark contrast to the previous dream.

After confirming that this is the real world.

Bai Chen's hanging heart finally relaxed.

Bai Chen lowered his head and saw that Tang Ningxue and the bald man were lying on the ground, fast asleep.

As for No. 750 and the member of the investigation team named Xiaoyu, their bodies were shriveled and lifeless.

Bai Chen shook his head, sighed, and turned towards Tang Ningxue.

Squatting down, he checked again to confirm that Tang Ningxue's life was not in danger, and took a long breath.

"Damn world!"

the other side.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can you see through all this!"

At this time, the unkempt little boy staggered towards Bai Chen.

It was Tong Guang.

After breaking through the dream, his strength declined seriously, only about 5 stars after tomorrow.

Bai Chen's eyes bloomed with purple light.

Nine Nether Eyes!

Tong Guang fell into sinking, and a ray of clarity appeared on his ferocious eyes.

Gradually fell into addiction.

Standing there, it was like seeing a beautiful moment.

Tong Guang cried to himself.

"Sister, mom, dad, don't leave me just like this."

"This time, I will definitely obey you and don't leave me."

"Why are you all leaving me one by one. Why?"

"I am Tong Guang, I am Tong Guang. I am..."

Gradually, the blood in Tong Guang's body squirmed.

Tong Guang felt very painful, his body shriveled up quickly, and his blood seemed to be drained.


A white palm appeared on Tong Guang's chest.

In the palm of his hand was a beating scarlet seed.

Tong Guang lowered his head and looked at the seed blankly.

"This is..."

A cold voice came from behind Tong Guang.

"This is your heart, stupid brother."

"Look, isn't it particularly beautiful?"


After taking out his palm, Tong Guang's eyes gradually became blurry, "Sister...sister...if...you want...you can just...why...lied...me."

After speaking, his body slowly fell down, his face full of sadness.

Bai Chen's eyes were cold and very alert.

Slowly walking out of the darkness, a little girl dressed in a black princess costume.

If she didn't hold a bleeding heart in her hands.

She should be a very good-looking girl.

After the girl put the heart away, she looked at Bai Chen and said shyly, "Brother, I'm sorry to let you see the ugly side of my sister."

Bai Chen was very wary of the girl's appearance, and a strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously. His heart was in his throat, and he looked around with his eyes.

Immediately, he glanced at Tang Ningxue and the bald man on the ground, his eyes filled with excitement.

The girl tilted her head and asked, "Brother, don't think about running away."

After saying that, with a flick of his finger, a horrifying scarlet spiritual power appeared in front of Bai Chen's eyes like a laser.

The scarlet spiritual power shot out rapidly expanded in Bai Chen's pupils.

In an instant, Bai Chen's eyes glowed with purple light, and the power of his bloodline was activated again. A wall of wind formed by the rapid wind rose from the ground.


The scarlet spiritual power instantly penetrated the wind wall, but it also gave Bai Chen time to react.

The wind rose under my feet, and I quickly executed the Wind Step.

However, the levels are really different.

It's too late to avoid it.

Just when the scarlet spiritual power was about to hit him, as if the pause button had been pressed, the scarlet spiritual power fell less than one centimeter away from Bai Chen's eyes, and then turned into starlight and disappeared.


In the blink of an eye.

Bai Chen's back was already wet, he was breathing heavily, breathing in fresh air greedily.

It feels really good to survive the disaster.

The girl chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that my brother still didn't choose alienation at the critical moment."

"It's really surprising."

Bai Chen's eyes were filled with pain, and two strands of blood slipped from the corners of his eyes.

Decisively withdraw from the power of blood.

My face was calm, but my heart was already filled with huge waves. If I said I didn’t react just now, would you believe me?

Bai Chen said calmly: "If you want me to transform into a beast, is it just to join you?"

Although I was a little surprised, I got to this point and combined it with what the girl said. Bai Chen had already guessed the opposite party's purpose.

Damn it, what kind of alien beast escaped.

What just simple tasks.


All of this has only one purpose, which is to capture Bai Chen.

The purpose of arresting him is nothing more than the power of his special bloodline.

damn it.

I've really become like Tang Monk.

The girl's face was startled, and then her eyes turned into crescent moons as she smiled, "My brother is so talented. I'm a little reluctant to turn him into a strange beast."

"It's just the task assigned above. My sister must complete it!" The girl's voice gradually became colder. "You'd better be more honest."

"My good sister, I think you are reluctant to let your brother die, right?" Bai Chen put the cold light sword on his neck and said with a smile.

"If I die, your mission will be meaningless."

Just now Bai Chen was convinced that the other party's mission must be to keep himself alive.

Otherwise there would be no need to spend so long.

Only living white dust has value.

Anger appeared in the girl's eyes, and then disappeared.

"You're very good! Because of your intelligence and good-looking face, let me introduce you to you." The girl picked up the hem of her black skirt with both hands and bowed slightly.

"One of the 12 Nights, Nightmare."

Nightmare, as you can tell from the name, her ability must be related to dreams.

Maybe Tong Guang's dream ability was obtained from her.

In other words, it was given by her.

Bai Chen's brain was running rapidly.

"Sister Nightmare, how about a deal?"

Nightmare smiled slightly and said, "Say."

Bai Chen: "I'll go with you, how about you let them two go?"

Nightmare glanced at Tang Ningxue and smiled sweetly.

"Is it because of my little lover? Brother, are you really a prodigal?"

Nightmare thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

Bai Chen still wanted to speak, but Nightmare didn't give him a chance to speak.

Scarlet spiritual power shot out from her fingers and turned into threads, trapping Bai Chen tightly.

Bai Chen ignored it and said with a smile: "Why are you so violent? It scared me so much that I thought you were going to take action."

"Stop talking." Nightmare said in a cold voice, "That weapon of yours is quite useful."

I thought I could capture Bai Chen suddenly, but the Cold Light Sword was not tied up and was still resting on Bai Chen's neck.

Next, Bai Chen felt a pulling force and walked straight towards the nightmare.

Nightmare floated in the air, her cheek almost touching Bai Chen's face.

"I didn't look carefully just now, but my brother's appearance is really good and hard to forget."

"My sister is a little jealous of your little lover."

Bai Chen smiled and said, "How about sister, you can also be my brother's little lover. I guarantee you will be so happy that you fly."

Alien species like Nightmare basically have an IQ that is not inferior to that of humans, so they cannot understand what Bai Chen means.

Her eyes reflected the starlight, and majestic spiritual power emerged.

"Are my eyes beautiful?"

The surrounding space changed instantly, and two tiger teeth appeared on Nightmare's little face.

"You fell into a trap..."

But before he finished speaking, Nightmare's face froze.

Bai Chen's eyes glowed with purple light, and the dream that had just emerged instantly collapsed.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Bai Chen's eyes again, and a heartbreaking pain filled his brain.

Calculating silently in his mind, he can still use the Nine Nether Eyes twice.

Bai Chen said calmly: "I don't want to sleep right now. If you can stay with me at night, then that's another matter."

"You can actually resist dreams." Nightmare's eyes were surprised, and then he laughed coldly: "You must have reached your limit, how many more times can you use the pupil technique just now?"

Bai Chen showed his white teeth and smiled.

"You can try?"

The cold light sword placed on the neck pierced the skin a few points, and bright red blood flowed on the sword body.


The cold wind of night blew by, and both sides fell into silence.

Nightmare's eyes were filled with anger, and for a long time, he uttered four words.

"You are very good."


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