Chapter 82 Dragon Killing Sword

Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪

All I saw was the central square of the Eternal City.

Kou Yu, a martial arts practitioner from Baxiang, was shining with light.

First it was red, then orange, yellow, green, cyan, and black.

When Kou Yu's whole body is enveloped in black light, it means that he has transferred the Eight Symbols Body Training Technique to the sixth heaven.

This heavy physical training method is a bit like the all-encompassing magical skill in the fantasy world.

But what Kou Yu practiced was obviously a castrated version.

Its true strength is probably not one ten thousandth as powerful as the Vientiane Divine Art.

But even so, the Eight Symbols Body Training Technique can be regarded as a good body training technique in the world of cultivation.

Without certain opportunities and excellent physique, I might not be able to practice.

Because this Eight Symbol Body Training Technique can match the cultivation level in the body.

Every time you break through one level, the strength of your muscles increases twice, and when you break through the second level, it increases four times.

By analogy, the final big realms are divided into eight small realms.

It can be said that the growth of its strength is entirely based on a geometric amount.

However, now that he has reached the sixth level of the Eight Symbols Body Training Technique in line with the battle realm cultivation, Kou Yu still cannot pull out the sword on the stone tablet, which surprises the monks around him.

In a food court near the square.

The wild woman carrying a huge sword box and others also saw this scene.

"Hey, my eldest brother also saw the divine sword on this stone tablet, and even praised it."

There were three men and one woman sitting across from the wild woman, one of whom was still bald. The bald head said at this time, "I have been following my eldest brother for the longest time. This is indeed the case."

"When my eldest brother came to the Immortal Capital Square, he stopped and watched it for a long time, and finally left with a few words of praise before leaving."

Hearing this, the wild woman nodded slightly.

It seems that the divine sword on this stone tablet is indeed extraordinary, but I don’t know why. Since the elder brother thought this divine sword was good, why didn’t he take it away?

Just when she was confused, the wild woman suddenly saw a young man in white among the crowd.

"Look, the white-clothed monk in this crowd seems to have a temperament similar to that of my elder brother!" The wild woman frowned, full of surprise.

After being reminded by the wild woman, a group of monks opposite her also turned their attention to the monk in white.

His eyes just glanced slightly, and he couldn't move anymore.

I didn’t know it by looking at it, but I was shocked by this sight.

The white-clothed monk in this crowd does have a striking resemblance to his eldest brother in temperament.

"This monk has a temperament very similar to that of his elder brother. Do you want me to take action and kidnap him?"

A female cultivator who looked to be the youngest across from the wild woman said this.

Hearing this, the wild woman shook her head and said, "Fifth sister, you are too impulsive! We are looking for the eldest brother's heir this time. We must first see if this person has superior talents!"

The eldest brother of the Wild Woman group had stagnated in his cultivation because he had previously ventured into a dangerous area alone.

In desperation, he decided to let a few people go out to look for the successor.

But since we are looking for a successor to the Taoism, we must conduct an assessment.

Let’s not talk about whether the elder brother can take a fancy to him.

But at the very least, you have to get through the eyes of a few of them first.

"What the second sister said is absolutely true. It was the younger sister who was impulsive." The female cultivator who was called the fifth sister put aside this idea and said bitterly, "They are all hateful Supreme clan members. If it weren't for them, eldest brother wouldn't be here either." The cultivation level will be stagnant!”

"Shh, fifth sister, please keep your voice down. We are here to find the heir of our eldest brother this time, not to seek revenge. We must not cause any unnecessary complications!" the wild woman ordered.

"Well, little sister knows."

Let’s not mention the wild women for now.

Let's say that when Ye Fan saw Kou Yu starting to draw his divine sword, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

You know, the divine sword he left here back then was a genuine innate spiritual treasure.

It was when Ye Fan completed the mission in his early years that the system rewarded him with a better magic weapon.

This sword is called "Zhulong".

Since even a real dragon can be killed, how can a war-ready monk get his hands on it?

If it is not recognized by the Dragon-Slaying Sword, even the Venerable will definitely not be able to pull it out easily.

In the ranks of venerables, even without physical training, their physical strength can reach hundreds of millions of kilograms.

The Dragon-Slaying Divine Sword cannot be pulled out even by the Venerable who can lift hundreds of millions of kilograms.

Not to mention Kou Yu, who is currently bursting with a million kilograms of strength.

Looking at Kou Yu trying to pull out the Dragon-Slaying Sword, one after another ferocious veins appeared on his body, like centipedes.

Ye Fan really wanted to persuade him, "Don't waste your efforts. Be careful if you use too much strength, your orifices will bleed to death."

The most important thing is.

It doesn't matter if you die, it won't be good if you spill dirty blood on my divine sword.

Seeing that Kou Yu was still exerting his strength, Ye Fan finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stepped lightly on the ground and flew to the top of the stone monument.

"Hey, hey, you can't do this, so let me do it."

Ye Fan said calmly to Kou Yu.

A man can be told anything he wants, but he cannot be told no!

Although Ye Fan was speaking from his heart, he was speaking the truth.

But to Kou Yu's ears, it sounded like he had been greatly insulted!

"Where did you come from, how dare you say that I can't do it?" Kou Yu stood up slowly, with a fierce look on his face, "Okay, when I catch you, I'll let you see if I can do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Kou Yu stretched out his evil hand towards Ye Fan.

Seeing this, Mark felt a chill in his heart.

Why didn't I check the almanac when I went out today? Why did I meet some disgusting guys!


Before Kou Yu's big hand could touch him, Ye Fan spat at him.

The sound shook in all directions, like thunder.

In the next breath, a half-moon shaped arc of light exploded towards Kou Yu's front door, knocking him under the stone monument.

Kou Yu didn't even touch his clothes, he was already lying under the stone monument, like a dead dog whose life and death were unknown.

"What kind of skill is this? I didn't even see his movements. Could it be that I'm blind?"

"You're not blind. The monk in white didn't take any action just now. He just unleashed his own pressure!"

"A wisp of pressure from oneself can knock away the war-ready monks?!"

Regarding the discussions of many monks in the square, Ye Fan directly chose to ignore them.

What he has to do now is to pull out the God-killing Sword as soon as possible and erase the dark history.

The next moment, in the square of the Immortal Capital, the ground shook, the light shone, the mana was vast, and the stars gathered!

But on the stone tablet with the words "Immortal Daozhou", a colorful divine light soared into the sky, heading straight into the sky!

The central beam of light grew larger and larger, and soon it filled the entire square.

The dazzling seven-colored divine light made many monks unable to even open their eyes.

Just as everyone hurriedly covered their eyes, they only heard such words coming from the crowd.

"Pull it out, the monk in white has pulled it out!"

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