Sign in for a Millennium, How Do I Hide My Ancestors

Chapter 80: The Destruction of the Barbarian Clan

Without the knowledge of all the forces, the first tiger broke through the realm of Emperor Venerable.

Barbarian Domain, South, Barbarian Niu Realm, this is a prairie where all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses bloom.

One of the top ethnic groups in the barbarian realm, the barbarian bull tribe with the ninth-level peak of the king, lives here.

Bulls fight, practice, bathe in the sun, sleep, eat those special flowers and plants, and live a comfortable and leisurely life.

In the wild cattle realm, they do not have any enemies, and everything here belongs to their wild cattle family.

Here, in the savage realm, they are at the top of the food chain.


Suddenly, a panicked roar cut through the sky, but it stopped abruptly.

Groups of bulls who were enjoying life comfortably were startled and raised their heads.

They felt that a dull oppressive force was rapidly condensing in the sky.


Tiger Clan, damn it! You guys are going to start a war!

A sturdy, red-haired, supple and bright bull soared into the sky, galloping through the void, rubbing the air into a burst of red tail flames, and quickly headed towards the border of the Bull Realm.



Countless powerful bulls took off, roaring in the sky, a group of the strongest, spreading their limbs and rushing towards the border, the rest began to organize and mobilize groups to gather towards the border.

Soon, countless bulls galloped up, crossing mountains at every mountain and rivers at every water.

The entire Bull Realm was recalling the roar, and the ground was shaking.

At this time, in the borderland of the Bull Realm, a group of mighty and majestic giant tigers slowly stepped into the Bull Realm.

They were not in a hurry, nor did they launch a surprise attack, but instead gave time for all the strong men of the bullock family to gather.

What they need is a catch.

In this regard, they are very confident.

There is the existence of the first tiger.

At this moment, their tiger clan is already invincible in the savage land.

All groups have become their prey.

The glorious age of their tiger clan has begun.

The curtain is drawn.

Intrigue, they are no longer needed.

Breaking it by force is the most practical!

Going to find them one by one, that would be too much trouble for Mr. No. 1 Tiger!

It's a tiger that doesn't like trouble.

Not long after the time passed, a red cloud rolled from the sky, and finally stopped in front of the tiger clan army.

The red cloud dissipated, revealing the figure of the red bull.

The fierce aura spread out, stopping the tiger clan army.

First Tiger! What are you doing!

The red barbarian bull is the first powerhouse of the barbarian bull race, and it is the pinnacle of the ninth-level king.

It stepped into the void, the bull's eyes were red, and it looked down at the tiger clan army with a fierce light, its eyes patrolled, trying to find the familiar tiger shadow and talk to it.

In its eyes, other trash tigers are not qualified to talk to it.

From now on, the Barbarian Niu Realm will be the hunting ground of the Tiger Clan. All resources will be handed over, and all those above the half-step king will be self-sufficient. Otherwise, the blood will be slaughtered in the Barbarian Niu Realm for three months.

The patriarch of Tiger God Mountain, with the patriarchs of the eight hilltops in Tiger Realm, stepped out of the team.

It looked at the man with a proud look.

Like the supreme power in this world, looking down at the ants below.

Pretty strong bull's eyes stare.

A tiger that was just the king of the eighth layer, didn't even take it seriously?

Talk to it like that!

Just looking for death!

Everyone is not on the same level!

Only the first tiger of the tiger clan is worthy to communicate with it.

When the big brother hasn't come out yet, can the younger brother intervene first?

I don't know the rules!

Man Qiang let out a cold snort, and as soon as the hoof stepped on the patriarch of Tiger God Mountain, he stepped on it.

It moved its hooves directly,

Lazy talking nonsense to a weakling who doesn't know what to call.

The Tiger God Mountain Patriarch's face changed, and his steady demeanor became messy.

First Tiger Lord!

help me!

It screamed as it attacked with its tiger claws.

Because of the first tiger, it can look down on it quite strong, but it does not mean that it has the strength to compete with it.

There is a difference between the eight layers of the king and the nine layers of the king.

This realm sounds like a small realm gap.

But in fact, whether it is the difficulty of breaking the border, or the combat power after breaking the border, it is already a big gap!

The seventh level of the king can still be entangled with the eighth level of the king, or even escape, but it can only be regarded as a small realm.

But the king's ninth-layer realm is already the peak limit of the king's realm, and it can be called a quasi-emperor!

At this level, in the savage realm, I have never heard of an example of a cross-border battle being won.

This is why, only the ethnic groups with the ninth realm of kings can be called the top ethnic groups in the barbarian realm and can occupy the fertile and fertile territory.

Even if there are not many other king levels in the clan, it doesn't matter.

vice versa.

Because only in this realm, in the barbarian realm, can it be called a town clan in the true sense.

This is an existence that can slaughter kings of other levels.


With one hoof, the patriarch of Tiger God Mountain was trampled to the ground, spitting blood from the tiger's mouth, looking embarrassed.

Under the circumstance that it could not be killed with one blow, the first tiger did not choose to shoot.

Its hazy figure came from the rear of the tiger group, slowly stepped over the heads of the giant tigers, and where it passed, auspicious clouds fell from the sky.

The momentum on its body, as more and more powerful bulls gathered, slowly released and climbed to the top.



Pretty strong stared at the first tiger, who was slowly approaching. As time passed, his body trembled more and more frequently.

Most of the momentum of the first tiger is locked in it.

A cloud of death loomed over it, growing thicker and thicker.

No, it's impossible! It's impossible for the barbarian domain to leave the emperor again!

How can you break through!

Pretty strong exclaimed.

As far as it knows, since a big change thousands of years ago, it is impossible for the barbarian realm to have a breakthrough in the emperor realm.

Now the first tiger has broken through!

It doesn't want to believe.

My aptitude is the highest in the past and present, in the sky and the earth, but I am the strongest, and the mere shackles, how can I trap me!

The first tiger spoke proudly.


A tiger roared, setting off gusts of wind, spinning in the sky and the earth.

A group of giant tigers who had been prepared for a long time, even if they covered their ears and closed their six senses in advance, they still looked excruciatingly painful and their hearts were shaking.

And the strong man of the bullock family who faced the impact directly in the sky was directly shaken and his body was unstable, and some even fell directly.

All the tiger clan can revel in the blood slaughter for March, and then the other hills will withdraw. In the future, this place will be the hunting ground of Tiger God Mountain.

The first tiger proudly divided the territory.

Then the figure jumped up and kept skyrocketing, like a tiger coming out of its cage, pounced towards Man Qiang.

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