In the town magic tower.

the third floor.

At this time, Zhu Gang had already been placed in the Thunder Prison by Chu He.

A chain under a lightning ball locked its fully unfolded body.

Chu He has lifted its ban.

After all, the next test still requires his strength.

So at this moment, the pig just struggled happily.

This is the first time that it can use its strength after being caught, and its power explodes, which is very terrifying, and the blood filled in its body makes it more and more irritable.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, which can change all the source books \\mi\\mi reading \\\\ !

The huge struggle directly caused the rumble of the iron chain that locked it, like a pimp, tightening and shrinking, constantly shaking.

This is the first time on the third floor. You must know that in the past, no matter the few demons or the few beasts who came up to experience life occasionally, they were locked by the chains on the third floor and could not move.

But Zhu Gang has been able to do a little resistance.

And its roaring sound caused a thunderstorm in the world of Thunder Prison.

The sound reverberates for a long time!

If those few monsters and beasts are pure little girls, they can also make the thunder ball lighter and pity them.

Then the pig is just a slutty little enchanting.



Thunderball, who is a shaggy man, is excited!

was piqued.

no longer pity.

The thunder and lightning brewing on the pig's head flashed and roared rapidly, expanding continuously, and then collided with the two thunderballs next to it.

The shaggy man calls friends and friends, three in one.


In the world of Thunder Prison, a blinding light flashed.

After a loud bang, a thick and strong thunder pillar smashed above Zhu Gang's head.


The body of Zhu Gang, who was shaking and struggling, froze, and a crackling sound resounded, and then in a burst of strange noises, the whole body of Zhu Gang flashed with electric light.

Then, its body trembled violently, and wisps of black smoke came out from everywhere.


Above, the lightning ball flickered and collided again.

As soon as the pig raised his head, his bloody and violent eyes became even more manic.

It is not the same!

It is indeed very powerful in the realm of Dao Zun, even if it is the pillar of lightning that strengthens the state, it still does not reach the level of making it so painful that it can't take care of itself.


After a roar, the struggle continued and became more intense.

On the shore, the demon Ha Yong opened his eyes and looked at the pig dancing wildly under the thunder and lightning with a look of horror.

That crazy energy.

The violent aura, even if it was blocked by a layer of power on the edge of the Thunder Prison, can still be felt with the eyes.

That tyrannical atmosphere has turned into substance.

Dao Zun!

Definitely Dao Zun!

The demon Ha Yong looked at Chu He, even more panic and despair.

An existence that can capture Dao Zun, its demon life will be even darker, and there is no way to see it.

At this moment, it doubts.

Even if the Heavenly Demon Daoist descends in the future, I am afraid that he will have to be brought in here.

In the past, it was looking forward to the arrival of the Heavenly Demon Daoist to kill this human being. At that time, even if it might be shot to death by Shunpaw, it would recognize it!

But now.

Witnessed the existence of Dao Zun with my own eyes, and fell into the same fate as it.

It dare not think about it!

Even an existence like Dao Zun was captured alive, which made it unimaginable.

Who else can punish this human.

And the big black rat on the side.

Raising his head, he stared dumbly at the terrifying figure struggling under the thunder.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the pile of magic-filled treasures that had just been rewarded in his hand.

I suddenly had a bad feeling.

These things just don't taste good!


It swallowed a rare treasure that had just been stuffed into its mouth with difficulty.

Turning his eyes, he looked at Ha Yong, the demon who had fallen asleep until he opened his eyes again.

With silent questioning.

The corner of Ha Yong's mouth raised a sympathy,

It's like a bitter ugly expression.

Then I closed my eyes, sealed the six senses, and shrunk in the corner!


Several treasures in the hands of the big black mouse fell to the ground and scattered.

It understands the eyes of the demon Hayong!

After all, they are brothers for many years.


Chu He's gaze penetrated the Demon Suppression Tower and looked at the place where the blue smoke was emerging from under the willow tree.

There, the green smoke turned into substance again, and the height increased by nearly a hundred feet.

Most importantly, look at the state of this pig.

It will last long.

This is the most important thing!

The realm of Dao Zun is really powerful!

Those blood evil spirits are also very extraordinary!

Not bad!

Chu He looked up.

Looking at the sky above Lin City, the spiritual rain that condensed again after many years, the smile on his face is even more abundant!

The big black mouse, who has been watching him, used to think he was smiling and kind.

But this moment.

It feels that the smile has never been more evil.


Deep in the Eastern Cang Region.

Pig mane clan.

Time has passed!

The time has come for the pig mane clan to issue invitations.

The ethnic group who received the invitation, no matter what they thought in their hearts, came here with a lot of face.

Even the Dao Zun ethnic group sent representatives to come, giving them enough face.

Even those who had grudges with the pig mane clan, all gritted their teeth and sent representatives.

After all, invitations are given!

If you come, there is still hope.

If you don't come, you will die!

On the large square that was cleaned up by the pig mane clan.

Representatives of all ethnic groups gathered.

In the middle, a huge animal corpse was grilled under the flames.

Even though the beast is dead, it still has a vicious aura that makes ordinary creatures terrified.

Among the representatives of various ethnic groups, there are living creatures of the Consumption Clan.

They looked at the corpse of the senior who was about to be eaten by various races, but in their eyes, they didn't even dare to show their anger.

A suffocating air slammed into their throats.

The creatures of other ethnic groups looked at the corpse that had begun to smell.

Very little greedy.

Most of them were also shocked!

After all, that is the corpse of the Nine-layered Holy Venerable!

In the Eastern Cang Territory, where the Dao Zun does not appear, they are the top powerhouses they can see.

Some of them do not even exist at this level.

The strongest of the pig mane clan, and the only remaining great sage of the pig mane clan, Mane He of the seventh realm of sainthood.

I felt the shock and fear of a group of creatures.

It's very satisfying.

Just wait for the first ancestor to come back.

It muttered to itself.

Behind it, a group of pig hyenas carrying rakes, lined up neatly, and the atmosphere is serious.

Always ready.

Just wait until the pig comes back.

Send out the loudest cheers and blessings.

Congrats for its breakthrough.

Congratulations to the pig mane family who are about to ascend to heaven.

The other creatures below were squatting on the ground, waiting patiently, daring not to complain.

Time passed.

The scent wafting from the middle of the square became stronger and stronger.

The nine-layered animal corpse of the Holy Venerable has been cooked thoroughly under the special flame barbecue.

The shock in the hearts of some creatures, as time passed, dissipated a lot, inhaling the aroma, and feeling ready to move.

After all, the corpse of the ninth-level powerhouse of the Holy Venerable is useful to the living beings present!

It's been a while!

Next to Mane He, an ordinary saint of the pig mane family couldn't help but speak.

Hye He frowned.

It's been a long time indeed!

It's been a month, but the first ancestor still hasn't come back.

It feels a little wrong.

It shouldn't be!

Dao Zun's speed, although it is not clear, I have never felt it, but it is terrifying to think about!

One month should be enough for the first ancestor to do a lot of things!

ps: Everyone said that it is uncomfortable to update separately, so I will send it at the same time tomorrow!

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