After a moment, Yang Man calmed down.

Her first words were;

"Zhang Qing, your courage exceeded my expectations."


Zhang Qing, a human race without any foundation or power, actually dared to covet the sequence?


Yang Man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She finally decided.


"Sequence, it's very difficult."

"The path of a warrior has its limits, but the sequence has no limits."

"11 imperial cities, the sequence is their cornerstone."

"You can imagine how powerful the sequence is."

Zhang Qing; "11 imperial cities? Wasn't Fenghuang City destroyed?"

"The destruction of Fenghuang City does not mean that the Fenghuang clan has been destroyed. Isn't there a member of the Fenghuang clan in the secret prison?"


The Fenghuang clan is still there.

In this way, the position of the guy in the previous life of Blue Star who inherited the sequence in Phoenix City is questionable.

Fortunately, I opened up the situation in the sub-city.

If I go to Fenghuang City with a flattering face, who knows what will happen.

"You keep talking about sequence sequence. I want to know, what kind of existence is sequence?"

Zhang Qing asked.

"It is a path, a path with infinite possibilities."

Yang Man was frank;

"This path will produce an incomparable spiritual power."

"It can be transformed into a kind of spiritual attack similar to secret method, which is almost impossible to defend."

"And it can be combined with martial arts."

It should not be a lie.

Zhang Qing came into contact with the devil's energy.

It is indeed of spiritual attribute.

"Then how strong is it?"

"Strength?" Yang Man smiled;

"Once a sequencer sets foot, he will start with the strength of Chaoyang Realm!"

"If your martial arts is also Chaoyang Realm, the combination of the two will make you invincible at the same level, and even cross-levels can win!"

"Zicheng, a sequencer can kill directly through!"

Zhang Qing's eyes lit up.


This is a hang!

A hang belonging to a hidden profession!

I want to learn this!

Yang Man hadn't finished speaking yet;

"The power of the sequence can be added to all your skills, secrets, weapons, etc."

"This is the key to its power."


Zhang Qing; "What's wrong?"

"My information on how to advance to the sequence is incomplete."


Fortunately, you didn't have it, otherwise you would have killed all of Zicheng.

"Do you think the strange blood warrior is the key?"

"I thought so at first. After all, this kind of tyrannical spiritual power needs to be carried, and nothing is better than the strange body."

"What about now?"

"Now, as you can see, we are stuck in a stalemate. Hu Ya's success was accidental, and the strange blood warrior is likely to be a wrong direction."

"Okay, now let's get down to business. What do you need, or what is your next plan?"

Zhang Qing said.

Yang Man said so much, but it was basically useless, without any key information.

In fact, it was because she still did not promote the process of the sequencer's job transfer.

"I have a key piece of information, but Zhang Qing, what do you want to exchange for it?" Yang Man looked at Zhang Qing and said.

I knew he had this trick.

"I also have a key piece of information, which is enough to qualify for the transaction!"


"Yes, if I don't have the goods, how dare I say this to you."

"So, what is your key information?"

Zhang Qing didn't speak, but approached Yang Man.

Yang Man was shocked, and then she forcibly resisted the urge to retreat.

"My key information is that the promotion of the sequence requires the entry of taboos!"

"And taboos play an extremely important role in it."

Zhang Qing finished speaking.

Now, it's Yang Man's turn to speak.

At this moment, Zhang Qing is not even one meter away from Yang Man. If Yang Man regrets or gives false information.

Zhang Qing will draw his sword without hesitation and kill him on the spot.

Then call his wife for help.

Leave the sub-city directly.

As for the secret methods, he will come back later.

Yang Man was surprised at Zhang Qing's understanding of the taboo.

But it finally proved Yang Man's own guess.

This piece of information barely passed.

In fact, it was more or less like a person who had to bow his head under the eaves.

In this situation, she could not hesitate or lie. Zhang Qing was so murderous that he was about to draw his sword and attack.

So, Yang Man said;

"What I can be sure of is."

"How to obtain that extraordinary spiritual power, or in other words, I have a way to improve spiritual power."

"What is it?"

"It is acting, or in other words, regard this city as a theater, and you will play a role in it."A 'role'!"

"You decide the 'role' by yourself. Follow your heart. Whatever you want to be, that's what you are."

"In the process of acting, your spiritual power will gradually increase, and eventually, you will see your way!"

Zhang Qing was dumbfounded.

This is unreasonable...

No, this seems to be reasonable.

There is such a saying on Blue Star.

Buddhism's great compassion.

Taoism's self-cultivation.

Confucianism's unity of knowledge and action.

From this, practice is to cultivate the mind!

This is almost the same as what Yang Man said about acting.


What kind of fantasy development is this.


The martial arts of the dark world can cultivate true qi, and the world of flying and hiding above the rising sun does not seem to be abrupt.

Everything is possible, right?

"Acting? This seems to have a loophole. What if I think I am a tree? Stand in the middle of the road and ask someone to water me?"

"And then the spiritual power increases? "

Zhang Qing said.

Yang Man was stunned by Zhang Qing's imagination.

What kind of person is this.

"If you choose this as your 'role', then congratulations, you are dead!" Yang Man said;

"Playing a dead object, you will eventually become a dead object!"

"Then what do you usually play?" Zhang Qing continued to ask.

He was like a sponge, and he had to empty Yang Man.

"It is best to be a 'role' that embodies some kind of emotion." Yang Man said;

"For example, hatred, you define your 'role' as a hater, then the process of revenge is the way you play, in which you will hear the echo of the pendulum of fate, and you will see the nodes on your path one by one."

"These nodes will be transformed into some kind of powerful secret ability, either extremely powerful or extremely functional. "

Zhang Qing nodded.

What Yang Man said was relatively easy to understand.

For example, hatred, the 'horn' is the hater, so if you want to gain more powerful power, you must continue on the road of revenge.

In Lan Xing's words, that is obsession!


Zhang Qing thought of Yun Xiaoxi.

At this moment, she should be playing the role of a wife.

Wait, there is another question.

"If the 'horn' is hatred, what will happen if the revenge is successful in the end?"

Yang Man smiled.

Zhang Qing can ask this question, which shows that this person is really smart.

"The ending is simple, that is death!" Yang Man said;

"If revenge is successful, your 'horn' loses its meaning, the path will collapse, and finally, it will end in death in the grand fireworks! "

Zhang Qing couldn't help but take a step back.

He discovered a vicious circle!

The hater can only maintain order by taking the path of revenge, but the end of the path is collapse.

Going to the end, the final result is death!

Zhang Qing was still thinking about turning into an avenger directly.

With the destruction of the blue planet in the previous life as the foundation, wouldn't he wake up every day on the path of revenge?

Wouldn't that be Kuku taking off?


Now I understand that this idea is too naive.

Power has a price!

Do you want to be a savior who is destined to sacrifice?

Get out!

What I like is; I don't eat beef!

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