"Husband, look at this image. You were the one who comforted me when I cried. I should be devoted to you!" Bai Fengyao blinked her big beautiful eyes and said seriously.

To be honest, if I had beaten Master, I would have done it directly!

Chen Fan's face turned black on the spot.

Traitor, I am so angry!

Calm down, calm down.

Then he smiled slightly: "Fengyao, do you want to let your parents know about this?"

Bai Fengyao was stunned for a moment.

"Husband, my parents will know about us sooner or later. I can deal with it. Husband, don't worry!"

That tone was completely for the sake of Master. As long as it works, it will be a big problem to hide it from parents.

Upon hearing this, Chen Fan closed his eyes. What a sin.


Must love the traitor!

It was just like a joke.

He said seriously: "Fengyao, this is not a joke!"

Bai Fengyao nodded respectfully, "Husband, I know! So I am serious!"

I want to impress Master?

How can I do it? I have no experience.

Chen Fan was heartbroken, really.

I never expected that this kind of thing would happen to him again. Maybe it was karma... retribution.

Then he laughed, that's what I deserved!

"Fengyao, walk with me..."

It's impossible to drive away the traitor... I can only go with the flow.

Bai Fengyao was delighted and quickly chased after him, "Master, are you promising me?"

His face was full of expectations.

Whether he can be on an equal footing with Junior Sister Xiao Yu depends on this time!

Chen Fan turned his head and stared at the face of the traitor, and then tapped her snow-white forehead, "You... think too much. We are so familiar with each other, and I am your master, how can I do it?"

Too familiar, it's really easy to do it. Not to mention that traitors are always cunning.

Bai Fengyao took Chen Fan's arm and smiled, "Master, I care. I will walk with you..."

She knew that as long as she wanted to impress the master and play a sad drama, the master would definitely be soft-hearted. But it's always okay to trick the master... It seems that I have too many cunning.

Too familiar... Master is easy to do it to me? Then I will give the master time and opportunity to do it to me.

In this way, they walked and walked until dusk.

Sat down on a big rock at the top of the hill.

As they chatted, Bai Fengyao fell down and leaned directly on Chen Fan's shoulder.

Master, I'm tired, I want to sleep.

The opportunity is given to you, you can do it as you see fit.

Then close your eyes and wait quietly.

Chen Fan turned his head to see the face close at hand, quite helpless, the traitor is playing tricks on him again.

He whispered: "Girl, are you tired?"

Bai Fengyao: "..."

He said with martial ethics, kept his word, and slept with me again!

Forget it, I don't care.

He didn't open his eyes, just muttered, "Master, I want to sleep..."

Chen Fan smiled, "Then you sleep."

Then he looked at the sunset by himself.

Bai Fengyao was speechless, it seemed that she was still too familiar with him, and the master was not easy to do to me. He kissed me, and there was no love.

Then he rubbed and fell asleep.

Night fell.

Chen Fan realized that the traitor was really asleep... Then he got up and carried her away.

Thinking of her lovesickness... I was speechless.

But letting the master relieve her lovesickness... That would be really easy.

He wanted to protect the girl from the past all the time.

Let it be...

As if she had noticed some movement, Bai Fengyao woke up and slept soundly.

I found that the master was holding her... Hurry up and hold her tight, don't let me fall.

"Master, it's dark..."

Chen Fan hummed, "It's dark, Master will take you back to rest."


Bai Fengyao didn't open her eyes, but just felt the angle, and with a force of her arm, she kissed him directly.

Red lips collided.

Their background was a huge bright moon.

Chen Fan called him a traitor! He betrayed his master and destroyed his ancestors! He was a traitor!

They separated after a long while.

"Master, this is to thank you for holding me back." Bai Fengyao said confidently.

Master is easy to deal with, so I can only do it. It doesn't matter if I'm familiar with him, the main thing is that I like it this way.

Chen Fan touched her long hair, "Fengyao, you have really grown up..."

You can play like this! Act first and then ask for permission, it's so fancy!

"That's natural, Master, I will always grow up. Besides, I will always be your disciple, and I will definitely be your future husband..." Bai Fengyao hinted wildly.

She felt that as long as she kissed the master, she would be the master's daughter, otherwise the master's heart of Tao would be broken by her! Well...that's it.

Chen Fan teased: "Husband? Then Fengyao, giving birth is very painful..."

"Master, I care, I dream of having our baby." Does Bai Fengyao think this is natural?

She must give birth to a few babies for the master, otherwise how can she become a mother.

Faced with the rebellious disciple's unrestrained words, Chen Fan was completely defeated.

But then I heard——

"Master, you will definitely fulfill this wish of your disciple, right?" Bai Fengyao took advantage of the victory and let me give birth.

Chen Fan smiled, "If it really comes to that, Master will satisfy you no matter what you want."

"Master, you are so kind."

"Don't be too happy too soon, you still have to face your master's wives."

Bai Fengyao: "..."

Master knows how to chat.

Wife... I must have beaten 놊, so I can only add 극!

The problem is big.

"Master Wife...well, Master, I'm going to bed."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep."

Bai Fengyao hummed softly, then leaned closely against her, feeling happy in her heart...

that's all.

Time passed slowly.

Until one day.

"Husband, I'm pregnant, it's a twin of a boy and a girl!" Bai Fengyao was filled with joy.

께The goal was achieved, and I successfully became my master’s wife!

The 껩 of 땤husband뇽 is extremely smooth, obviously the result of practicing too many times day and night.

As for why I got pregnant...it started from the day I fell down. After all, he has become a true traitor... in the shape of his master!

"Dragon and phoenix twins..." Chen Fan was stunned for a moment. It is easy to conceive twins of dragon and phoenix. "Husband, let me see..."

He quickly hugged Bai Fengyao's delicate body and felt it.

The movements were smooth and smooth, and it was obvious that they had been practiced many times, day and night. 땤Let’s start with the incident where one of their gunfire went off... it was too familiar... Then he finally took action!

Bai Fengyao had a smile on her face, and her temperament had obviously changed a lot after marrying another companion.

In addition, she is pregnant now, so she is kind and loving.

"Husband, we have a baby..."

Chen Fan was very happy, "Husband, congratulations on becoming a mother."

It’s still two at a time, dragon and phoenix, you can tell it when you go in and see it yourself.

The two 그꾮 are leaning against each other.

The relationship has deteriorated... It's reasonable for them to have two babies.

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