A sudden cry broke the tense atmosphere and the tranquility.

Everyone: "..."

Immediately, my eyes widened, looking at the baby in the arms of the Supreme Alliance Leader, and I was confused for a moment.

"It's born, it's born!"

After reacting, I smiled instantly.

It's already born!

"Alliance Leader sister gave birth..."

"Husband, it's born!"

It just feels so sudden.

It seems that we have worried for nothing.

I immediately gathered around to see that they have another baby.

Chen Fan: "..."

"Madam, I saw it."

After being confused for a while, his face was full of joy.

Staring at the Alliance Leader's wife holding the baby in one hand, nervous and excited.

"Little guy, be good..." After the Supreme Alliance Leader comforted the crying baby, he said: "Husband, come and see..."

Although there were some unexpected factors in their relationship, they gave birth to the baby together, and both parents agreed. It is also the best witness of their love.

And the little guy immediately cooperated and stopped crying.

Chen Fan laughed and caught his baby, and wrapped it up.

"Little guy, you are finally here."

It's a bad boy.

"Husband, I want to see, I want to see." Lingxiao Supreme opened his arms, eager to try, and was so excited.

Chen Fan smiled and handed the baby to her. Anyway, she was about to give birth, so it was okay to practice in advance.

Then he leaned next to the Alliance Leader's wife and grabbed her jade hand, "Madam, are you afraid of causing trouble for us?"

I'm not bragging, I have delivered so many babies, and I have never seen this kind of thing!

Too fast.

The Supreme Alliance Leader smiled softly, "Husband, the Great Ancestor is not here now. For the sake of safety, we can sacrifice a little guy."

That's right, I transferred the Supreme Fetus here.

It's that simple and efficient.

Chen Fan certainly understood what he meant and felt ashamed for a second, "Madam, it's all my fault..."

"Husband, it's okay, it won't affect the baby, don't worry." The Supreme Alliance Leader quickly comforted him, husband, don't get postpartum depression.

Chen Fan didn't think about his wife being too painful...then he didn't feel guilty about the baby.

In this way, the Alliance Leader's wife can better control her own strength to avoid accidents.

Then he leaned against the Alliance Leader's wife and snuggled with each other...the old rules, the baby, someone else takes care of it.


[Ding, a descendant of supreme talent is born, congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Supreme Eighth Level Cultivation……]

Chen Fan: “……”

It was also at this time that it was noticed that the phenomena outside were undergoing some huge changes.

Chen Fan and the Supreme Alliance Leader both looked over unconsciously, their eyes piercing the endless void.

The women surrounding the baby were stunned for a moment, “There is a strange phenomenon!”

Because the baby was born too quickly, they almost forgot about it.

Otherwise, the strange phenomenon should have come with the birth of the baby.

It can be said that with the strength of the Alliance Leader sisters, giving birth is faster than the strange phenomenon.

As for the strange phenomenon coming, it is completely reasonable and expected.

Lingxiao Supreme was stunned for a moment. This strange phenomenon... is strange!

Her pretty face condensed, "Husband, Alliance Leader..."

She turned her head and found that her husband and the Alliance Leader's sister also had solemn expressions.

The Supreme Alliance Leader had a protective look on his face and said: "This is... the guardian... the power of the source of time..."

Unexpectedly, the guardian would come with their baby's strange phenomenon, and even the breath of the source of time appeared... It's unbelievable.

Of course, it can also be understood that their child attracted the attention of the guardian...

"Guardian..." Chen Fan also had a protective look on his face, "How could they appear, and why did the source of time come..."

The guardian is the guardian of the treasures of Taishi Yujin.

The first time I heard about it was on the disk of the wife of the Goddess of Taichu, because of the existence of the Taichu Meteorite.

And there are usually twelve guardians of each treasure. Now it is missing and nowhere to be found, but I didn't expect it to appear at this time...

As for the source of time, he didn't know, but he also heard his wife mention it. In short, it represents a terrible time power, which is definitely not simple.

"How can they appear..." Lingxiao Supreme naturally heard about it.

The Goddess of Taichu also had this idea, because she was too familiar with the existence of the Taichu Meteorite.

"Husband, sister leader, this matter is not simple."

The women also became nervous.

Chen Fan's eyes sank, "Ladies, I'll go and see the situation."

...By the way, break through a cultivation level.

The Supreme Alliance Leader was about to stand up, "Husband, I'll accompany you!"

"Madam, no need, let me handle it. Besides, I have many treasures and I have more say." Chen Fan stopped him.

You just gave birth, don't worry about it.

The Supreme Alliance Leader heard it, that's right, maybe it's related to the husband.

"Husband, then you be careful."

Whether it's a good thing or not, you have to be vigilant and don't allow it. Because there are always many variables when you don't know something...

Chen Fan nodded, and then disappeared in the palace.


"It's born, it's born."


Everyone knew that the Supreme Alliance Leader had given birth, and they were finally relieved.

When the grandparents can hold their grandchildren again, they can't be happy.

They rushed to see their grandchildren immediately.

Bai Fengyao and others were also paying attention, congratulating the master for becoming a father again.

And the Supreme Ancestors also breathed a sigh of relief, the leader had given birth, no problem.

Fortunately, fortunately.

It was not easy to welcome the birth of a baby for the first time, and they needed to be so nervous and make such a big scene.

Then they smiled at each other with ease, saying nothing.


The whole Supreme God Realm changed drastically, a terrifying atmosphere filled the air, and a vision came.

It was inexplicably difficult to breathe, and breathing was rapid.

Everyone looked up in shock.

"It's a vision!"

"What a terrible vision!"


Instantly tense.

At the same time, with excitement and awe.

Because this means that another terrifying monster is coming!

Absolutely anti-level!

"Look, what is that?"

"It looks like a terrifying existence! So many!? What kind of sacred phantom has been attracted to come?"

"There is fire! They are bathed in fire, the power of the divine fire is so terrifying!"

"Look, there is also water! They are walking on water!"

"That is thunder! It smashed the darkness and came!"

In addition, there are many other attributes.

The power is overwhelming, which can be called a surging momentum. It makes people feel extremely awed from a distance and the pressure is huge.

Everyone is afraid to move.

"What a strange phenomenon is this..." Even the many supreme elders are trembling.

Because they have never seen such a strange phenomenon.

So many phantoms, it's like all kinds of mysterious and powerful people are coming...

On the other hand, the Supreme Ancestors are also confused.

"This is... the arrival of the Guardian!"

What is a Guardian? All of them are supreme! The Supreme Five Ancestors, the Goddess Taisu, have the most say, because the Taisu imperial power has a mission!

"Also, the aura of various sources of time!" The Supreme Three Ancestors shouted directly.

He had been squatting on this thing, but he didn't expect that it would appear together with the strange vision of the descendants of the Chen family...


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