Sign in as the emperor at the beginning and build an invincible ancient family

Chapter 64: The Chen family secures the huge city, and the divine tablet of enlightenment! The ancie

Chapter 64: Settle the Chen Family and Anbang City, and Enlighten the Divine Monument! The Taiyue Monument!

Bai Fengyao's eyes widened, and her exquisite mouth turned into an O shape.

I know that Master always does some big things behind my back without saying anything! He didn't even say hello, and as a disciple, I didn't feel any sense of participation!

Yang Lingqing was stunned on the spot, thinking that it must be good under the command of the son of the Chen family, but he didn't expect such a big city! And it expanded endlessly under his nose!

Others watched the magnificent city being built rapidly, with ups and downs. This scene impacted the visual nerves and was extremely shocking.

In their eyes, it was no different from a miracle!

They didn't dare to ask or speak, for fear of disturbing, but the activities inside were extremely exciting, staring at each other, as if speaking with their eyes.

The emperor is awesome!

He just stood there, motionless, and expanded the city of ten thousand miles with a thought! It can be said to be a super city as vast as the ocean!

It was effortless, and he didn't even use a little spiritual power! Hiss~

No, it was just a breath!

In fact, the emperor just glanced!

The ancestor is awesome! With one look, the Chen family's Anbang City!

Desolate City!

The masters of the major sects were shocked beyond words and completely convinced.

This scene is exaggerated and outrageous. They thought they couldn't do it so easily. I'm afraid it's only the legendary supreme law, right?

The masters of the Gods and Demons gazed with their beautiful eyes and sighed, "It's so big!"

The endless city of Wo, stretching endlessly, seems to be an endless automatic reproduction...

It seems that a long time has passed, but compared to such a feat, it seems to be extremely short.

At about the same time, Chen Fan knew that 13 was over.

Yes, in this way, the regional foundation of the Chen family is considered to be a stable group, and the only thing missing is the population...

Others, who couldn't recover for a long time, still sighed with excitement, witnessing the miracle with their own eyes.

And Bai Fengyao flew into the air, and a beautiful figure came over, "Master, how did you do it? Teach me?"

After learning it, go back and dismantle the Wo Feng clan, without doing it yourself, without consuming spiritual power, just take a look and you can build it yourself! Increase your sense of participation and contribute to the clan.

"Girl, do you want to learn everything?" Chen Fan glanced at his eldest disciple.

Bai Fengyao nodded seriously, her eyes full of expectation, her mind full of thoughts of dismantling the Phoenix Clan and rebuilding it, extremely serious!

Chen Fan said solemnly: "When you reach the level of your master, you will naturally learn it."

Indeed, it is not too difficult for the emperor to create simple things at will, but it requires a lot of power.

Unless you master a higher level of power and become a top emperor. For example, the law, but that kind of thing is too rare, not everyone can comprehend it, it requires great opportunities and chances, and it is hard to find.

Bai Fengyao heard that this is the case, "Okay, Master, then I will practice well."

Silently in his heart, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Xiao Yu on the battleship envied this big and fat senior sister, who could stand beside the master so confidently. No, I have to work hard! Don't drag the master's legs!

Yang Lingqing and Ling Qingcheng watched silently, and the look in their eyes when they looked at Chen Fan's back said it all.

Chen Fan smiled, this girl wanted to join in any excitement anyway.

Then he looked down from the air, this is the core area of ​​the Chen family, where the divine crystal vein is located.

It's better to encounter than to choose, and it just so happens that the sign-in rewards in the past few days can be arranged directly.

Chen Fan then chose a good place and pointed it over.


A cliff rose from the ground below, extremely high, comparable to the cloud peak in the city.

Immediately afterwards, a huge divine stone monument suddenly fell on it, standing between the ground, intimidating.

On it, there are several sharp and mysterious characters "Enlightenment Monument". Just one look at it seems to make people feel uneasy.

"This is the enlightenment cliff of my Chen family." He murmured.

Then, he pointed again and pointed to another place.

Taiyue Monument, a huge solid stone appeared with a bang.

"Guarding the foundation of my Chen family, the fortune is prosperous..."

Enlightenment Monument, with understanding, can improve the disciples' understanding, absolutely rare in the world!

And Taiyue Monument is the foundation of the family's fortune! It is also a powerful divine stone that can detect the talents of family disciples, automatically communicate the power of Tao, and even give disciples the illusory power of fortune.

Chen Fan was very satisfied.

Everyone watched the emperor busying himself, and they didn't dare to ask or say anything. They only knew that the emperor got two big stones out.

But we noticed that the two stone tablets were definitely extraordinary! We don't know what they are exactly.

Bai Fengyao was stunned. The foundation stone of the clan! It looks even more powerful than the Phoenix Stele of our Phoenix Clan...

Chen Fan turned around and looked at everyone, and his deep voice spread out.

"This is the Enlightenment Divine Stele. From now on, it will be the Enlightenment Cliff of our Chen family, helping the disciples of the family to understand the Tao and improve their understanding."

"And that is the Taiyue Stele, which will keep the fortune of our Chen family from being lost. It gives the power of luck to the clan members..."

Enlightenment Divine Stele! Taiyue Stele! Everyone was shocked. The emperor was really swift and decisive. The foundation of the family was solved on the spot. Fast, too fast!

This thing can improve your understanding and give you luck. It is really amazing and tempting. The powerful people are very tempted. I wonder if they will move to Chen's house.

But think about it, the fallen city lords have become the sacrifices for the founding of the Chen family. They feel sorry for them for a second.

And Bai Fengyao began to think about this thing. It should not be moved away, otherwise the master will beat her. I wonder if they will move the Phoenix Clan here...

Then, Chen Fan took out some porcelain bottles casually, "Okay, the masters of the major sects, this is what you deserve, it will help you."

It is some blood and Jiujiu Shenquan water. The subordinate forces must be cultivated, because they are the first line of defense to protect the Chen family!

It is the eyes of the founding clan.

Seeing this, many powerful people from the sects were shocked and quickly took it with both hands. They didn't dare to see what it was.

"Thank you, great emperor, for the gift. This is our duty." All of them spoke.

The things given by the great emperor must be extraordinary! They were ecstatic.

"Okay, you go back to the sect to deal with the remaining affairs. If there is any change, just notify me as soon as possible." Chen Fan reminded.

There are more things to deal with next, so don't be careless.

"Yes, great emperor, we will take our leave." The masters of the major sects left afterwards.

The Chen family officially returned to the family to reorganize.

There are so many things to deal with, and the city of Huangwan must be planned and divided.


At the same time.

The entire Abyss Domain didn't know what happened, anyway, it was quite sudden.

The masters didn't notice it a little bit, just a few rumbles, the grass didn't change color, the boundless earth changed, the grass fell into the city!

It was really sudden, the grass fell into the city! It was simply incredible.

At this moment, Luoyun Sect.

The sect noticed the movement, and all the disciples began to look solemn and restless, running out to watch.

"What is that?"

"Wow, it seems to be a city!"

"It's a city! So big!"

"What's going on! It's only a few miles away from our Luoyun Sect!"

Confused, looking at each other. The sect was not attacked by anyone, but by a city, which occupied the surrounding area of ​​our Luoyun Sect!

It stopped expanding only when it reached the door of the house.

Su Chanyue looked at the city, which was less than a few miles away from the sect gate, confused and silent.

What the hell?

How did it come to the door of our Luoyun Sect!

Shouldn't it go into the city when it goes out later?

Or should it go around?

I don't know why the master didn't come back after dealing with the Zhang family... Ba and Chen Fan are together again.



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